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Everything posted by j2112c
Hi Guys, Start of a New Year says I need to get my Dio Tribute band going. Location is South Wales Cardiff/Pontypridd though if there is the makings of a band near Kendal in Cumbria I could relocate until it is off and running. I am a guitarist and know about 15 of the songs and solos note for note, the set list would be more or less the Dio Inferno Last in Live album. You would need to be able to play the first two albums straight through plus the big Rainbow/Black Sabbath songs he did. As we will sometimes run through whole albums in order. I have so many people wanting to book the band in it is unreal including nearly two weeks of back to back gigs in the Isle of Man for TT bike week. I need the rest of the band, but have a potential singer and drummer. I would like to make the very best, tribute out there, if you want to be a part of that let me know.
[quote name='gjones' post='1000655' date='Oct 25 2010, 11:35 PM']Ask this guy [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq0q5gIIIq4&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq0q5gIIIq4...feature=related[/url][/quote] quite right, good idea! Cheers
[quote name='Delberthot' post='1000519' date='Oct 25 2010, 09:31 PM']not just any octaver - it has to be a Boss OC-2 I would never sell mine[/quote] Is the Boss OC-2 from that time? If so I guess they are up to OC-7 by now ... is it like the delays units, some of the older OC are different sounding to later versions?
[quote name='gjones' post='1000516' date='Oct 25 2010, 09:28 PM']Ha, ha seriously though. If it's Pino Pallidino it's a fretless bass with an octaver, some reverb and probably a bit of chorus.[/quote] A synth... in the 1980's hehe! yeah! I know where you are coming from:lol: Comodores have frets on the bass in the video - of course that might not be what was used on the recording. Yes you are correct, Pino Pallidino did the recording though I did not see him in the video... he seemed to be on everything in the 80's. ..but an octaver, reverb and chorus you think? I thought maybe that way too... I will have to experiment to get this iconic 80's warble!
Hi Guys, Being new to bass how do I get this sound on Paul Young and The Comodores? Octaver/Chorus/Reverb/Delay...or less than that? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrkEDe6Ljqs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrkEDe6Ljqs[/url] Similar sound here too, but maybe even more effect: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywoHBGS_DnQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywoHBGS_DnQ[/url]
[quote name='Zach' post='998934' date='Oct 24 2010, 03:39 PM']put simply, he's a wee bit mental. Quite want to find some of his 'normal' band work, see what he's like in a traditional role.[/quote] Thonk is a good album that sounds pretty 'normal' some is a bit Stuart Hamm in a good way.
[quote name='51m0n' post='996761' date='Oct 22 2010, 10:06 AM']In his own words:- [/quote] Many thanks guys! Whoa... I think I have a way to go with this bass thing! '...selling your car' was a cracker!
Wow nice one! I like that.
[quote name='Truckstop' post='998186' date='Oct 23 2010, 03:55 PM']You might be better off getting a slightly less expensive bass and actually investing in a good amp instead. Alot of the 'sound' you might be after, may actually come more from the amp rather than the actual bass itself. Failing that, just try try try and try some more. Also, I think the riff of death for bass in guitar shops is 'Another One Bites The Dust', so get that down pat! Truckstop[/quote] Doop Doop Doop. Dooby-Doop-Doop Doop-Pap! Got it! [quote name='daz' post='998188' date='Oct 23 2010, 04:00 PM']i wouldnt even try anything with more than four strings if you are are starting out, no matter how long you have played guitar. Give yourself a chance. Read my signature below for Billy Sheehan's thoughts on bass guitars with more than four strings. ps: dont forget to give the Squier Classic Vibe series a try out.[/quote] Point taken, though have you seen the size of his hands... he could stretch and octave on one string! Such a lot of great stuff has been made on 4 strings that unless I start covering a lot of songs where the original is made on a 5/6, it is a point worth bearing in mind... It is the width of the fretboard that is a bit intimidating on a 6, though I think on the other side it would keep my thumb back behind the neck in a good position and prevent it 'creeping' over the top... it might improve my bass and guitar technique...? Just a thought.
