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Everything posted by Luulox

  1. Wow, I wasn't expecting that to sound so good. Mind blowing pedal! Would consider one of those. Great demo too.
  2. Can't believe no one as mentioned this one yet, so i will have to step up - take that and beautiful world! A definite improvement on their releases first time round.
  3. 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisp please! No idea who sung it.
  4. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1457864465' post='3002378'] You got the band right, the song was called Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Nearly broke my vocal chords trying to cover it many years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUqpnHvua8 [/quote] Thank you, I would never have remembered/guessed the name of the song.
  5. Crash test dummies - been there. Not sure that was the name of either the band or the song but it sounds about right.
  6. 4 non blondes - what's going on.
  7. My hands are not big so on guitar I use 1 finger a fret and on bass I don't. For me 1 finger a fret does not transfer easily to bass so I don't do it rather than struggle and cause myself pain. Can't see the point.
  8. Did you buy it from a genuine shop? Is it legit? Lots of fakes about
  9. Motorhead on the bomber tour I think it was and in sheffield the support band was man o war. They had a competition between themselves of who could play the loudest. It was like been stood in an hurricane and I was deaf for a good couple of days.
  10. Stick two eyes on it and it looks like a cows head
  11. I don't know if I have been lucky but every bass I have ordered online as turned up needing very little if any setting up.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1456925099' post='2993571'] The £3250 is just for the photos ... [/quote] I like a man with ambition 😊
  13. Didn't realize they went for that sort of price, £3250! I always thought they were quite cheap! 😨
  14. Could well be the longest ad ever.
  15. Less kell more kinell
  16. The old japanese bass collection basses are nice and light and will do him for years. They are not a lot of money secondhand either.
  17. Welcome and hope you enjoy the experience! 😊
  18. Bass player but used to work with a guy who played bass that insisted he was a guitarist and didn't like been called a bass player. He used to say he played guitar but it's only got 4 strings!? He was amazingly defensive about been a bass player for some reason. I started avoiding him as he also liked a moan too, it all got to much for me. 😊
  19. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1455752218' post='2982221'] It looks too hard-edged to me to be play wear. I have a suspicion the wear is deliberate, sort of - it looks as if someone has chipped it accidentally, then found that the finish will come off if you pick at it - maybe with a scraper. Look at the way the wear pattern is parallel, perpendicular to the neck. [/quote] [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1455724649' post='2981855'] By the top horn is a bit angular...like it's had a sticker or tape stuck on it that took the paint away when peeled off. [/quote] Glad its not just me! I wonder if someone was going to strip it then spotted the wood underneath was not great and just left it. Could be any number of things really.
  20. Bin him, life's too short to deal with his type.
  21. The wear seems a bit strange to me but I can't quite put my finger on it. I don't know a lot about them so most probably fine, definitely not for me though.
  22. As we say up north 'if he's reight, I don't want to be' apparently he's also a modern day Paul the apostle.
  23. Depends who's selling it
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1455366435' post='2978444'] Ooops, yup, it's been moved. I'm gonna be in trouble Apologies Mods, please delete this thread I did check the guitars section before I posted this, but NOT the section it has been moved to [/quote] I see no need to apologise Karlfer, it is good that people on here know about it. It should be removed, we are more than a selling site we are a community that has a certain amount of trust and ads like that are not what we are about in my opinion obviously.
  25. Wants 100 - 150 quid to post it!
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