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Everything posted by charic

  1. What gauges are you currently using? Short term (and to see if it will work for you a folded up piece of paper in the nut can work wonders so you don't have to modify the nut unnecessarily
  2. The 5er sounds like a logical choice and reaching over an extra string you can quick adjust too
  3. I'm sure you can still play once that's all wrapped up
  4. The link broke a little while back. Looks to be back now
  5. I'm pretty sure you can buy from them direct
  6. Thought I would embed the playlist so you can check it from here
  7. A lot of the quirks will hopefully clear up after the server upgrade There's also a software upgrade from the suppliers which is currently pegged for Jan-Mar and should offer a fairly large improvement
  8. Is your name in the posts or was your name in the topic only? If so then you're searching for a topic for over a year ago
  9. Oh no that doesn't look good
  10. Yeah, picking it up from Nath on Sunday (just sorting some logistics out!) Having it on both the physical and software format will mean that A/B and tweaking should be a lot easier, I won't get the native to start with as pennies need to be recouped but I can see it being very helpful
  11. Looks like I'm getting a full fat helix on sunday! Question, how do you go about getting the money off of the Native Plug-in? I'm buying the unit secondhand and want to make sure I can still get my money off
  12. Although we're going to be giving the server one hell of an upgrade still I have to think that your speed issues are mostly on your end of things as even on mobile data it's pretty snappy now. Are you "browsing" the forum or using a content feed? Is the speed better or worse on your computer vs your phone?
  13. Worth noting that the search is currently limited to a year while we prep for a server upgrade. Site performance should improve greatly following that too! Although I'm not sure why it's particularly slow for you.
  14. Helix inbound!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. discreet


      Ooh... we'll need lots and lots of pics and an in-depth review of how it works, what it's like, how it sounds and how it affects you mentally. :)

    3. charic


      I'll happily do loads of little videos :P

    4. Dazed


      Fancy pants


  15. They should be there on the full site now I've kept them off of the smaller views for the time being to keep usage simple
  16. @dood, I think a jolly to the states is in order bringing back Mesa, EMG and AxeFx stuff
  17. Keyboards at the moment But songwriting and organisation are probably my other main contributions
  18. @SmoothHoundChris, in case you're on the forum and this escapes your gaze
  19. Congrats on the promotion!
  20. That's not good, I've heard that their support is very good though. Have you given the a shout?
  21. Seeing Stone Sour tonight :D

    Can't wait!

    1. LiamPodmore


      Wish they'd done a Manchester data. Wouldn't mind seeing Stone Sour.

    2. HazBeen
  22. 4 guitars sounds like insanity... are you sure you have hearing left? I hope the walls of your practice room are reinforced!
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