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Everything posted by Lemming16

  1. Hi, thanks everyone for your replies. I think im going for the MB200, as i've seen that most people say it is much more powerful, and has a more modern sound, and that's what im looking for. I would be using it with a Traben Chaos Attack 4-string bass (18V system), i think they'll get along pretty well. I would love to see more opinions. This is the bass i'm going to use it with. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf7J040CNmY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf7J040CNmY[/url]
  2. Hi everyone!. So, im trying to choose between these 2: Ampeg PF350 (350 Watts) $299 Buy Ampeg PF-350 Portaflex 350W Bass Amp Head | Solid State Amp Heads | Musician's Friend or.. GK MB200 $250 Buy Gallien-Krueger MB200 200W Ultra Light Bass Amp Head | Solid State Amp Heads | Musician's Friend I would be using one of those with an Ampeg BSE410H cab (4x10, obviously) rated at 8 ohms and 200W. Im asking this, because i've seen on many threads, saying that the MB200 is in fact more powerful than the PF350 (despite the PF350 has 150 more watts. Even some guys who owned both (they proved with pictures), said the MB200 was very comparable to the PF500 in volume and that the tone is clearer on low notes on the MB200). I've also read that many people had problems with the PF350. Since im in Mexico, there's no way i can try any of these myself (but i'm sure it's much better than what we have over here), so all i have are youtube videos and your opinions. Since an uncle is going to bring me the amp with him on the plane from the USA, it needs to be REALLY small, like these 2, also my max budget is $300. So... what do you guys recommend? PF350 or GK MB200 I would be using the amp with a Tech21 Bass driver. I'm looking for this differente kind of sounds (Links below). I dont know which amp would suit better with my Tech 21 Bass driver, to at least sound a little like these guys, that sounds just beautiful and is what i'm looking for. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z1HYCRwZik"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z1HYCRwZik[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6xBwpgFolg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6xBwpgFolg[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n2t7on6MR8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n2t7on6MR8[/url] Thanks in advance. Saludos P.S: I play on a covers band, so, sometimes i need a very clean sound for some songs.
  3. EDIT
  4. Sadly, there's only one single video of a guy using the Sunn Bass Concert, and he's using a Big muff :S, so, that changes the sound a lot. I wonder if there's another Sunn amp that uses the same distortion as this one. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJiRm7YqWfM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJiRm7YqWfM[/url] Thanks for your reply.
  5. Hi!, thanks for your reply!, is there any video or sound clip where i can hear that distortion? Sometimes i think all i should do, is getting a good OD/Distortion pedal. There's a guy selling me a DOD Bass overdrive by the way. At the end of the day, i'm almost getting this amp just for the distortion (and because its a good price). Again, thanks for the reply.
  6. Hi everyone, so, i found a Sunn Concert Bass on a pawnshop, for $150. The amp was from mint to perfect condition, i was amazed. Unfortunately i couldn't try it out (i was on a hurry). The amp was exactly like this one: It had 5 knobs: Volume, bass, mids, treble and "Distort". It is Mexican made (i live in Mexico). I already have this stuff: Acoustic 220 Amp (Mexican made, also, i love this amp, got it for $150 too) Aria Pro II Thor Sound Bass ($130 from and old man on my street). Ampeg BSE410H Cab So, my question is: Should i get this amp? would there be a big difference from the Acoustic 220 i already have?. The "distort" knob really got my attention, i was wondering if i could get that John Entwistle kinda tone with this amp. Also, since this amp is a little more powerful than the Acoustic 220, i thought i could maybe get a better tone (sometimes i think the Acoustic 220 falls a little short to power up the BSE410 cab). Thanks in advance.
  7. It is loud enough, But it distorts and the sound comes like "Bzzzzzzzzzz"
  8. Thanks everyone for your answers, i added new info on the top of the post. And btw, now im also using a speaker cable.
