I don't think I agree re Jordan, I actually think the lines he puts down are usually perfect for the song, although they can stray into ridiculous at times I still feel they fit. Albums like octavarium are pretty much made what they are by him and him compliments black clouds well without going mad. Systematic chaos was a bit mad but its in the name.
The guys got a Huge space he has to fill between myung and petrucci and I think he does the part justice. I also don't really see his ego, I think maybe he's a little bit mad but mostly getting into it and having a good time.
Finally re mangini the guy played incredibly during his audition and it obviously meant a lot to him, seemed dream theater took it equally as serious so hopefully he's more than a fill in. He doesn't really play the same as portnoy anyway.
Count me interested for the next album, anyone have any dates for release yet?