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Everything posted by Luulox

  1. Hi Jay, welcome 😊
  2. $29 is about $28.99 too much for purposes of protecting a bass. 10 meter range? It would have to be a really slow moving thief to get caught by that contraption. Total waste of money.
  3. Motorhead and queen
  4. Bare knuckle pickups are nice and worth a look.
  5. Handbox amps/heads seem to be gaining some followers.
  6. I once saw a band called gary gutter and the gutter band who you may not be suprised to know we're a Gary glitter and the glitter band tribute act. They were big on the club circuit and they were also absolutely fantastic and one of the best gigs I have been to. One of the highlights was the lead guitarist strapped to a wheel and playing a solo as he span round, the crowd went mad. I bet the demand for them has slumped now, which is a great shame. Cheers Pete
  7. Indifference, sometimes sliding into the realms of irritation.
  8. [quote name='kusee pee' timestamp='1471339954' post='3112209'] On the stairway. Good choice. Brilliant bassline and my favourite ever song. [/quote] That's the one, I always get the title wrong. 😊
  9. Welcome
  10. Duran Duran song, last chance on the stairs.
  11. I'm on opera mobile and also cannot see embedded videos.
  12. Same as always for me too.
  13. Hi, welcome. 😊
  14. I have 25 on mine because there was space.
  15. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1468401097' post='3090629'] My brother's disabled but likes strum on a guitar, not making any kind of music or anything just "playing".. it puts a smile in on his face. This device could probably help him play something a little more in tune as he doesn't really have the dexterity in his hands. So ridiculous to some maybe but it could be useful to others I reckon! [/quote] My daughter is disabled and loves music. I have bought her quite a few instruments but they have all been a little too complicated for her so this would be brilliant for her. I hope he gets it into production.
  16. That Scott Divine is underrated if you ask me. πŸ˜‘
  17. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1468317869' post='3090036'] Try this : http://www.guitarworld.com/gear-news-accessories-viral-videos/why-learn-guitar-old-fashioned-way-meet-chordelia/29425 [/quote] Thank you very much, I can now rest easy 😊. It looks a bit bulky but I could see it having a market with a few modifications.
  18. Bugger, this thread title has me intrigued but my mobile browser (opera) won't load the plug in. I may never know what this brilliant invention is! I will not rest until this injustice is put right! Or someone kindly supplies a link, pretty please. Cheers Pete
  19. I thought they did well and I'm not a fan.
  20. I'm enjoying coldplay, much to my suprise.
  21. Get the best u can afford because if you get something really cheap like harley benton you will blame the guitar for anything that goes wrong and the doubt will make you despise the nasty cheap thing holding you back from the world stage performing your guitar wizardry in front of adoring fans. Well I did anyway😊 Im not slagging harley benton, its the beginner mindset, bad workman etc. I had what i thought were terrible guitars when I first started but now im more experienced i can knock a tune out on anything really. If you get a decent seondhand one you can always flog it on for what you paid. I would either go yamaha or fender and avoid gibson epiphone as in my experience the newer ones are extremely hit and miss In my opinion obviously. Sorry for the ramble. Cheers Pete
  22. It's a not from me
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