  9. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1090881' date='Jan 15 2011, 03:18 PM']Ok, I'm not wanting to start any arguments or anything (apologies to the OP for hijacking his thread) But after a quick google for speaker power handling and wiring etc, it seems that the general opinion is that adding each speakers rating together gives the total power handling however they are wired. Some people seem to say that wiring 2 100w speakers in series only gives you the power handling of 100w, as the signal travels through the first speaker and then the second. Whereas, in parallel, the signal is split between the 2, so each speaker receives half the signal. Therefore when wired in parallel, my 2 350w speakers can handle an amp of up to 700w.[/quote] No need to apology, i've been learning a lot through this discussion, thanks all posters for taking your time helping .
  10. Hi, thanks everyone for the answers, they've been very helpful. Before anything, i am gonna get a decent speaker cable and see what happens, i'm also going to investigate if i can change my cab to 2 ohms. I tell ya later what happened!. Btw, is it ok if i use a guitar cable for connecting the bass to the amp? or should i also use a speaker cable, like the one from the amp to the cab. Thx
  11. Hi everyone. I bought the Acoustic 220 few months ago, and yesterday i bought the Ampeg BSE410H. The Acoustic 220 is rated: 160 Watts RMS at 2 OHMS 125 Watts RMS at 4 OHMS This info is according to the original Ad. [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/b...ic/BassHead220"]http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/b...ic/BassHead220[/url] And my cab is an Ampeg BSE410H. ( [url="http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/BSE410H_HS_HLF.pdf"]http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/BSE410H_HS_HLF.pdf[/url] ) It is rated at 200 Watts RMS at 8 Ohms. My question is... do these 2 get along? i really dont know much about this things, but i guess not, since my Acoustic 220 would give me like 80 watts...since the cab is at 8 ohms... Does this mean i should get another head? Im taking a look at the GK MB200...the ultra portable new GK heads. Btw, the Acoustic 220 head is VERY old, and the last time it had maintenance eas like 20 years ago. What do you guys suggest? I forgot to mention, the Acoustic 220 has 2 speaker outs, and the cab has 2 inputs (Full range inputs it says). I am only using a guitar cable from 1 Speaker output to 1 input on the cab. Is this correct? or should i be using 2 cables coming out of the head to the 2 inputs on the cab. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: 24/01/11 Hi, well, after playing it more time, i realized something. When i play at relatively low volume (in my room), the amp sounds great, very clear, just how i like. BUT, when i play live in a small venue (With a loud drummer and 2 guitar players with 100W Marshall MG), i have to increase the volume to 9, so i can be heard. Increasing the volume 9/10 makes my sound go like "Bzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzz" when the tones is at 0 (when my bass tone is at 10, it doesn't sound that bad, but its tooo bright, and most of the songs i play have a very clean and classic bass sound). Let's say i need the classic clean bass sound like "Boom boooom", but its sound is like "Bzzzzz Bzzzzz" at gig volume. I think it is because of what i mentioned, the cab being 200W at 8 ohm and my amp being 120 at 4 ohms, which would make it like 80 or 70 watts. Also, when i add an overdrive it sounds horrible, like a horrible fuzz (when it shouldnt sound like that, since i use the same effect and settings on my tiny Yorkville combo and it sounds beautiful). So, i'm thinking 'bout selling my cab (Ampeg BSE410H and the Acoustic 220) and getting a Fender Rumble 350 with 2 10" (and obviously 350 Watts RMS) What do you think? I'm just looking for a good clean and overdrive tone at a small venue volume. I don't know if the Fender Rumble 350 would deliver, or even any other 200W RMS combo. Or i could also just sell the head and get a head with 150W at 8 ohms, like the new GK MB-200 or something else. I started to think it was because of the cab, but i'm not sure. Thanks in advance.
  12. Whoa, those are some awesome amps, i guess you are one big acoustic fan!. I'm gonna checkout ebay and see what i can find. The thing is i've had bad experiences shipping stuff, but that was using standard shipping, i didn't used FedEx, or UPS, or DHL or any of those (Lucky it was only a cheap pedal). Anyway in case i don't find anything. The 300W Eminence Speaker Delta 15-A i saw on the shop in my city , has 40HZ of frequency response, and 100 of sensitivity. Would that help? btw, thanks everyone who took the time to answer.
