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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='maxrossell' post='660114' date='Nov 20 2009, 01:29 PM']I wish. No, on the Oxblood it's just a single wraparound bridge/tailpiece. This is a 1991 Les Paul Standard, stock apart from the Grover tuners and the missing pup covers. It's actually a wine-red plaintop, but it's so dark it looks almost black under most lights. I love it to bits and I'd put it next to a '59 RI for tone. Bold, I know, but it's that good.[/quote] Hence it looks like Oxblood! Nice guitar. I'll get round to putting some of mine up with some amp porn pics too.
  2. Walking out of Asda an hour ago, put my hand in the pouch thing on the front of my hoody for my car keys, thought, "funny, what's that" and fished out my ER-15 earplugs. Must have put them in there by accident after last night's practice. Except one of the filters has fallen out and gone missing. Any idea the best place for replacements? Cheers John
  3. [quote name='maxrossell' post='658749' date='Nov 18 2009, 11:41 PM']Are we doing guitar porn? Here's mine: [/quote] Is that an Oxblood Standard? mmmmmmmm
  4. Just wondering what you've been asked to learn to play for the first dance at a wedding. We've had Heaven (except not the Bryan Adams version, which we did anyway), Eva Cassidy's version of Song Bird and an Ordinary Boys song. Anything weird and wonderful?
  5. I have the 15" speaker out of my Ashdown mini 15 cabinet - it stopped working one practice when I was using my ABM300-II head at about half volume through a single 15 - so the amp was producing no more than 200W and the cab is apparently rated to 300W. Just stopped making a noise. I suspect the coil has gone and a recone would probably sort it and probably be cheaper than buying a new one. I have a replacement in the cab now and I've had this sitting in the house doing nothing since. My old fella said I should put it on ebay, but who's going to buy it? So if anybody wants it, I am based in Leicester and don't travel around all that much at the moment. If you want to come and pick it up, it's yours if you can find a use for it, otherwise I'll skip it.
  6. Not me but my dad did have a heart attack on stage - which was fun I'm sure! I think he was halfway through a song and woke up in an ambulance.
  7. The simple answer to the above question is yes. But to elaborate, I am sitting at my desk with my Martin HD-28V on my knee. It's a bloody outstandingly beautiful instrument that, when played with a flatpick, is quite simply the best sounding guitar I have ever heard. But try and fingerpick with it and it's a bit, well, crap really. So ok, if you want a guitar to strum and play songs on, that's the guitar to have (IMO of course). What about basses - if you're a pick player and you want a bass, what should you go for that sounds better than all other basses when played with a pick? For me it would have to be an ordinary no frills passive P Bass - but everybody's different. What have you played that sounded great with fingers but crap with a pick. What could you slap the hell out of to your heart's content but just didn't fit with normal fingerstyle playing? Have we had this thread before? Answers on a postcard while I go and turn the heating on.
  8. I've never really had a problem as a guitarist or a bass player with any of the bands I've been in or with any of the people that I've played with, except for one drummer who was gifted but suffered from Keith Moon syndrome and would arrive at gigs by the skin of his teeth and forgot about practices. As a slight aside the other guitarist in my covers band has announced that he can't do new years eve this year. This is infuriating as I asked if everybody was available prior to taking the booking and now he says he can't do it.
  9. I bought a guitar a few years ago that arrived in an unpadded gig bag with a hand written label attached with two bits of tape that was hanging off. I've had a couple turn up in cases that had just been taped up and labelled. My 335 arrived ingeniously wrapped and rather well protected - the case had been wrapped up in lots and lots and lots of bubble wrap and then the whole thing wrapped up in several layers of that weed suppressant stuff you stick in your garden if you want to put chippings down. It was actually very well protected and something I later reused to send a couple of cheap cases.
  10. Do it, what harm can it do? Don't do it at all!!! Listed to what them up there say!
  11. Possibly a bit pricey. £15 each then or all 8 for £80
  12. Despite a slow start and slightly ropey and boomy bottom end sound, 2nd and 3rd set were really good, the pub was rammed, everybody was singing along and we got 3 weddings out of it. Nicely done
