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Everything posted by charic

  1. Yeah the mode on them really do show up some unexpected results. I love mine too. It does take some getting to grips really doesn't it but oh well. Any chance of some pics of the setup as it stands? On a side note have you tried piano through the monitors? Well worth a listen
  2. Doesn't really matter but in standard studio practice I see more on their sides. Probably so speaker and tweeter are level. How are you getting on with the setup?
  3. The rh450 is rated at 4ohm minimum. The rebelstack cabs are rated at 8ohms each. All over the net it says that the rh450 can drive 3xrebelstack cabs. But that's 2ohms so hoe can this be. I'm not looking at doing it but that's not the point lol.
  4. So you have set layouts/themes to select from and they would provide you with the content for any particular work aswell as somekind of description? Semi-automated almost
  5. Afraid not mate good luck with the search
  6. Theres others rather than singlecuts you know and I will happily vouch for Alans work [attachment=59016:37323295...22d93db5.jpg]
  7. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49604&st=60&start=60"]Graft Thread[/url] Dug up the link for ye
  8. Not sure of price but have you considered ACG Graft basses?
  9. My Peavey Millenium BXP has to be my worst own. Was my first bass, cost me £170 at the time sounded good but the neck was too small for me. The only thing that makes me think it was bad? You couldn't tap on it at all, the notes choked all the time. But then its being compared to my pbass and acg so odds were slim for it tbf.
  10. [quote name='spinynorman' post='958624' date='Sep 16 2010, 06:13 PM']We looked at the professional route when we revamped our site. The web designers we approached appeared to have reasonable IT skills, but not much in the way of design background. The sites we were shown as references were either badly designed, or totally unsuitable for a band. In the end I downloaded a free copy of NetObjects Fusion Essentials and did it myself. The problem is I think that the website template, content management stuff is the easy bit. It's been commoditised already by software, Myspace, Joomla, Wordpress, etc. How do you make your site stand out? - not by basing it on a template. One local band has a friend who is a professional graphic artist for a comic publisher, and another who is a semi-pro photographer. They have standout graphics and photos and really none of the rest of it matters. If you could find a cheap easy way to do customised creative content, we'd bite your hand off. Somehow I doubt that's possible.[/quote] That last bit... What do you mean?
  11. Sounds interesting, almost a config page style system. Initial thoughts are the idea of a low cost or free version (with advertising on the page so you can make so money that way?) Mid Priced version should have less / no advertisement, limited songs, limited pages, no video, no merch etc with the option of buying addons Full version, your full spec as it stands plus extra support for the site. Feel free to PM me for banter if you fancy as this sounds really interesting and I'd like to get my head around some more web design
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' post='958376' date='Sep 16 2010, 02:48 PM']Warwicks, maybe, but only German made ones and only from certain periods. I'd say that ACG fits more of the collectable criteria than Shuker (except the JJB Signature) as most ACG basses have certain defining and unique features the most notable being the filter pre-amp. Shukers have too many differences between individual basses for there to be a definitive Shuker style. Same goes for Sei - fantastic basses but they are all too different.[/quote] However, shukers are played by atleast 2 famous people that I can think of. Yamahas? Theres quite a few famous players out there playing them.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='958026' date='Sep 16 2010, 09:28 AM']Two completely separate questions really. 1. There is no best bass. Just the best bass for whatever music you happen to playing. Only you can decide that. However it's fairly easy to decide. Just go and play lots of basses and buy the one you like the best. 2. Future collectables. Much harder to work out. I'd look for something that has followed the Wal pattern: a) Is no longer being made or is now made by different people/in a different way/in a different place. Has a couple of high profile users (even if they are really only well known to other bassists). c) Not mass-produced, but has been made in reasonable numbers. d) There is a consistency of features between different basses of the same model. e) Has something unique about them that isn't available on other basses. f) Isn't already massively expensive. As to what they might be, that's the gamble! I'd start by looking for well known bass players who aren't playing Fenders or their clones see what they are playing and go from there.[/quote] Warwick? Shuker? As much as it pains me Ibanez? Stingrays and fenders are already and I expect thatll continue. If ACG became collectable I'd be pretty happy lol (already am but still!)
  14. Without pics it doesnt exsist. Basschat rule #1
  15. Based on your ad I would have been auditioning asap. However Im the opposite side of the country so I will have to give it a miss
  16. Nooooo.... More GAS. I wish I could help I really really do... However.... *Pulls fluff from pocket.. Good luck with the sale
  17. You are now forgiven... now how to raise funds.
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' post='955585' date='Sep 13 2010, 11:47 PM']Ha, I'm afraid they are...[/quote] I hate you and am going to plot my revenge!
  19. charic


    [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='955553' date='Sep 13 2010, 11:32 PM']Ampeg SVT [/quote] Knew that was coming!
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