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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='102716' date='Dec 11 2007, 02:32 PM']Dude, I can do mine in 1 trip and it takes me 10 mins to set up the amp and three basses, tops. If I have wireless units, it takes a bit longer to fit them, hook 'em up and test levels. Generally the more stuff I can do at home (like fitting transmitters to belts) the better off I am.[/quote] You're so right, it is about doing stuff at home, and preping in advance, I guess it's alos about familiarity with your equipment and how often you gig, some of us are playing all the time, probably others a lot less often. Someone else mentioned confidence in your kit etc.. I think that plays a massive role, I've been giging the same set up for 7 or 8 years now (although I have just got a new head after my Trace started cutting out on me form time to time), so I know what I need, and have a few odds and sods for on the spot repairs just in case.
  2. i'm in Reading too
  3. [quote name='jacko' post='102707' date='Dec 11 2007, 02:17 PM']You won't be popular if you do that. see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9654"]<a href="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9654" target="_blank">http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9654[/url]</a>[/quote] rofl I only do it when I've arranged it an advance, I have no problem with people using my kit (i've even had to lend out a bass at one gig to a 'forgetful' player!) If someone doesn't want to kit share that's fine, it's only for onstage monitoring after all 99% of times your DI'd straight from the bass and the soundman EQs all the basses the same. I really don't want to be lugging extra kit around with me, and most bands welcome the extra stage space. Most of the bigger gigs I do they provide a backline anyway, usually one of those awfull ampeg beasts (grumble grumble)
  4. I can't believe how much kit some of you guys take, it must take longer to set up than you are playing for? I try to keep it simple, so for most gigs: 1 Bass 1 Amp 1 Cab 1 Small Case with leads, strings, tools, FX etc. 2 trips from the car - and I'll leave the cab behind if I can borrow one. My case has everything in it for on the spot repairs, and string changes. As well as random bits of kit like DI box, spare IEC leads, batteries , pen, paper, flyers etc etc.
  5. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='102420' date='Dec 10 2007, 10:13 PM']...just got in from today's shows - there's the `swamp scene' where the tree Troll comes out - scares the kiddies sh%tless - course today one of the crew members decides to go for it with the bloody smoke machine and we get completely fogged out - I'm like `wheres my bass gone'! B*stard![/quote] Hah ha, yes, I get this every time the flying carpet comes out! Not seeing the bass is bad but managable, the best was when the tech decided to kill all the lights for the Villain coming onstage, keyboard player couldn;t see a thing.I think it was the closest to free jazz that panto gets!
  6. I'm in Aladdin in Slough! 40 shows in three weeks! ouch
  7. sweet, thanks Jeniffer - and it's holding a Roots record in the pic - nice
  8. [quote name='chenzo_1' post='94215' date='Nov 25 2007, 06:07 PM']just brought a yamaha trb 5II a couple of weeks back and just can't seem to get on with it. Just wondering if there was anyone who be interested? I'm looking for about £350 Any comments welcome[/quote] Stick with it Vince, next time you're around I'll sort the set up on it for you if you want - you know you need the low notes
  9. Hi, I've just bough an Eden Time Traveller (it's lurvly) and I want to get a case for it (gig bag style rather than a rack) Any suggestions where I can get one? I'm not bothered if it's eden or not as long as it fits - i don't really know where to start looking. it's dimensions are 13"W x 3.5"H x 12"D Eden make them - but US only and they have none in stock [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/accessories/accessories.asp"]Eden Accesories[/url] Thanks
  10. [quote name='paul, the' post='73868' date='Oct 13 2007, 04:35 PM']This is something I'm really looking forward to. When I first joined the forum I was surprised that the technique and theory section was such a baron wasteland. Perhaps this section will be BCs redemption.[/quote] lol - Isn't theory and Technique a baron wasteland for most bass players (you know who you are...)
