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Everything posted by CPBass

  1. Sam purchased a TC Electronic rig and couldn't have been more patient and agreeable. Very friendly comms and met up at halfway point as agreed. Hope to trade again Sam and that you enjoy the rig, you'll find this new rig a tad easier to lug around than the Hartke . Trade with 100% confidence. Cheers mate Col
  2. Purchased a Markbass combo from Mr Murphy. Everything ran perfectly smoothly and the amp is 100% kosher as described. Nick is a real gent and I would trade with him again in total confidence. Cheers Nick, it was great to meet up and chat for a wee while. Col
  3. Trade for a Boss DD3 excellent nick in box. Lovely
  4. Absolutely no shipping Shep? I'll organise courier if you pack it up. any good to you col
  5. Stunning..... Do you like the Status Buzzard 2 bass?
  6. A real trouser flapper....its awesome
  7. Its a Knightfall & Grand Tarkin with an Octaver thats controllable via expression pedal ( still being built) Info here: http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/colonel-richter.php
  8. My new COG arrived this week. Meet Colonel Richter Simply incredible
  9. My new COG arrived this week. Meet Colonel Richter Simply incredible
  10. Jon bought my Warwick P-Nut II Signature bass. Very friendly comms and was 100% true to his word. Absolutely no faffing around at all. He drove 5 hrs to collect the bass and was even a bit early. I recommend any trading with Jon as he's got the BC ethic nailed. Cheers Jon and I hope you enjoy the bass. Cheers Col
  11. Cant believe this is still available. Such a nice specimen, probably the nicest playing and sounding Dolphin they've made. That may not please early model purists but the R&D on this model has really come up trumps. I can say that as it used to be mine. Good luck Mr K
  12. Congrats on getting a new job, you never know mate.....they may still be here!!!!
  13. [quote name='MarkusWarwick' timestamp='1398945327' post='2439249'] Gotta say, the p2 looks spectacular........ P3 is a looker too though...... Lucky new owners [/quote] Your time is gonna come mate.....keep aiming
  14. Beware making swift decisions young Kev. In the sunlight it does look spectacular, I need to get the 3 in the same light but its raining here today.
  15. Aint she sweeeeet?? Very nice move Kev
  16. [quote name='Gazza 2905' timestamp='1398334213' post='2432953'] To Kev and Col, couple of beauties there Sirs; congrats to you both! [/quote] Why thank you Gazza Sir, Seeing youve got the Sklar model, any pics online? They are causing me no end of GAS symptoms. What colour is yours sporting? Cheers Col
  17. Seriously, I couldnt have put it better myself. All queries and offers have now been dealt with. Two basses now available although the P-Nut III has interest including some away from this site. Get your interest in there if its for you. :-) Although I'm retiring I could be tempted to trade one of the basses for a Dingwall of similar value. Thats the power of GAS for you, even in retirement Im coveting new basses!!!
  18. CPBass

    NBD Dingwall

    Sweet baby jesus and the orphans! Thats real stunner Kev. Top choice old bean
  19. Very tempting lightweight rig. A tad out of my price range Jon which is a shame. Good luck
  20. Sorry to hear that these conditions bought so much pain to your family. Ive got a different condition to the ones you mentioned but have to be very careful, keep things pretty calm and live as healthily as I can. The Ox bass is very special indeed, it blew the Warwick Buzzards and Stryker I had out of the water for sound, power and playability. It looks pretty fOXy too, see what I did there? If things change for you drop me a line, she's worth every penny. Cheers Col
  21. Superb looking bass. Amazing value too. This should fly at that price. Good luck bump
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