[quote name='BigRedX' post='997826' date='Oct 23 2010, 09:45 AM']Other than "learn the bass" what do you want to do. Just play for your own amusement and maybe a bit of home recording? Or are you planning to eventually be the bassist in a gigging band? If it's the latter, then looks will be as important as sound and playability, although you may find that other musicians in other bands can have rather fixed ideas about what constitutes an appropriate look for a bass.[/quote] Initially I am looking to write with it, I have been with a vocalist for two months now writing and the single best way to write is putting my guitar through a COSM bass simulator as I get rhythm and simple notes to anchor... the guitar is more aligned to the vocals some icing on the top. Later of course when the guitar is in I try to (probably badly) elaborate in the existing bass line IF.. I get good enough and have an opportunity at a good soul, dance or funk band in the style of Lisa Stansfield/Incognito... then I would gig... it really is up to the level of aptitude I have for it and the standard I can manage Until I am as certain of the bass as guitar, I would not have the conifidence to go out as half cocked a guitarist 'trying' to be a bass player.... there is nothing worse to see. It will take at least three months to get the right hand going and probably a year to get it really natural - the left hand will be fine. Do you think people worry on the looks of the bassists instrument? I just hoped the bass player would turn up in the last band.... if he could have played like Miller he could have played an Explorer! It is interesting you say that as you are the second person that has said this to me. [quote name='BigRedX' post='997826' date='Oct 23 2010, 09:45 AM']One final point. Your nice guitar amp won't be much use for bass for anything other than low level home practice. The general rule of thumb for bass amplification in a band situation is to add up the max output of the rest of the ban's backline and then multiply by 5 to get the kind of ap output you'll need to be heard.[/quote] It is as I always suspected with you bassists! Multiply volume by 5! I understand due to the frequencies, just joking with you. The amp is one of the reissues of the lead/bass amp so has a bass channel at 20w as you say it will be fine for home and recording only. Through for recording I may go direct anyway, unless I gig I should be safe. [quote name='Lozz196' post='997827' date='Oct 23 2010, 09:45 AM']Another thing to think of as well, is which bassists sound do you really like, and aim to sound like. If all yr fave players play a specific model, then I`d start out trying one of those. I spent years buying/selling basses, trying to achieve a specific sound in my head, then finally realisation hit, all my faves use Precisions. Bought one, haven`t looked back (aside from buying more Precisions that is).[/quote] So much is in the hands I suppose, but I guess the sound I would hope to get would be a 1980's sound, a Marcus Miller/Mark King thick bottom end with a treble pop... probably a little less mid... as that is where my Marshall stack puts my guitar! Another sound I absolutely love... is the sound of Paul Youngs 'Wherever I Lay My Hat and 'The Night Shift' Comodores (on this video it is a Steinberger) how do they get that sound? What effects? Chorus and Octaver? Pino Paladino? (Probably) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywoHBGS_DnQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywoHBGS_DnQ[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrkEDe6Ljqs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrkEDe6Ljqs[/url] In the 80's the guitar got processed to death went like tin with layers of delays, chorus and COMPRESSION (ughhh) - infact you can hear it in the above song which is fine for funky, not so good for picked parts. Where as the bass got Mark King and this sort of thick as soup sound. Again a big thanks for the info lads n lasses. I will let you know what I end up with
You guys may not realise, but you have something that I realised this week takes time to 'learn' - somehow it takes experience and constant playing / listening to get your ears attuned to 'good tone'. Bass wise... you guys would say yes I hear x,y and z... in that bass and I would not pick it up. Equally I can filter out the nuances of twenty Les Paul I play... I can find one that is playing well, intonated, hear the subtle differences in tone, filter out the ones with the best harmonics, sustain and clarity. I am almost certain that I DO NOT have that ability with the bass.. my ears are not there yet. My only cost is the bass, hence I will spend more on the bass itself one that will outstrip my abilities (possibly forever!)... I have an amp that will do - a 20w Marshall 2061x handwired head which is a lead & bass amp... dropped through a Marshall stack of two 1960 4x12 cabs.... @20w it will not drive or blow the speakers if anything it will it should loosen up the speakers and they should sound even better broken in over the years in that way! Effects wise a TC Electronics G Major will cover the bass side as well with an afternoon of making up a couple of 'bass voices'. Of course I have no idea what effects you bass guys use... but there you go... I have absolutely no idea what ANY of it will sound like... but that is the fun bit, I may find my own tone out of necessity and luck.
