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Everything posted by charic

  1. The spoiler button on the right next to preview
  2. We considered it, but figured against the dark background it would be a bit difficult to read
  3. I've removed the other themes as they have bugs, including things like dodging paying for a sub. They weren't meant to be there after going live, they were there while we were working things out only. Basschat 2.0 is the only fully compatible theme so it's the only one still in use. As there's no alternatives, the button is now hidden.
  4. It's because supporting members are a new group and we made a slight oversight and forgot to give them shop permissions.. oops! Just need to go click some buttons
  5. If we do that I'll have to change Newbie to Drummer!
  6. That was me sorting out GC and.. er hitting the wrong button
  7. That actually used to be darker! A recent update must have changed that!
  8. Yes... they can. I've seen them (annoyingly)
  9. Did you sell it on here?
  10. Yeah, BRX you're such a fender fanboi!
  11. ..ish I've not played both I've played plenty of Shukers and never found a bad one
  12. The bump button won't work in there and it's not our functionality unfortunately
  13. For Yamaha and Ibanez most of the *big chains* should be able to see you right
  14. I'd say general discussion is fine
  15. The topic hasn't been approved yet so you won't have permission to view it
  16. That's a definite possibility
  17. I'm guessing it's under our threshold for selling, which means that it's flagged for being approved by a moderator. It stops people dodging the sub by lowballing
  18. Updates complete please let me know if there are still issues and we'll flag with the software provider. Sometimes you may need to do a hard cache reset in-order to clear out the cobwebs
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