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Community Answers

  1. charic's post in Page numbers invisiblised was marked as the answer   
  2. charic's post in Can you bump an Items Wanted post in marketplace? was marked as the answer   
    The bump button won't work in there and it's not our functionality unfortunately
  3. charic's post in Not allowed in... was marked as the answer   
    The topic hasn't been approved yet so you won't have permission to view it
  4. charic's post in Warning symbol on new selling post was marked as the answer   
    I'm guessing it's under our threshold for selling, which means that it's flagged for being approved by a moderator.  It stops people dodging the sub by lowballing
  5. charic's post in Mobile site not working in condensed mode was marked as the answer   
    Updates complete please let me know if there are still issues and we'll flag with the software provider.  Sometimes you may need to do a hard cache reset in-order to clear out the cobwebs
  6. charic's post in Is there a way to stop SPAMMING via PM was marked as the answer   
    There's a flood control in place already but no way to stop us knowing if someone is sending you a legitimate message or not.
  7. charic's post in Profile cover photos was marked as the answer   
    I think IE support has been discontinued. Does it work in edge?
  8. charic's post in Posts count not updating? was marked as the answer   
    In certain subforums postcounts don't change
  9. charic's post in Cookies and other update issues was marked as the answer   
    I think that display thing is because a sidebar ad is being forced in even if there is no sidebar.  It's another thing on my grievance list with the advertisers at the moment
  10. charic's post in Where's my avatar gone? was marked as the answer   
    Hi HappyJack,

    Yes mine was affected too.  Seems to be a symptom of the site upgrade unfortunately.  We never seem to catch a break on these things!
  11. charic's post in Integrating BC and GC chat? was marked as the answer   
    We discussed this idea prior to go live.  Well, sort of... We were discussing a "general" site for the off topic type sections but opted against it in the end as it introduces issues.
  12. charic's post in cant post in guitar chat? was marked as the answer   
    "guitarchat" here is closed for business.  www.guitarchat.co.uk is the new platform for your skinny stringed needs
  13. charic's post in Ho do I delete one attachment from the My Attachment list on my profile? was marked as the answer   
    Well apparently in this version they changed the settings.... you can go deleting now
  14. charic's post in Why am I seeing content from ignored users? was marked as the answer   
    Ignored users wouldn't have been carried over from the upgrade I'm afraid
  15. charic's post in Bump button in Items Wanted was marked as the answer   
    Should be working now
  16. charic's post in Links to mp3 files? was marked as the answer   
    Thats correct behaviour. If you upload to soundcloud or similar you can stream from there.
  17. charic's post in GuitarChat log-in with BC Pword was marked as the answer   
    Its possible i snapshotted your password prior to you changing it (dont worry, its well encrypted). If you do 'forgotten password' on GC it should let you change it
  18. charic's post in Text input problem - Android phone + Google Chrome was marked as the answer   
    I'm afraid this sounds like an issue on your end.  All I can really suggest is re-installing chrome.  What android device are you using? Is it particularly old?
  19. charic's post in What's the correct resolution for Profile and Cover Photo images on Basschat? was marked as the answer   
    I don't think there's a resolution as such but there are size limits I can check for you?
  20. charic's post in Notification Sound In Silent Mode was marked as the answer   
    It should only make a sound if your media volume is up.  On mobile, wait for it to make a sound and then immediately press down on your volume button, I expect that's all that will be required.  Happened to me a few times where I watched a video elsewhere and forgot to put it back down
  21. charic's post in Gear Porn was marked as the answer   
    Have you got some kind of "safe" browsing turned on?  Chances are something doesn't like the word porn
  22. charic's post in Why Can't We Edit PMs?? was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately this isn't possible on this software
  23. charic's post in Display in one thread not the same as others was marked as the answer   
    If there's similar content then it takes that space on the right. That is determined by the tags on the thread.
    It's standard behaviour
  24. charic's post in Where's the list of Members gone please? was marked as the answer   
    There's no "list" on the version.
    But there's a pretty comprehensive search tool.  If you click on the search bar and then select members from the dropdown it should work
  25. charic's post in Anyone else unable to access their profile? was marked as the answer   
    All back to normal
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