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Everything posted by Scoop

  1. [quote name='finnbass' post='185986' date='Apr 26 2008, 04:14 PM']You'd really need the shirt as well and they just don't make 'em like that any more [/quote] Sadly they do - it's just that you don't get to see them coz my wife buys them all for me.
  2. [quote name='whynot' post='185975' date='Apr 26 2008, 04:02 PM']Korg rackmount tuner in excellent condition. £95.00 including postage. Click on the link for all the info..... [url="http://www.korg.com/gear/info.asp?A_PROD_NO=DTR1000"]Korg DTR-1000[/url][/quote] That's not ALL the info Where are you based? Do you still have the box for it and manual? If you are within personal pick up range, then what's the cost? Cheque? Paypal? I'm interested in getting this but need a bit more info.
  3. [quote name='johnnylager' post='185897' date='Apr 26 2008, 01:17 PM']List it, cash waiting![/quote] I think the best thing I can do is take it one box at a time - there are LOTS of boxes - maybe at a box per fortnight or something. I'll get onto listing them tomorrow. Cheers for the interest folks. dave.
  4. I was a journalist on Kerrang (plus a few other mags) and I was also a rock club DJ about two billion years ago. As a consequence I have a pretty enormous collection of rock albums, mainly from the mid 80s to mid 90s which I frankly never ever listen to anymore. The collection is a mixture of LP, 12" singles and CDs. They're cluttering the place up and I haven't even owned a working turntable at home since about 1997... At a conservative estimate I'd say there are between 1500 and 2000 items in total. There are a lot of promo copies, white labels and rareties in there and there are frankly too many to catalogue; in fact it's the very idea of actually going through them and listing them which has stopped me making any effort to be rid in the past. I'm based in Liverpool . Come and browse (I'll make you a cuppa) and take what you want in return for folding money. If you want the lot, hell, I'll make you two cups of tea. Oh, but do let me know you're coming first...
  5. You'll be getting a really well made [US made] bass for not a lot of money and they sound like thunder recorded with an AKG valve mic through a 2k Bose rig. They have a HUGE sound. They also weight approximately the same as a small planet. I've owned two of these in years long distant and have cursed the forebears of every banker who put me in the dire financial straits that forced the sales. Great basses. Lovely things, but get a wide and well padded strap - oh, and work on your muscles.
  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='170983' date='Apr 6 2008, 09:21 PM']Yeah same as the above post. Dunlops all the way, i've never used schallers but i had a look at my mate's once and they didn't look that safe to me. Try [url="http://www.axesrus.com/"]http://www.axesrus.com/[/url], that's where i got mine from, not much more than a tenner if at all, they're £8.90 on there with free shipping. When i bought mine the day i got them one broke so i complained and they said don't even bother sending the broken unit in and sent me out a replacement right away. Great service. Other than that though they're pretty solid.[/quote] I suppose it depends upon how dilligent you are. My preference is for Schallers but I check that the nut is tight before every gig or practice session. They're a far better design than the dunlops in just about every respect. Yes the nuts may loosen over time but so long as you're not the sort of bassist who's too lazy to check your gear, then schaller every time, no question. I've got experience of the dunlops with Warwicks (two of them, one of which I still own) and Schalers with every other bass I have (seven of them) and I chose to put the schallers on all them. Dunlops are good but if they fail you're screwed, seriously screwed. With the schaller design if the lock fails then at least the strap button is sitting in a support cup and won't allow your bass to simply plummet to the deck.
  7. [quote name='ahpook' post='171093' date='Apr 7 2008, 12:09 AM']well, i can't really complain...i've been using elites on my basses years. but i think i got a dud set...restrung about a week ago, played one gig and practised twice, and the e-string sounds like a washing line. ugh. the other three strings are fine...still zingy. thing is - i hate brand new strings and we're playing on wednesday... so..restring, or put up with it ?[/quote] I think you have to restring, at least the E. Do it sooner rather than later and play the bejaysus out of it in the meantime to lose a bit of that (and I agree with you here) horrible twangyness.
  8. Alternatively, take out a smaller loan for a deposit, and ask ACG or Shuker to build you something to your specs and you can save for the balance in the six to eight months it takes to build it. Keep your specs relatively simple in terms of the tonewoods you want and you can have a custom build for anything between 900 pretty basic and 1400 quid with whistles. I have ACG building me a bass right now and the quote price astonished me when it came in. Custom builds ARE within your price bracket it you have a grand to spend. You owe it to yourelf to at least consider it.
  9. In a fair competition I'd go for the Spector every time, but this isn't a fair competition - The Spector has a Schack pre-amp. And this means I'd go Sandberg. Schack make great basses - their woodworking skills are fabulous - but, sadly, their preamps are woefully awful. They break down regularly, in my experience anyway, as I've had two and I thought the problem with the first one was a one off - it wasn't. I'd have another Schack bass in an instant - fine instrument - but I'd get their preamp out toot sweet for an aggy or similar. If the spector you want has a schack pre then choose the sandberg. No question, Sandberg make brilliant basses too, not quite US spectors in my view, but great basses never the less. And they don't come with schack electrics...