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='91765' date='Nov 20 2007, 07:57 PM']You should always control the volume using the master rather than the gain or input volume. Some amps sound sh*te if they dont have a strong enough input signal. Often they have clip lights or vu meters (on ashdowns that apparently dont work) that are supposed to flash occasionally. I always liked the old trace system of coloured lights (shame I hated the sound).[/quote] +1 Bass Ferret is exactly right, you want you input volume/gain contrl set as high as possible without clipping, that way there is more sound going into the amp for all the on board EQ's and other features to play with, thus giving you a much richer and fuller tone. I did a gig last Friday where the supplied amp had no Input control (some horrible Hartke combo) and playing an active bass I spent the whole night distorted, afterwards one of trumpet players in the band turned around and said "nice set, dunno about your new distortion pedal though!" grrrr.
  12. 4x10 and the 1x15 all the way: - it will be more portable - you will have better (more even) frequency response - it will be much easier and cheaper to source a rig second hand Also I think I'm right in saying that becuse you would be using two of the amps outputs rather than just one you should get more juice from your amp, I don't know that it would be significantly louder per se (your using three less cones after all) IMO the 8x10 looks a little tacky unless you're playing huge venues, but then you wanna attach it to a 2x15... EDIT: Just re-read your post, you're already using a 4x10 combo. I'm a little confused as to wheter you want an additional 4x10 or an additional 8x10 (12 tens does seem excessive). Still I'd go for the 1x15 anyway, get those low notes pumping, you;ve got the midrange covered
  13. I don't play ERB (5 string doesn't count) but for my money why go higher - you're just getting into other instruments registers. now a low F# that does appeal to me. The unique thing about the bass is it's lower registry, no one wants bassists playing all widdly up high, IMO the lower the better.
  14. Hi All, Just thought that I'd give a gig I'm doing this Saturday a little plug. We're an 11 piece funk, hip hop and soul group and we're returning to Windsor Arts Centre (our spiritual home), and we're being supported by Lazy Habits, another live funk/hip hop group. It should be a really fun and sweaty evening full of bass, beats, breaks, brass and beer. (and any other aliterations you can think of!) Tickets are £6 in advance or £7.50 on the door,[b]but as a special offer to all you Basschatters out there I've sorted a pair of complimentary tickets free to the first person to PM me[/b] (but please make sure you can come so they don't go to waist) If you make can make it down then that would be wicked, make sure you introduce yourself to me, I'll be the one playing bass! Here’s the blurb…. [i]“The Common Moral Cause are an ever growing collective of musicians, who combine their eclectic tastes in Funk, Hip Hop, Jazz and Soul to create a fluid funk flava of their own. Hot favourites at WAC they will be returning to do a special show debuting their new eleven piece line up with a beefed up brass section and additional percussion. TCMC will also be performing some brand spanking new tunes off of their forthcoming EP, giving the audience the chance to be the first to hear them live. TCMC will be joined by very special guests Lazy Habits, who play Beats, Rhymes & Brass of the highest quality, based around a five piece core of drums, bass, brass & lyrics, with a extended collective comprising a variety of other artists & musicians. Watch out for some hot, for one night only jams and collaborations between the two bands on the night”[/i]The Common Moral Cause & Lazy Habits, live at Windsor Arts Centre, Sat 24 November, Tickets are £6 if booked in advance, or £7.50 on the door. To book tickets tel. 01753 859336 For info on the bands:[url="http://www.thecommonmoralcause.com"] www.thecommonmoralcause.com [/url]& [url="http://www.lazyhabits.co.uk"]www.lazyhabits.co.uk[/url]
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='89818' date='Nov 17 2007, 11:35 AM']I was walking home from a jam night with my bass gigbag on my back and a bunch of lads approached me because they thought I was some kind of nutter wearing an Elvis quiff wig. When they realised I had a heavy lump of wood instead they decided against taking the p155.[/quote] Whenever I'm carrying my gig bag the guy in my local shop asks me if I've caught anytinhg, and then proceeds to question me about fishing?? Every time, no matter how often I tell him "no no it's not a fishing rod it's a bass" I don't fish but isn't a fishing rod quite a lot longer and thiner than a bass guitar?
  16. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='87921' date='Nov 13 2007, 03:47 PM']which Cobra lager??? they make several different types under the Cobra label and only one of them is alcohol free... what colour bottle is it in?[/quote] Not entirley on topic, but almost; Cobra beer used to be called Panther Beer, but it didn't sell, so they changed the name to Cobra, and sales rocketed. Ex-Pats said that they could remember Cobra from before the war (which they couldn;t because it didn't exist)!
