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Everything posted by martfitz

  1. For sale is my lovely Sandberg JM4. If it's so lovely why am I selling it? Because I have 2 Yamaha's that I love more and it's not getting played. Very good condition. Comes with hard case. Now rebranded the TM4 - [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calt-series/caltm"]http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calt-series/caltm[/url] [b]After £800.00.[/b] Would be interested in trades against a nice 5 string.
  2. Flamin' 'eck these will no doubt be gone by the time I sell my Sandberg, what a bargain.
  3. I have one of these amps with the 6x10, it's a really nice clean amp, the two channels give nice flexibility too, my cab is awesome so I would imagine the 4x10 is the same. Might be worth a mention that it is really a Markbass rig in disguise, it's not just the speakers, the whole lot was designed and manufactured by them.
  4. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1325163614' post='1480380'] Afraid some (perhaps many) Americans don't quite fathom that shipping to Europe for them is about the same amount of hassle. I actually bought a bass from the US before, where the sender did not want to ship to me. So what I did was use a forwarding company..... i.e. the guy sent to them, they checked if all was well and sent me a picture, they repacked and sent via courier (saved me hugely on costs, as they had wholesale discount). Can send details if need be, they did a good job for me. [/quote] I've done similar as well, I have a friend out there where I've shipped stuff to before where the person did not want to ship to the UK, doesn't make sense really, they were happy to take my money and ship it nearly 3000 miles from one side of the States to the other then my friend did the same again, barking mad really :-)
  5. Nice collection, I love the BB1500A as it is almost identical to my old TRB4, same pickups and electronics, although I indulged and put some TI Flats on it and it sounds lovely. I did have a BB2004 and 2005 but just didn't get on with them to be honest, I always end up going back to my TRB4. I'm sure you'll get your hands on a 2000 as some point.
  6. You're not wrong, that's the way it normally works, get something you like because you can't find the bass that you really want and then one appears on here or Ebay when you don't have the money, if you tried to sell another bass to fund it then it would be gone and you're back to square one, the never ending GAS circle :-) I see you like your Yamaha's, a bit like myself?
  7. I don't know why he won't ship outside the US, wherever it's going it needs to be packed the same? I've bought a few basses from the US in the past when the pound was stronger, as long as you pay the shipping and insurance I can't see the problem. Have you asked the guy if he'd be prepared to ship outside the US? They might do. (If he is just make sure you have enough to pay HM Customs as well - robbing ********).
  8. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1321477720' post='1439759'] Nice doggies mart! [/quote] Ha ha - cheers - yes they're my terrible twosome - Finley and Lester, sound like a firm of solicitors
  9. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1321464264' post='1439531'] I found that it took me a while to get used to the Sandberg sound. Neither the pickups or preamp are weak, but they are inherently VERY bright sounding basses, and the Glockenklang preamp is very transparent. The controls are quite sensitive; a small adjustment can affect the sound quite a bit! The fact that the sound is so clear and defined can make you think that it's not very gutsy, when in fact it is. When I first got my Basic, I tended to have the treble rolled off a lot, and the bass boosted a lot because I was under the same impression. The first time I gigged it, friends in the crowd kept telling me to turn down because all they could hear and feel was my bass! It wasn't that I was in fact too loud, it was just so bassy that I was overpowering everything else and turning peoples innards to mush! Have you had the bass long? If not, I would giving it a good chance and see if you can make it work for you. The pickups and preamp are very good quality, although like I said, these basses are very bright, clear and defined, although they're pretty versatile IMO. If you want a vintage, muddy or woolly sound, I would suggest finding a different bass. Hope this helps. [/quote] Thanks - I'm not doubting the quality as it's a superb bass, I'll have a bit more of a tweak before I change anything.
  10. [quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1321464985' post='1439543'] i had Harry Haussel pickups fitted by the factory on mine as they give off a more vintage growl rather than the more modern bright hifi sounding Delano's. These are what Sandberg tend to recommend if you wanted something different. in a word, they are MEGA!! Really seem to give off a more Fender vibe but with a kick up the backside Great pickups! [/quote] That's good to know - thanks a lot
  11. I've got a Sandberg JM4 which I'm thinkg of changing the pickups on. It's a really really well made bass and plays great but I just find the pickups really weak compared to my Yamahas, even when using it in active. I've got another bass with EMG's in it which just sounds really immense, so thinking about those. What other pickups have other people on here changed on their Jazzes/Stingrays? All advice and experiences welcome
  12. I've got one of these and love it, if I had the spare cash I'd have another as a spare. Someone is going to end up with a very nice and under-estimated bass here.