  10. [quote name='lwtait' post='169938' date='Apr 4 2008, 06:08 PM']thats the most true post yet on this thread. are these two parts refering to me? i have no problem with other people playing six strings. i never once said that i dont understand why other people feel they need them, i just i dont feel the need for them myself. and although i said jaco played with four, that was simply to support the fact that i only feel i need four strings. i never said you shouldn't be allowed more.[/quote] Not specifically referring to you - I had to use inverted commas so that people didn't mistake the comments for my own opinion. The "quotes" were not direct quotes but, rather, a summation of the sentiments I have encountered here (and elsewhere for that matter). As I was not specifically referring to you I'm not trying to assert that wouldn't allow them - perhaps I would have been better using the expression "that's all you should need" as most certainly that is the mindset of many 4 string bassists I've encountered with my 5 and my 12 and I have assumed is the mindset of many here. I'm not attempting to put words in your mouth and I apologise if that's how you read it.
  11. Well that's ten minutes of my life, ten minutes that I'll never get back, wasted reading (with one or two notable exceptions) the haves and the have nots re-entrenching their positions. I don't own a six string bass. I do own a five. I also own a twelve. Do I want a six string? No, I don't fancy one. Does it "offend me" in some puerile way that some bassists use them and love them? No it does not. Do I play a "real instrument" when I play one of my numerous fours? You better believe it coz if you don't believe that then its tantamount to telling me I'm not a musician. I picked up my first bass over three decades ago and I would have issue with you on that. Indeed I would. Do I agree with Jake that a high C would sound sh*t? - Yes; In my hands, almost certainly it would, but that is not to say that others may not make much better use of it. And Jake and I have both played with a guitarist named Carlo Bowry, God bless him, and I really, really wouldn't play in a register that he considered his territory. I'd just make it sound, well, sh*t, because Carlo is very much not sh*t. It seems to me that what we have in the six string camp, not exclusively but by and large, is on the one hand a genuine snobbery "mine's a real instrument like a grand piano" (sorry if that offends you mate, but that's how I see it) and on the other hand a sort of bitter defensiveness. Why? You play a valid instrument same as four and five string players do. In the four string camp we have ignorance "I just don't understand why you feel you need them" and a sort of non-aggressive Ludditism "Leo made them with four, Jaco played them with four, that's all you should be allowed". Get over yourselves, you might just as well be arguing about why you feel the need to eat oranges when "apples are all I've ever needed" or "Now I'm eating oranges, I feel like I've got a proper fruit". FFS... Bassists. That's all. Bassists. Good enough for me... no matter how many bleedin' strings you have.
  12. You could try speaking to some local bikers or a bike repairshop. They often use custom-made vinyl self-adhesive lettering for helmet customisation and for replacing bike lettering after a re-spray or accident repair. The results are fabulous, cheap, and every bike repairshop in the country will know how where the local specialist is.
  13. The three classic Leo designs. Nice collection...
  14. [quote name='jwbassman' post='166583' date='Mar 30 2008, 09:56 PM']Hey Scoop Nice collection you have going there - and soon to be enhanced with an ACG I've seen the Roscoe in the flesh and it's superb [/quote] There's three more that I didn't bother photographing today [Fender, Status, Dean 12] as the heavens opened briefly but heavily and by then my David Bailey aspirations had vanished. I can't wait to get my hands on that ACG!
  15. I got a few basses out today for a fettle and a restring and a fret polish and, as the weather was nice (for about three minutes) I decided to get a few pics of them. And, yes, I know the back wall needs pointing... Here's the Roscoe SKB3005. Exhibition maple on swamp ash and the fingerboard is African tulipwood (with a sapwood streak). The depth of the figuring in this maple is astonishing. [attachment=7105:IMG_0101.JPG] [attachment=7106:IMG_0102.JPG] [attachment=7107:IMG_0103.JPG] Here's my Rickenbacker 4003 Blue Boy. Blue Boy was a limited edition colour during, erm, 2002, I think. See? I'm an expert on my gear... [attachment=7096:IMG_0104_edited.JPG] [attachment=7097:IMG_0105_edited.JPG] Right, just one pic each of the next three coz I'm losing the will to live. This is my Lakland Skyline Bob Glaub which went through the "shop" at Chicago before it went to a US-based endorsee as a backup to his US Glaub. He pretty much never used it so when it arrived with me it was 10/10 immaculate. [attachment=7101:IMG_0108_edited.JPG] This is a Ken Smith Design Jazz with an EBS pre-amp modded for me by Bernie Goodfellow [attachment=7102:IMG_0110_edited.JPG] And this is my 96 warwick Fortress One. It's fugly as sin but it sounds and plays great. [attachment=7103:IMG_0114_edited.JPG]
  16. [quote name='jakesbass' post='165856' date='Mar 29 2008, 02:05 PM']I know Carl from old and toured Europe with the Muffs in the early nineties. Say hello to Carl for me. Jake Newman[/quote] I'd be glad to pass on your best. Carlo's had a bad week this week (I'll PM you on that) and I imagine that might cheer him up a bit. So who else do you know from the Muffs? Roddie, obviously... but Rhino? Jumpy? Bammo? Steve Belger? Andy Frizzel? Martin "Tina"? My God, there's been so many of them... Tilo Pirnbaum? Did you get to play with either Ike Willis or Jimmy carl Black? I've gotten to know JCB reasonably well through Carlo and Frizz and he's just a brilliant bloke.
