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Everything posted by charic

  1. Some of both? Could be cool if you group them in colours
  2. Its just the neck that im worried about tbh, the rest can be sorted SOOOOO easily yourself. Hunt down the owners of these things!!!
  3. Anyone ever heard of these guys? I saw their basses on the bay and its definately cheap enough. The bodies are either Elm or basswood (anyone ever heard of a company using elm? Whats it like?). Just wondered if anyone had used these? Even if they sound Cr@P it could be worth it if the necks half decent. Custom project anyone?!!! I just thought they looked nice wondered what you guys thought Check it out: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/H-S-Sequoia-6-6-string-bass_W0QQitemZ270146529110QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/H-S-Sequoia-6-6-stri...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  4. That seems to happen to me alot too it a beautiful bass. Id have it off you in a snap if funds allowed. Unfortunately I cant offer anything as a swap that would even come close. Good luck with the sale
  5. Ditto on the for sale section its painful!!! However enjoy, the people here are friendly enuf
  6. Perhaps it has a loose/dodgy input. You knocked it back in place is a poss?
  7. Im in a poxy little town called ramsey, which is near a poxy little place called huntingdon But for those of you who dont know those two places. Cambridgeshire/Peterborough area. Thanks for the heads up mhuk
  8. Ok looks like the ashdown is being swapped Still trying to move the Peavey millenium bxp (come on guys! not a single offer ) £100 or around Briarwood acoustic Guitar : Near perfect condition £65 Dont make me evilbay them, Ive avoided it for this long in my life.
  9. If you do get a new one and decide to spend instead of buying more " cheapy" ones. I HIGHLY reccomend the Korg DT-10. It actually responds as soon as you hit the strings. Unlike my old "qwik-tune"
  10. Actually yeah hes decent. And we actually get on. Nonsense you say???..... I kid you not
  11. Well apparently we have a gig in october, thats IF we manage to get a singer by then. I was really comfortable with the band and it definately helped when they kept asking if I was sure I had only been playing a year and a half
  12. Just an idea... if it doesn't sell (which it most probably will) why not get it defretted
  13. Sorry for being unspecific but im not entirely sure. The actual neck is way to thin for my hands. What do you mean by shimmed?
  14. Thanks for the advice! Got the spot!
  15. I have a peavey millenium bxp that ive being trying to sell and cant really move. The whole reason for me trying to sell it was because I had issues with the neck being so thin. How would I go about refitting it with a fender or warwick sized neck? It isnt as easy as a straight swap is it?
  16. Peavey millenium bxp Ashdown perfect 10 Briarwood acoustic guitar £250 for the lot, will swap for a single bass if the right offer comes along. Like wildmans warwick streamer standard.. (btw if i get the money guess what im buying ) Please help a man with his gas. Plus xmas is coming up, get someone new into bass? Ok thats pretty much all angles pitched.... time to wait (does mr burns impression)
  17. Also willing to add in my ashdown perfect 10 and briarwood acoustic guitar (guitar NOT bass) for the right offer
  18. Writes sadowsky on the headstock of the peavey
  19. Any chance of pics? Ive already got a practice amp unfortunately (im still trying to sell the thing) Oh and im near cambridge (nearly forgot to say)
  20. Ok heres the deal, im considering swapping my old (first) bass. Its about a year old. Blue peavey millenium BXP. I love the sound, however the neck is too thin for me to play comfortably. As im now joining a gigging band a backup bass would be nice to have for on stage. I would like to swap for something with about a Pbass/warwick size neck preferably. I paid £170 for this bass when i got it, its still in good condition. [attachment=1891:05082007361.jpg] [attachment=1892:05082007362.jpg] [attachment=1893:05082007363.jpg] [attachment=1894:08082007369.jpg]
  21. Ok i think i might decide on DGCF tuning, what adjustments should be made? Im still using the same string gauge... 110-50. Im still totally clueless on the truss and not sure what should be done???
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