  13. Here's my setup Ampeg SVT 5 Pro Musicman HD500 Musicman HD610 Korg DTR2000 Tuner Alesis 3630 Compressor
  14. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1340075' date='Aug 14 2011, 09:33 PM']I love the look of your 4 stringer It looks ver similar to a black 4 string TRB that Mike Rutherford played with "Genisis" [attachment=87042:mike_20rutherford.jpg][/quote] Yeah it does a bit, I didn't realise he played one until I saw them a few years ago.
  15. Don't shout at me all you 5 and 6 stringers but I thought I would address the lack of 4 string TRB's with my lovely brown satin TRB4 which I've had since new from 1994. This is one of the best basses I've ever played and owned and I will NEVER get rid, absolutely love it
  16. [quote name='XylemBassGuitar' post='1330995' date='Aug 7 2011, 03:31 PM']Why thank you! I recently finished a 5 string bass for a guy in Chicago and he wanted it strung up EADGC so I thought I'd get in on this discussion. I played the bass a bit before I sent it to him and found that I really like a 5er tuned EADGC, it's a pretty sweet setup.[/quote] That's what I'm hoping, it's always nice to get the advice of other people that have done it. Thought I would try it on something mid-range-ish first, if I did it on a cheap 5 string and I liked it then I'd only end up doing it on a more expensive bass, which I still might end up doing afterwards if I find it suits me. (Must try to resist another custom bass - well at least this year anyway )
  17. [quote name='XylemBassGuitar' post='1330035' date='Aug 6 2011, 04:34 PM']+1. Try it and see what happens. Worst case you have some buzz and the intonation will be a little off, it won't be irreversible. If it were me, and I was sure I wanted to stick with the EADGC tuning, I would change the nut and get a setup. BEADG to EADGC is a big change in gauges and you might get some issues from extra-wide nut slots. Also, keep in mind that the EADGC combo will probably have [i]more[/i] tension than a BEADG setup (B strings are, generally, pretty low-tension).[/quote] Nice looking basses you're making there by the way.
  18. [quote name='XylemBassGuitar' post='1330035' date='Aug 6 2011, 04:34 PM']+1. Try it and see what happens. Worst case you have some buzz and the intonation will be a little off, it won't be irreversible. If it were me, and I was sure I wanted to stick with the EADGC tuning, I would change the nut and get a setup. BEADG to EADGC is a big change in gauges and you might get some issues from extra-wide nut slots. Also, keep in mind that the EADGC combo will probably have [i]more[/i] tension than a BEADG setup (B strings are, generally, pretty low-tension).[/quote] Thanks for the advice, I'll do that, I know I don't need the low B so I might as well do it right, I'm probably looking at using some lighter gauge flatwounds so where the low B would usually be I would imagine be way too wide.
  19. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1329726' date='Aug 6 2011, 11:19 AM']Yep, did it and love it. I'm going to defret the bass too to really get the most out of it. Didn't need to do anything to the nut but action and truss rod tweaks are a part of life and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. Get stuck in.[/quote] I was thinking of replacing the frets with Mandolin frets, ala Lee Sklar - not that I can play like him mind, and using flatwounds, if I'm going to tinker about with a bass I might as well go the whole hog I guess.
  20. [quote name='rOB' post='1329609' date='Aug 6 2011, 09:21 AM']You speak wisely.[/quote] It will also bring the dusty end of the neck more into my playing I think lol
  21. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1329411' date='Aug 6 2011, 12:01 AM']Get a 6 even if you don't use the lower register, you can use the B string higher up the neck to save you having to switch fretting hand positions, and for a deeper sound. Alternatively, do the EADGC thing as it's a cool idea you will need to set the intonation and adjust the truss rod. A new nut may also be necessary Whatever you do, enjoy it! And may it bring you much inspiration[/quote] I have thought about that but I've got quite small hands so the 6 string might just push me over the edge of where I'm comfortable, as it is I'll probably be looking for a 5 string with a narrower neck.
  22. I'm thinking of getting a 5 string but tuning it to EADGC, had a 5 string in the past but never really needed the low B much and definitely don't need it now. Of those of you that have done this did you bother changing the nut or did you just tweak the truss rod and action? Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers Fitz.
  23. I bought my TRB4 in the early 90's and it cost £1100, other basses have come and gone but I will always own this, I've had all sorts of decent basses but always end up playing this instead, it's just so versatile, love the tone, love the feel and everything else about it.
  24. Ooh this is tempting, have the fretted version and love it. Might have to sell my Explorer
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