  13. Whoa, thanks for your answers, so, do you think i should get a speaker with 200 Watts? (8 ohms) or one with 300 watts? (8 ohms too). Since is not clear if the watts on my amp are 120 or 170, lets suppose my amp is 150 watts (at 4 ohms) . What speaker would you recommend? 200 watts or 300 watts (both at 8 ohms). BTW!, it is a Delta 15A, i saw on the shop a 300Watts at 8 ohm, not sure if they have a 200 watts speaker with the same impedance. But if they have it, should i go for the 200 W or 300 W?
  14. Hi everyone, i just started playing bass (after years of playing guitar), and i got on a Pawn shop an Acoustic 220 head working perfectly for $100. So all i need now is a cab. Since all cabs here in Mexico (just as all new music instruments) are a total rip-off, i decided to buy a speaker and make a custom cab. My question is, how many watts, and ohms should the speaker be? And what size do you recommend? Most of the shops here in mi city have only Eminence Delta, at fairly good price, (i noticed most of them were 8 ohms) i just need to know if i could use those with 8 ohms or if i should look for 4 ohms speakers, and how many watts do you recommend. The specs of this amp are: (You can see the full specs here [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/b...ic/BassHead220)"]http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/b...ic/BassHead220)[/url] 160 Watts RMS @ 5 % THD into 2 ohms 125 Watts RMS @ 5 % THD into 4 ohms then on the other add it says (even though its the same model) 210 Watts RMS @ 5 % THD into 2 ohms 170 Watts RMS @ 5 % THD into 4 ohms What do you recommend? Thanks in advance.
  15. Thanks everyone for your answers, i decided to go for the amp, and a Ibanez PD7 pedal, those 3 things are cheaper than the POD X3.
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1037299' date='Nov 25 2010, 08:09 PM']The acoustic 220 has a lot of style, and probably louder than its 'watt' rating might suggest, but probably not going to have the flex of modern gear. You will get old dudes come and talk at you about it though, and they can be very useful to talk to.[/quote] Thanks, but after watching a lot of videos of the Pod X3, i realized something... the POD X3 its awesome, BUT!!!, it has soooo much things I DONT need!!. I mean, all i want is that kind of sound (not the same, but kinda), i mentioned before... that like overdriven/punchy sound that is so hard to describe with words, you can hear it perfectly here: On the intro: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuefoDRzd_E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuefoDRzd_E[/url] Also the first bass line in here [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NucicclOd9E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NucicclOd9E[/url] I'm not sure, but i think all im looking for is an overdrive.
  17. That is the question. Right know i have an Aria Pro II TSB-550 MIJ Bass, with a 50 Watts, 10", Yorkville XM50c Amp. So, (I know they're totally different things) the thing is that apart from recording, i also need enough volume to play on a very small to small venue where it fits 30 to 50 persons. So, i dont know if i should spend $350 bucks on a POD X3, so i can get a very wide selection of guitar/bass amp, cabs, effects emulations and a recording interfase, but stick to my relatively low volume amp, and hope that i can be heard. Or i can get for $250, a vintage Acoustic 220 head (170 watt) with a 15" peavey speaker cab. The problem is that i dont know if im gonna be able to get a wide variety of tones (like with the POD X3) the are gonna be a lot of songs, so i require overdrive, clean, punchy and distorted sound. I would really love to get that "Juicebox" tone from the Strokes ( [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuefoDRzd_E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuefoDRzd_E[/url] ), or the tone that the bassist from Greenday use. (Even though i dont like Greenday) What do you think i should do? Sometimes i think i could get all those tones with the acoustic 220 and a overdrive/distortion pedal, but im not sure... P.S: I already have a Zoom g7.1ut that i can use for recording, but it doesnt have any bass amps simulations.