[quote name='bubinga5' post='997630' date='Oct 22 2010, 11:12 PM']I would definately try an S5...very articulate, with a huge sound..very tight B string..VERY well made..IMO way better than any Fender ive had in fit and finish...Im a jazz bass guy but when it comes to 5 strings (which is i think you want if not a 6) the S5 beats the Fender Jazz 5 on build quality for most of the time...Tone wise thats your call..The lego you refer to seems like your describing a P bass pickup...(big fat Fender sound) in my experience you wont notice BO (Bolt on neck) to NT (Neck through construction) ive played many and havent noticed much...i have a Modulus bolt on and it would wipe the floor with any neck through..IMO... the key here is to get some models on your short list, and see if you can try them out...Try a Fender Jazz, Fender Precision, Stingray 4/5...these very rarely let down..do some research and go from there...know one really does it like these basses... Try Try Try..its you who has to like the sound bro... Keep in mind a Stingray is active and if you like the tone, there are many Jazz basses that are active which give a different tone... research and youtube are your friend...[/quote] Thanks for the advice and help Bub. and everyone who chipped in it is appreciated. Fun bit then... guitar shops and mates basses... like being a newb all over again... no Smoke on the Water or Sweet Child to test out.... there must be a bass equivalent... you know the one song that EVERYONE uses to test gear out with! The song that gets banned- that if you work in a shop you BAN people from playing!? When I was a kid in the guitar shop we had a guy come in, pick the most expensive guitar down from the wall (he didn't even ask) sat on an amp (!) and started playing Smoke at full throttle... at 17:25 (we closed @17:30).... we went into the back and dropped the power switch! Lights out, alarms going off, his face dropped... we said - "Sorry mate, power outage we have had them all day, come back tomorrow!"
I am going have to try a Stingray they seem popular choice here.. Ok, so the BO/NT debate is personal choice, in that case I will try both see if it makes a difference, but I imagine I would be more comfortable staying NT. So can someone just give me a quick overview of pick ups (guitars high output humbuckers /low output single coils) so what are the choices in bass...? I see what look like soap bars, humbuckers and strange ones that are sort of split (zig zag)... like lego out of alignment! If buy a bass with soapbars what sort of sound... split lego... what sort of sound? It may not be as simple as this but I am learning.
[quote name='Mog' post='997514' date='Oct 22 2010, 08:47 PM']Awww Ragin! Just realised I passed up the chance of telling a guitarist what to do............. [/quote] Ha ha! Knuckle dragger! At least you have sense of humour! [quote name='bubinga5' post='997539' date='Oct 22 2010, 09:13 PM']good budget for a second hand bass....Do you have any shape preference? What about a Lakland 44-02 /55-02..Joe Osborn 5 Jazz bass,Yamaha TRB 6, Stingray 5 are simply awsome basses..the B string one my old one was simply to die for..[/quote] Hi, well in terms of shape I prefer the rounded wood shapes like the thumb bass or the basses with large cut aways so the horns are cut down, TRB6, rather than the more traditional Fender style. I will check out the ones you have put down there. Thanks. What is the story with the BO/Through neck thing with bases? It seems a lot of high end bases are bolt on... and a lot of people who play bass say they think the Bolt On is better... this is strange to me as with guitar if you specifically want a clangy/jangly sound you go bolt on and apart from the higher end of Fender almost no high end stuff is BO. Most high end is through neck, more harmonics, sustain, wood tone coming through... Why so many BO lovers in Bassland? Why so many high end basses BO? This is a decision in terms of purchase I need to understand.
Hello Everyone, Right... I have played 6 string guitar for 25 years, rock, metal and funk. I decided last week 'right I want to learn bass - I want to play Teen Town, Sussudio, I want to be a Wooten, Pastorius, Pattituci a white TM Stevens... (OK I really am joking now there is only ONE TM God bless him!)... but you get the idea. Easy... YEAH! NOT!.... I looked at three basses (Streamer LX4, TRB6P, Perception 5 standard deluxe) , nearly bought one and then asked my bassist mates what they thought of my potential purchases... It went something like this: 'You want BO' ' - you want through neck' 'go for a 5 string' '- go 4 string' ' go active' ' - go passive...' 'go for a Warwick' ' - forget them they growl too much...' WTF 'GroWL?!' what are you talking about?! Growling ?... Now I don't know anything. As guitarist.. If someone said to me I like rock guitar I would say: mahogany body, through neck, set of 10 strings or higher, humbucking pick ups... colour, shape, brand up to you. Marshall Amps ect If someone said to me I like Funk guitar I would say: Ash or alder body, BO neck, set of 9's, single coil pick ups.... colour, shape, brand up to you. Fender Amps ect. So here is the deal I want to play fusion and funk. I do not particularly want to play rock on the bass - if I want to do that my 6 String & Marshall Stack will kill small animals. I am not concerned if it is a 4,5 or 6 string though I liked the idea of a 5 or 6 string... (I like Pattiuci ) I already tune my guitars to perfect fourths (unusual I know). Big dexterous left hand (poor guitarists right hand unless you give me a pick in which case I will wear it down evenly alternate picking in 20 minutes! ) I know I am having a joke on this, that is my way... but there is a serious point here. Any offerings of advice welcome. The only thing I will specify is that I want a top range bass, I want to buy secondhand at a budget of £800 but will go to £1000 for something neat. So that should get me a top bass from 10 years ago I suppose?