  13. Pic: Seems to be the same colour as the Mark Knopfler sig guitar and no longer available on American Series Strats
  14. I walked past one somewhere in Trastervere when I was there, but I couldn't tell you where it was
  15. I use Gibson polish on nitro finishes and good old Mr Sheen on poly
  16. Keep us updated Spinner. I'll get one meself if all goes well with you.
  17. I've just been to sort out the remains of our big PA system and have sorted out the leads. We have got 8x speakon to speakon speaker cables which are approx 25ft long each. I would like 18 quid each including postage or you can have all 8 for 100 quid shipped. We also have 3 1/4" jack to speakon speaker cables, again about 25ft long - 18 quid each shipped or all 3 for 45 quid. Ta
  18. This is exactly what I need.......... ............in Leicester Bugger
  19. When I leave the band with the longest commute (35 miles each way) I'll be travelling no more than a mile and a half (except one of the routes through Leicester is closed at the moment and I have to go the long way round)
  20. Right - I got this P from Lloyd in a trade for the Jazz that I got here too. It's a Black/Black/Maple USA Precision from 04 with a couple of marks on it. I got it because I was a real Precision fanboy (and still am), however - with the decision made that I am going to leave the band I am in and join another, the band that I am thinking of joining do lots of stuff in Eb and I am sort of thinking that being able to go [i]down[/i] to Eb rather than up, might be quite handy. I love Precisions, and this one is as good as any USA P that I have played, but I can't help thinking that a 5 might be more useful in the coming months. A pic on request (as I've not actually taken any yet). I like - traditional shapes and styles - think Precision/Jazz/Musicman - and I prefer 34" scale, passive basses. I don't like - singlecuts, small bodies, 'modern' shapes Unfortunately I don't have any cash to add and at the moment I have by no means made up my mind, but if you have something you think I might like, do let me know - although no promises! WITHDRAWN
  21. Hello! A friend of my dad's (Brian) has asked me if I can sell his guitar for him as he's not too clued up on ebay, etc., but I thought I would offer it up here too. It's a 2000 USA Fender Strat which he bought brand new from Regent Guitars in Leamington for £729.00 (I know this because the original sales invoice is included along with a note from Brian saying he authorises me to sell his guitar). Brian told me that he's played it half a dozen times - it's like new - it's still got the cellophane on the pickguard and the trem cover and it looks to be completely unmarked, in fact I think it's still got the original Bullets strings on it (which are 9 years old and need replacing, so I'll do that - I'm assuming factory strings are 9s so I'll go and buy a set of 9s so as not to mess with the setup). The colour is listed on the invoice as Hot Rod Red - it's a bright, solid red with white pickguard and maple fingerboard. The hangtags are in the original case with the Fender Strap and trem arm and it's got a pair of Schaller straplock buttons, but I haven't looked to see if there are a pair of locks in the case. I'll add some pics, but I've got a gig tonight and recording tomorrow so it might be Monday before they are up. Looking for in the region of £650 due to the condition of it - it is like a brand new guitar - just with a 2000 serial number on it. If you're interested drop me a line. Ta
  22. Worth talking to Aguilar or the UK distributor too. I needed some extra feet for a Laney cab and they sent me a set - which was jolly decent of them.
  23. PA cabs are now on ebay with a slight reduction - also accepting offers. Edit for the link [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/j0hnalexander/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/j0hnalexander/m.htm...p;_trksid=p4340[/url] Dur
  24. Thanks for the tips - I think the best thing to do is to give them some notice and help them find a replacement. The band is in Nottingham and plays sort of Arctic Monkeys style indie. They are doing alright and the locals seem to love them, but I just don't find it particularly challenging - not really enough to travel 60 miles for a band practice. I was kind of thinking I should just make my excuses and go as we are scheduled to record a song on Sunday and I didn't think it fair on them that I was going to record my part and then leave them, but it would be a good opportunity to have a chat with them. I think I'm going to make the jump into the other band much closer to home to keep my bass playing going. I'm happy to rehearse a couple of hours with one band and another couple of hours with another band each week - the third band for me has a nice easy, almost-no commitment work ethic which is good as the sets don't change and the money is alright so I can keep that up.
  25. I have a dilemma of sorts. I play in 3 bands at present, band 1 - one I really enjoy (covers); band 2 - one that stretches me and my ability, takes me to some interesting places and ocassionally puts money in my pocket; band 3 - one that I'm not really feeling but the gigs have been quite good - we have played at some pretty hard to get into venues and the last two gigs have been opening for touring acts I have been asked to join a 4th band on the bass. I have just been for a jam with them and their songs are sort of melodic indie pop and I quite like it. I also like the fact that they rehearse about 6 minutes from my front door. I can't play in 4 bands as I won't have any time to do anything else like eat or sleep. I know which band I want to drop (3) but I don't really know how to do it. I feel bad for them because I don't know what they will do for a bass player and I know (not to sound big headed) but that my leaving them will slow their ambitions slightly, mainly because they will have to spend time on teaching their songs to another bassist. I don't know how to let them down gently, but I'm not really into the songs and I am finding it more difficult to motivate myself to make a 60 mile round trip for rehearsals when I'm not really into it. And....I've also been asked to join another band - I've never had so many offers!! In an ideal world I'd sack the lot off and concentrate 100% on the covers band, but I do enjoy playing the other stuff I suppose. Any ideas? Sorry for the confusing set of words that is this post.
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