  17. thanks for all your responses guys. The amp came with the wrong manual ! although I've now got a copy of the proper one and read it cover to cover, it didn't make things any clearer, I think I may re-read it though with all of these answers in mind and see if that helps. Like I say it's not a volume issue merely about having a range of speaker combinations. I think for the time being I'll stick with the 1x15 at 4ohm. Just to be on the safe side. Whenever Im depping at bigger gigs they always provide a backline anyway (although it's usually an Amped SVT, not really my taste)! Thanks
  18. Hmm Thanks for your responses, My understanding is that I can add another 2x10 but that it should be rated at 4 ohms as I won;t hear an 8ohm one. I'm a little worried about this as the back of the amp seems to have only 1 output for 2 ohms it looks like this... am I right in thinking the Speakon output is for 2 ohms? As Eden have no distributor in the uk they have been really really poor at responding to any queries (ie no response) shame 'cause it's a great product. I'm not worried about voulme it's plenty loud enough, it's more about response, I love the sound of the Peavey 15, but it lacks a little punch that I think I'll get rom 10's - hence wanting a 2x10
  19. I've been trying to understand all of this stuff recently, as I'm upgrading my rig for the first time in 10 years, I think I'm there (although don't take what I say as gospel). If you have 2 speaker cabs the power from the amp should split evenly between the two cabs. As for using your current cabs, this I'm less sure about, so I've deleted the response I just wrote... lol and have a similar query on another thread. The advice I've been consistently given is, if you hear distartion turn down before you damage the speakers, seems to have worked so far.
  20. Thanks to all the responses to my previous posts. I'm now the proud owner of an Eden Time Traveller WT405 and I love it, really accuratley reproduces the sound of the bass with too much additional tonal colouring (if that makes sense) it also has massivley powerfull EQ to boot (in case I decide to join a dub band), although I just leave it falt and it sounds lurvley. For those of you that have seen my previous posts I've been having a bit of a dilemma with CABS. I can't afford to buy new ones. I currently Have a Trace Elliot 4 x 10 which i'm gonna get rid of (i reckon about £100 if anyones interested) and a Peavey 1x15. My plan was to keep the Peavey and stick a 2x10 with a tweeter on top of it, I liked the sound of the 4x10 with the 1x15 but that was overkill for the gigs I'm playing. However I've just found out from the factory that my Peavey is the 4 ohm version. Does this mean that I can't put a 2x10 on top (even an 8 ohm one) as it might damage something? I'm quite keen to do this for a more even frequency response. The amp power handling (according to the book) is : 8/4/2 ohms @ 250/405/620w For years I used the 4x10 and 1x15 with my Trace Elliot head and nothing blew up, that said it was so loud I rarely had the volume turned up above 3! Failing this I guess I'll have to start saving for a nice 2x10 and 1x15 at 8ohms. Thanks again
  21. another +1 for the Peavey. I've got the 115 BX with the Black Widow Speaker. I bought it second hand years ago and have just found out from the factory that it was made in 1993, I was also surprised to find out that I have the 4 ohm version, I haven;t decided if this is a good thing or not. Anyway mine gets used at least once a week, and I've never had a single issue with it, not even a loose socket. I did have to clean the carpet with a clothes brush as it had gotten quite manky, and I've replaced the corners for the same reason, but that doesn't count does it?
  22. Have you got any Pics? and idea of the price? Thanks
  23. Hi, Do you have the specs, or the model number, for the 2 x 10? Thanks
  24. I'm intrigued to know what this bass is... Spoilers for the new season are online at the bbc website (can;t make the link work)
  25. [quote name='Subthumper' post='81317' date='Oct 30 2007, 04:20 PM']For that sort of money you could build something really good,as individual looking as you like,plus a massive power handling(enough to take just about any head you buy in the future)and probably better than you could get new or second hand.Try the BFM plans or even the eminence book.Or get some design software and design your own.[/quote] What are the BFM PLans and where can I get hold of them? I'm interested in building my own 2 x10 with neo speakers. Thanks
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