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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. Hmm Natalie Long, Does Neil Thom still play guitar for you guys? I used to jam with him a lot, back in my rock days. Track reminds me of early No Doubt, with a hint at ska
  2. interesting thread has anyone got experience of changing the nut? i'm just starting to re-fit an old bass of mine, and when i got it out of storage the nut was missing. I'm not really sure where to start.
  3. yeah it's a keyboard. But you might be able to get a similar sound with something like a Korg G5 - if you can find one. I'm sure there's a better option though.
  4. [quote name='dr.funk' post='69200' date='Oct 3 2007, 06:43 PM']Are you using the ASIO drivers?[/quote] just checked yes the device drivers are set to M audio ASIO. I'm thinkng I could split the signal from my bass (via DI box) to monitor through my amp,and just play along with the loops. This seems like it will be a more sensible option so I might give it a try tomorrow (bit late now) But any advice on the proper way to do it is greatley recieved.
  5. Hi, I've recently bought an M audio Ozone Midi COntroller with built in USB audi interface. I bought it thinking that I could record little bass loops and ideas, and then programme drum loops to accomapny them. I have no aspiration to ever release these songs etc it is simply an exercise so that I don;t forget ideas etc. However I can;t get over the latency problem, every time I turn Ableton on and put my bass through it there is a sligh slight delay, maenaing that all of my playing is out of time? I've meesed around with the buffers etc but really have no idea what I am doing, can anyone help? Do I need another bit of kit? My PC has pretty high spec, 1.2GB RAM, Celeron 2.8GHz Help me please
  6. +1 on lessons also +1 on a good teacher, it's vital to stop you falling into sloppy habits.
  7. [quote name='redroque' post='68700' date='Oct 2 2007, 03:54 PM']The MCPS route is not expensive and it is fair. I believe you can do it all online now. Short run demo's may be allowed (friends band wasn't charged for 30 for demo purposes) but if selling, do it properly - the right people will get paid for writing the material you're selling. You will also have trouble getting a duplication plant to copy them if you don't have the relevant paperwork. max[/quote] +1 Royalties are one of the main ways for musicians to make money, we should respect our fellow musicians and pay them their due.
  8. I also have a Peavey 1x15 loaded with a black widow. I bought it second hand in 1997 and it gets constant use. Thumbs up from me on the PV (do you like the way i made that rhyme?)
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='64728' date='Sep 24 2007, 01:00 PM']A nice subtle ovderdrive will make pretty much anything sound "phat". Although it's not appropriate for certain mellow parts, I generally have some subtle OD on all the time.[/quote] Yeah I hear that. I's pretty unusual for me to have any effects, I mostly play soul, but am working in a hip hop band at the moment and saw it as a good oportunity to try out some more aggresive and experimental stuff. The OD is now in my gig bag for regular use!
  10. Few quickees I find helpfull when I'm teaching slap: - New strings, brighter and beter response (or try boling some old ones) - With your EQ the classic is to scoop the middle, the smilry face on the Garphic EQ - It should be a very fast motion, with thumb in contact with the string for the minimum amount of time. You want to either bounce or go straight through the string, don't leave your thumb there once you've struck the string as that will effectivley mut the note - Contact point - you want to try and have your thumb striking the string right over the bottom fret (not over the pickup) and bouncing the string off of that fret Hope these help. PS a really good slap song for beginners is Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz - PM me if you want and I'll knock up some TAB
  11. Thanks Clive, The locking one sounds like a good option, but I'll need to check how much work this will require to fit.
  12. yes the hiscox cases are excellent. Although I wouldn;t advise keeping Daryl Hannah in one, you know what these holywood types are like.
  13. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='68174' date='Oct 1 2007, 02:51 PM']I wish Mick Hucknall would take a beating, haha.[/quote] Some of that early Simply Red stuff is awesome, and realyl fun basslines to play, have to agree on Fairground though. He's also a really good DJ loads raregroove, funk and northen soul. But on the Covers Tip. Somethin a little more Modern: Mark Ronson and Lily Allen, Oh My God (with Zender on bas - live at least )
  14. yeah looks really nice - waht's funny is I just started working on my first bass, also a music man copy in black finish !
