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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. I wondered how long before Led Zep appeared - 1st reply ! They were so good though - great suggestions here, Sly and Robbie never thought of that one but they've gotta be up there, without doubt the most influential Reggae rhythm section ever.
  2. Amplifier Cabinet Questionnaire – Tom Parker, 10T 1. Yup 2. Y 3. 42kg 4. Y 5. I guess, It would be lighter, but more expensive, so - Yes (if it doesn;t affect the price) or No (if it does) 6. Y 7. Y 8. Y 9. Y 10. Indifferent As a footnote, I did a gig at the weekend with an Ampeg amp (I really don't like them) and the speaker lead was a regular qurter inch jack, that kept vibrating out, so it left me with no stage monitoring, so for me next cab I buy will defniatley have the option to put in either locking speaker leads or XLR
  3. nice - although I might be terrified being onstage with a legend like Herbie! I'd probably say... Jamiroquai ... no ones quite managed to fill Stuart Zenders boots yet, so I could be next in line to fail to meet the standard he set on their early albums!
  4. So I saw a challenge on a different thread that was to create a thread that hasn't already been covered. How about his one? As bass players we always talk about locking in with the drummer, and about groove so... [b]Who are your favourite rhythm sections?[/b] For my money: [b]George Porter Junior & Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste - The Meters[/b] I also really rate: [b]Tim Commerford & Brad Wilk - Rage Against the Machine[/b] (although RATM aren't really my cuppa tea anymore - I'm too old these days lol) I think both are really good examples of how to play to complement the other player really well, and add to the band dynamic as a whole.
  5. That bass looks crazy - anyone know what it is?
  6. Hi, I think that this is a really comon problem with active basses, the sockets have a switch in (turning it on every time you plug it in - the third pin is the switch) unfortunatley this means that they wearout more easily, it's really annoying, and like you say because the sockets are sealed it's very difficult to fix them. I Found the easiest fix was to try different leads, as some have a slightly oversized jack and will fit in more snuggly, but if you've already opened up the socket this may not work. A replacement barrel jack should only cost about £5 - £10 and it's a pretty easy job to solder in, so you should probably just cut your losses and pick one up, they should be available in most guitar shops. Hope this helps.
  7. Hmmm, here goes. I'm a semi Pro musician, you've heard of the first call bass player, well I guess I'm the Second Call! I'd describe myself as a funk/soul player, that said they're my preferences, but play any style for the gig I'm doing. I started playing when I was 14 or 15 and I'm 30 in a month. I almost exclusivley play 5 strings, although I do own 1 four string, and I can't see the point in a 6 string (for me it's all about the low notes - so maybe if you tuned it G D A E B F# ? hmmm I'd be interestd to know if anyones tried that) Typically I obbsess over a style or player until I get bored of it (anytinhg form a month or two to a year or two), and then I can never understand what attracted me to it in the first place. I'm currently undergoing a crisis in confidence with my playing and wondering that, despite all the hardowrk, am I actually rubbish? I think I need a new challenge ... and I've just been given a brazillian rare groove CD ... [u]as a little footnote[/u] - I'm quite rubbish with my equipment and gear, I'm sure you'll have seen posts from me asking for loads of equipment advice. I tend to use a piece of kit until it falls apart, and then panic, thinking "I really should have kept up to date with equipment" I've been using the same Trace Elliot amp since 1994 or '95 and It's just blown.. so I'm currently panicking about that. From Time to time I got out and buy an random bit of kit because someone told me I'd like it, and then it sits and gathers dust, hence a cupboard full of unused pedals.
  8. Fingers, fingers, fingers, fingers and maybe thumb Has anyone ever seen that year and a half in the life of metallica, they can;t record Jason Newsteads bass properly beacuse of his heavy picking, so they build a wall of foam around his amp in order to try and muffle out some of the pick sound and just get the bass frequencies. How could he have not noticed that before! Thinking about it Billy Gould from Faith No More had a crazy heavy pick sound - but he used it to emulate slapping, which begs the question "why not just slap?"
