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  1. charic's post in - was marked as the answer   
    I would recommend changing your password but wonder if you've been rerouted at some point (if that's possible)
  2. charic's post in Deleting Posts was marked as the answer   
    It's a change in the forum software. Having the function there now would cause a problem.
  3. charic's post in Edit option gone? was marked as the answer   
    AFAIK it's never been an option since the site update.
    Hiding isn't possible now as it would allow thread originators to hide the entire topic (obviously a problem)
    Editing in PMs is something I've not manage to trace back yet
  4. charic's post in Status updates? was marked as the answer   
    You need to enable them in your profile I think
  5. charic's post in How do you view previously sent sticky notes on mobile? was marked as the answer   
    It's not "officially" supported (bear in mind it's not really meant to be used as a "messenger", you're much better off using messenger for that because then they're searchable for you too)
    But there's a link here :
  6. charic's post in Thread hidden but not moved as requested was marked as the answer   
    I've moved it
  7. charic's post in Messages not showing in message icon was marked as the answer   
    That's because it's read now
  8. charic's post in Mobile interface - sticky notes not working was marked as the answer   
    I've just run an update on the stickynotes and now it all works on mobile
  9. charic's post in Site Bugs - List them here was marked as the answer   
    I'm going to close this thread down now as the site is quite stable and info will big quite a lot easier to find if issues are in separate threads
    Thanks to all involved!
  10. charic's post in Captchas was marked as the answer   
    Are you on a VPN? It's basically the new site learning what is "trustworthy" behaviour. I get it too and find it frustrating, if you can screenshot the code we'll be able to dig out the reason and possibly eliminate it
  11. charic's post in New editor - features missing was marked as the answer   
    They should be there on the full site now
    I've kept them off of the smaller views for the time being to keep usage simple
  12. charic's post in MY AD. NOT DISPLAYING PROPERLY was marked as the answer   
    This one?
    The ad looks fine!
    You might want to reorganise your pictures and text a bit but you can do that by going to the post and clicking edit

    The most recent advert goes to the top of the first page, if you want to bring it back to the first page then use the "bump" button (which you can do every 36 hours)
    People to contact are in the staff tab

    Or you can contact us through the support tab or here
  13. charic's post in Which mods in which forum ? was marked as the answer   
    Mods are now all site wide
  14. charic's post in SIte security- https was marked as the answer   
    And now SSL is live, thanks for your patience everyone
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