  15. Hi All, I've looked through previous posts and found a few simialr topics, but mot quite the same, so I hope I'm not covering old ground here. All o fmy Basses are active, and a common problem with them all is that after a while the barrel jack wears out and starts to crackle. So I replace the barrel jack. This isn't the biggest problem, I'm about to do it again on my Yamaha (the 3rd time in about 10 years). I'm just wondering if there is an alternative. From what I know there isn't much choice in the way of barrel jacks. I toyed with getting an XLR put in and having a bbalanced output but that's a lot of work and I'm not sure I fancy it (I wonder why they don;t make basses with balanced outputs as standard?) Any way if you do have any nuggets of wisdom please let me know, otherwise it's an evening with the soldering Iron !
  16. not a flight case They way about a ton and are really bulky. When I have taken my bass on flights the flight case gets knocked around loads - In fact for flights I prefer to take a hiscox hard case and it stands up much better.
  17. Is he sure he wants to sell them? If he;s afraid to post here, or on E bay... ?
  18. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='67675' date='Sep 30 2007, 02:43 PM']hmmmm...I never thought about that actually so I guess I never seen that as a problem. I hang my basses fairly high (not under my chin tho... and use a quite broad strap so maybe that sorts i? That said, I do fell that other 5ers I use are better balanced e.g Lakland 5502 (exceptopnal balanced bass) and Warwick Streamers[/quote] Thanks. I might re-visit the Sandberg stuff. I really want a nice Jazz Bass 5 string (probably in exchange for my Warwick) - and Ironically it seems as though Fender don't make the best ones!
  19. Martin Taylor the guitar player (jazzy Folk - very well renowned) uses false nails. Walked in on him once at a gig putting them on. I was dissapointed at first, but I suppose If you play with your nails and you are gigging daily then needs must...
  20. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='67661' date='Sep 30 2007, 01:36 PM']You weren't trying it out through an ashdown amp were you? A lot of them have a sub bass control that sounds like an octaver. I could never understand why Mark Gooday would think that people would find that more useful than a compressor/limiter.[/quote] + 1 I was about to say exactly that.
  21. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='67601' date='Sep 30 2007, 10:49 AM']I've got two Sandberg California PM's. On e is a custom shop 5er in banana/custard yellow with red tort and the other is a "standard" 4 string in bleu metallic and a vintage white/green pick guard. As far as I’m aware the electronics are identical (Delano Pickups and a Glock 2 band preamp) They have the same basic sound but actually sound different - the 5er is more dark and “meaty” and the 4 string has a brighter tone that lends it better for slap.[/quote] Carlos I really liked the Sandberg Califonia 5 (JJ pups) but found it had really terrible neck dive, other than that I was really taken with the instrument. How do you find yours?
  22. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='67284' date='Sep 29 2007, 09:42 AM']Tried one a few years ago and very nice bass. Good range of tones but the MM overpowered the J (common problem with this config) and I found the neck a bit german. If you like that they are great but I preferred the Laklands I tried at the same money.[/quote] [quote name='bassmandan' post='67445' date='Sep 29 2007, 06:26 PM']er, what exactly does a German neck feel like BF? [/quote] [quote name='bass_ferret' post='67449' date='Sep 29 2007, 06:49 PM']Like a Warwick. I find them a bit chunky although others obviously love em.[/quote] I played a Sandberg 5 and absoloutley loved it (had JJ pups), it played and sounded beatiful. I nearly bought it there and then, but it suffered from terrible neck dive which, for the money (around £1K), put me off. I am still considering one though. They are really well made instruments. As a warwick owner I'm surprised that people feel it has a similar neck, the Warwicks have a much much chunkier neck, and the Sandberg's had a much flatter profile and wider string spacing (much more similar to my Yamaha TRB in fact) that said I'm comparing 5 string against 5 string, so the 4's maybe more similar?
  23. anything by hendrix. It never sounds right - doesn't matter how good you are it just not worth it!
  24. hmmm, I didn't even realise that these exist. It could make me re-think the whole back up bass thing - I don't currently bother taking one, but if I could have two in the same bag... Keen to know what you go for and if it's any good
  25. [quote name='paul, the' post='59682' date='Sep 13 2007, 08:21 AM']I would have never looked at TAB. Ever.[/quote] +1 [quote name='Mikey D' post='59740' date='Sep 13 2007, 10:24 AM']I would get a good teacher from day one and not have wasted one minute practicing things like slap and tap.[/quote] +2 I spent to much time learning pointless guitar shops licks, when I should have been concentrating more on right hand technique and fretboard knowledge. Although I feel like I'm begining to get there now - with that said I still slap way too much.
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