  18. Lemming16


    [quote name='Simmo' post='1024226' date='Nov 14 2010, 09:33 PM']Are you just worrying about the look of the action? because if it feels comfortable, easy to play (without straining your fingers too much) and there is very little to no fret buzz then i think you should be fine or is this just you trying to find a credible reason for unleashing your GAS and buying a Fanndec [/quote] Lol, well, i just started so i'm not sure of what is the normal strain. I just wanted to know if the bass was in good condition. If the bass is working fine, i'm getting a Pod X3, if not, i'll get the Fanndec (selling the Aria).
  19. Lemming16


    Hi, thanks to both of you for your answers, i tried what ThomBassMonkey said, i pressed thr 1st and 13th fret, and on the 7th fret there was a very very small gap, a credit card wouldn't not fit in there without forcing it a little bit. Is this goood?
  20. Lemming16


  21. Thanks everyone for your replys. Do any of you know if the acoustic 220 has a “loop effect” input? (I’m not sure about the name, i dont speak english well, but it’s the input that bypasses the preamp, so i can connect a POD X3 into it and not be affected by the preamp ). I would also appreciate if you could tell me how would this amp take digital effects (The POD X3 is what im gonna use). Thanks in advance.
  22. [quote name='icastle' post='1015949' date='Nov 7 2010, 08:35 PM']Acoustic Corp went bust quite a while back and this amp is probably getting on for 40 years old. The difference in quoted output power is related to the impedance of the speakers attached to it - a 2 ohm cab gives you 165W and a 4 ohm cab will give you 125W. The Peavey cab will be either 4 or 8 ohms - so you will never get 165W output using that particular rig. Randall still exist. As far as I can make out it's 250W + 250W into two 4 ohm cabs (a 2 ohm total load). I'd say that this is going to be marginally louder than the Acoustic. I'd probably go for the Randall based purely on the fact that they still exist. HTH[/quote] Hi Icastle, thanks for your answer, i've just found that the Randall head is 2 ohms.
  23. Hi guys. I just saw on a pawnshop here in Mexico (Where new amp prices are ridiculously high, total ripoff), an Acoustic 220 Bass Head, i've read in some places that it is 120 watts, and in other places that it is 170 watts. (Here's the full info [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/BassHead220)"]http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/vie...ic/BassHead220)[/url] It is $110 USD. I am planning on getting it with a Peavey 15" Cab for $130 usd from other pawnshop It would be a total of $240. Thea Acoustic 220 is like this one I'm also being offered for $150, a Randall RBA-500 Es, which is 300 RMS on two different channels i think. He says for $320, i can take both the Randall RBA-500 Es with a 2x15 cab with Randall Jaguars. It's exactly this one. The thing is, i havent found almost any info about this amp. Which one do you think it would be better? in terms of sound and value? I would use it with an Aria Pro II TSB-550. I am just starting. Also, what kind of cab do you recommend using these heads with? Thanks. P.S: Do you guys think the Acoustic 220 would give me enough volume for a gig? P.S2: I am planning on using it with a POD X3 (It has pretty good bass amps)
  24. Hello guys, before anything, please excuse my english, im currently learning it. I just wanted to ask help to all of you about choosing between 2 bass amps. The first option is a Peavey Max 112 with 40w(1 12” speaker) [url="http://www.guitarcenter.com/Peavey-M...73-i1145638.gc"]http://www.guitarcenter.com/Peavey-M...73-i1145638.gc[/url] And the 2nd choice is a Yorkville XM50C with 50w (with a 10” speaker) [url="http://www.dagexpress.com/incEngine/?product=1030198878"]http://www.dagexpress.com/incEngine/?product=1030198878[/url] . I really dont know what to choose. Im getting both for the same price ($120 bucks). I’ve seen that the Yorkville goes new for $350 Canadian dollars and the Peavey Max 112 goes for $ 200. I dont understand this, since the Yorkville has a smaller speaker (but more watts). Which one you all think i should get? By the way, im just starting playing bass. Thanks in advance. P.S : I must choose between those 2, today, or else the owners gonna sell em to someone else tomorrow.
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