  17. [quote name='jakesbass' post='165813' date='Mar 29 2008, 12:16 PM']It wasn't the Muffin Men by any chance was it?[/quote] Nope. I play with Carlo Bowry the guitarist from the Muffs (now ex-guitarist I suppose) on a quite regular basis. Well over 200 gigs with him in the last decade, I guess. There was another ex-Muffins chap involved last night but it wasn't the Muffins [i]per se[/i]. The band are called Trout Mask Replicants.
  18. Went to my local tonight to see pals of mine in a zappa - beefheart type band. Great band and I've kind of envied the bassist in this lot for a while coz it's a great gig. He's a mate and I know him well but I'd still kill him, happily, for this gig. Anyway, the poor sod has a barium meal test tomorow and took laxatives before the gig to clear his system out - not expecting the effect to be almost immediate. He got a third of the way through the first set and unplugged, lobbed his bass at me (a frankenfender precision), and sprinted bogwards clutching his buttocks. After I'd finished laughing I got up and made a complete arse of myself attempting to improvise material I thought I knew but obviously didn't. Still enjoyed the bits I got right, mind you. I dep quite a bit and I like to think that I have reputation as someone who will give their all at a moments notice - but this is the first time I've ever answered the "is there a bassist in the house?" type of call. It was a bit stressful to be honest and I didn't exactly rise to the challenge as I hoped I might - but when all is said and done I still had a blast. So unexpected, so challenging, so sphincter quivering - and such good fun.
  19. For God's sake! Will someone just buy this, please, and get it off my radar. I've just ordered a custom built ACG and can't afford anything else for a while. I *really* want this bass. I also want my wife not to divorce me over spending too much more of our hard earned on wood and wire. call it a bump if you want - but think of my children! Buy it before they have a broken home!
  20. Scoop

    ACG Recurve

    So, that's that. Specs agreed. Woods chosen and, as of today, deposit sent. Before we hit 2009 I'll have an ACG Recurve. I'll keep you posted but I have to admit the anticipation is pretty much overwhelming.
  21. Congratulations. Your sense of achivement must be huge. I'm really impressed with your skills and ability to take onboard Jon's tutelage. As for me, I'll just content myself with knowing it was a spoke shave Well done and, again, congratulations. It's a bloody lovely looking instrument.
  22. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='164781' date='Mar 27 2008, 08:53 PM']+1 [/quote] +1 million. I've [b]really[/b] enjoyed this thread and your ASAT-alike is looking very very good. I suspect you're going to have every right to feel mighty proud of yourself when this is all over. Yours, Scoop Shave.
  23. Got one today! Thanks for the heads up!
  24. The Fortress One was made with both active and passive versions. I have an active one but a mate of mine's is passive. That said, I don't know enough about his bass to be able to tell you about the control layout and so forth.
  25. I really struggle to sing and play at the same time. So I forced myself to sing and play Taxman (Beatles) thinking this would cure me once and for all of this annoying little trait. After literally weeks if constant practice I nailed it. Then someone asked me to play and sing Politician by Cream. Well, I thought, Jack Bruce can do it so mebee I can too. Wrong. Sadly, the only thing I've ever been able to sing and play is Taxman. And Politician, bassline alone, simply turns my head to turnip. I enjoy a fair bit of Frank Zappa's stuff and I've always insisted on "My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama" being in the setlist if I join a covers band. I love playing it but really simplify the bassline in order to sing it. Coz I enjoy singing it more, I guess... Some really simple things flummox me inexplicably: I once left a band, permanently, through the shame of not being able to nail "I Saw Her Standing There". I can play some Claypool and I've copped just about every lick that Entwhistle ever played but I have a mental block on "Standing There" and still can't get it right to this day (not that I've tried recently). Go figure. I can play Primus's "Harold on the Rocks" but can't get "I Saw Her Standing There". After 33 years of playing. Sometimes I despair of being me.
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