[quote name='Jam' post='997323' date='Oct 22 2010, 05:27 PM']Oh damn! I would LOVE to play in a Dio tribute act![/quote] Now THAT is the reaction I am getting from everybody. There is a club in the South West that saw my ad for a bassist and said... we are a club not a player... but when you get a full line up send me a link to your MySpace. That was two months ago... this week they called me and said can we book you now! I am in Aberdare can practice in Ponty or Myrthr... where abouts are you? Don't tell me... Glasgow!! Oh close... Oxford! Typical huh!?
[quote name='Bilbo' post='996835' date='Oct 22 2010, 10:59 AM']Don't know Aberdare. I hail from Cwmbran origianlly so that's nearly England....[/quote] Ah, Aberdare is 20 miles North of Cardiff near Merthyr and in the Valleys.
[quote name='LemonCello' post='996913' date='Oct 22 2010, 12:05 PM']Welcome to BassChat from Lemon Cello now residing in Merthyr.[/quote] You know Lem... I very nearly posted a reply to your advert seeking a band as I want to start up the UK's only Dio Tribute band.. I have had a lot of interest from clubs that want to book up a Dio act and I know 12 songs fully from a set list of 18 songs I set out (I play mean guitar!) I have a drummer the will come on board but only when it is all set up (he is thinking money) - and I have a few vocalists in mind... one was in Merthyr. So ho hum, if you fancy fighting the good fight with some Old Skool 1980's metal then offer is there mate.
[quote name='Bilbo' post='996804' date='Oct 22 2010, 10:34 AM']Where are you based in God's own country, j2112c?[/quote] I am in sunny Aberdare, originally from Kendal in Cumbria, but I have been down here for seven years... I love the place, really settled here. Friendly people, lots of music, good neighbours... what more could I ask for?... In fact my next door is a bassist in three bands and the lass living opposite me has just sung on four songs and done vocal arrangements on the Manic Street Preachers new no.1 album... pretty good place!
Hey Guys, I am new to the forum and new to bass (guitarist 25 years whisper it)..... I have a few Manring albums but what on earth is he doing to the headstock/tuners to get these sounds? At first I thought he was simply hitting a harmonic and then turning the tuning key a bit... but I am not so sure... if he is ssimply doing that is it is a mMEGS execution of the technique! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eTBc7aWBGw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eTBc7aWBGw[/url] ... ah! He has some device for locking unlocking the machine heads I see on this video... what on earth? Anybody got more info on this? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY4Ra2KOyas"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY4Ra2KOyas[/url]
[quote name='owen' post='996445' date='Oct 21 2010, 10:03 PM']You will need all of those basses. Don't fight it.[/quote] Oh noooooOOOOoooooOOOOo GAS attack! I simply can't - mustn't - shouldn't - get bass GAS.... I have seven guitars, two Marshall stacks, four amps altogether NO.....!!!!!!! ... OK... I know... it will happen! This was part of my reason for getting a top notch bass straight off, if I have an aptitude it will last me a lifetime and I can resist the GAS. I have already finally called time on guitar gear. If I have moderate success and simply play rubbish bass (like a guitarist playing bass).. then I will need all the help I can get from the bass in terms of playability and quality. This guys is where I want to get to.... I think it is going to be a long project! He just seems so smooth, even and effortless... nice note choices too. Cool. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy3V2Tl4g3s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy3V2Tl4g3s[/url]
Just saying 'Hello' to everyone on the forum. I have floated about the forum past week or so as I have been looking for a bass. I am a proficient guitarist that has decided to put another string to the bow (or is that lose a string to my bow? ) and I plan to fast track on the bass - your help is needed! I am looking for a really top quality bass and really could do with some ideas from the gang.. 4,5 or 6 string... I know a ton about guitars and the sounds they and the amps can provide, but zero about bass! I am looking to be able to play some songs from my heroes T. M. Stevens, Jaco, Pattituci... and whisper it Mark King.. At the end of the month I will have a bass, (currently between a Yam TRB6/Warwick Streamer 4/Warwick Thumb 5) by the end of January I want to be doing Teen Town! Bets are on to see if I can jump from guitar to bass and learn all the new techniques and get Teen Town down!