  9. Has anyone got any experience of using the Tascam MP3 bass trainer. I've had a look for reviews but can;t ind any som I'm assuming it's a pretty new piece of kit. I've read reviews on the CD version and they're all very positive, other than the fact that the seem to eat battteries. I'd assume that the MP3 version goes through a lot less batteries than the CD version - is this the case?
  10. hi all. thanks for the advice. i like the look of the bas strainer - altough it's the most expensive option. thnks again.
  11. Not really sure where to post this - I'm sure it'll get moved if this is the wrong thread. I'm imagining a bit of kit - and wondering if it exists. I'd really like some kind of headphone amp that I can practice with (especcialy backstage - I dep in a band that have a habit of changing the set 20 mins before we go on - not really leaving time to learn the tracks) but I'd like to be able to either plug in an MP3 player, or maybe have a CD playing so that I can practice along to tracks (or learn! lol). I'm not sure if this exists - if it does, can anyone tell me what it's called I have no idea what I'm looking for? Ideally I'd like it to be really portable as it will have to come on flights with me as hand luggage etc. Also I assume I'll need some decent headphones, so any recommedations wamrly recieved. Thanks
  12. My Bass started off around my knees, and gets higher and higher the longer I play - I'm gonna be Mark King soon. That said I find that If I have it to high I can fret really easily with my left hand, but get terrible aches in my wrists and fingers on my right hand - so I don;t think that to high is good for you.
  13. Hi All, I was dscussing this with the guitarist in my band last night, I didn;t make much sense as I couldn't quite remember clearly ... so here goes ... Does anyone remember about 10 years ago Ibanez released a bass with a triple coil pick up - I think it was called the ATK, or Attack or something.? I'm wondering if anyone knows - are these still available - if so are they any good? I remember playing one years ago when they first came out and I quite liked it, but it was so long ago I don't trust my own judgment. (I do remember being frustrated that there was nowhere to rest my thumb whilst I was playing fingerstyle - but liek I say long time ago) Anyway answers on the back of a postcard...
  14. ahhh.... Guitar Centre. They're excellent stores, not only is the kit as cheap as the proverbial chips but the staff are all really good and knowledgable, and the atmosphere in the stiores is always really good, they're happy for you to pick up and play the instruments (unlike many UK stores where the instruments are wired to the wall). I used to have family in the states, they've moved to the uk now, probably a good thing as every time I went to see them I wound up sepnding a fortune in Guitar Centre! They should franchise them to the UK ... and keep the prices in $$'s
  15. thought i'd throw in .. George Porter Junior from The Meters - some of those lines defined what we call funk playing these days.
  16. What ???? Duff is a terrible player, an insult to Bassists everywhere If memory serves me right he was a guitar player who couldn't get a gig as a guitarist so started to play bass. Thas hardly does our beloved bottom end justice [quote name='The Funk' post='6606' date='May 25 2007, 04:05 PM']Duff is good. Nice lines.[/quote]
  17. yeah, I agree - the idea of a custom bass is a nice one - but i'm not to sure what I want, and I'm not really willing to tkae that financial risk. Actually I do know what i want - a bass that plays and looks like the warwick - but has the sound, punch and versatility of the yamaha - sadly i'm not sure if it exists. Thanks
  18. Hi, Yeah I thought about a TRB 6 - they seem a lot easier to get hold of (there's one on e bay cheap at the moment) but agin I don;t really dig the idea of a 6 string Theres a TRB 6 on e bay pretty cheap in case anyones interested - £695 on buy it now lol Thanks
  19. Hi, I've recently purchased a warwick dirty blonde, and it's a great bass, just not what I'm after. I've been playing a Yamaha TRB 5 for years now, and should probably have stuck with that, but was seduced by the rarity and kudos of the Warwick. Anyway I decided to get rid of the Warick and try to get hold of a Yamaha TRB5PII (the really nice one with the thru neck and piezos). However I can't find one for sale anywhere, except imports at silly money. I really like the punchy and versatile sound. Can anyone suggest any alternatives to the TRB 5PII ? I'm worried that if i go of fbass shopping again I'll be seduced by another bass that isn't right for me. I reckon I'd be prepared to spend around £1300 Thanks in advance.
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