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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. Listening to it now, I think it's a good version - I don't think it's all that pubby, I think it's more acomplished than that - it's not as good as the original, but I think they've made a good effort.
  2. Ah you'd much rather have an LP than a PRS. Go on go on go on go on go on go on go on!!
  3. That looks like a nice bit of kit but maybe outside our price range - might be worth looking for a secondhand one though.
  4. Got some PA stuff to sell in the ongoing breakup of our big PA, including: Gator 2U (pretty sure it's a GR-2L) rack case - used to house a PV2600 amp and not really used all that much. In great condition, these are about £75 from GAK. £48 shipped? Wharfedale Pro LX15 (x2) and LX15B (x2). These are 4 ohm and I think rated to 800w each - I can check and confirm this. All four speakers come with vinyl covers and have never been left uncovered. In great condition, these are about 500 quid new for a pair - we would like £300 for each pair and might be able to do a deal on all four. These might have to be collected as they're heavy. We're looking for a modernish powered sub, around 800w and preferably a 15" driver and also a Kam Par Bar LED lighting thingy. If you've got either of those and want to talk, let me know. Ta
  5. [quote name='arsenic' post='642422' date='Nov 1 2009, 11:42 AM']This could be used to great effect... Buy another 'P'bass and when confronted with the "What have you bought another bass for", comments....you can smile sweetly and say, "It's not a new one.....I just had the red one refinished, because I didn't like the colour....."[/quote] Or just say, "Err....I can't remember" I am having more and more CRAFT moments all the time
  6. First one now on ebay - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270476080687"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270476080687[/url]
  7. I opted for a Seaward Europa Plus and added a printer and barcode scanner too, so I am able to PAT test anybody within reasonable travelling distance of Leicester, fully insured too. PM me for a 20% discount!
  8. Right then, I need to free up some cash and would like a second SG. I have my eye on brad1980's SG on these very pages - I need to sell one of my 2 LPs to free up some funds to buy it and leave me with some money to get cracking on my business. The one I would prefer to sell: 1997 Les Paul Standard - Tobacco (or possibly Vintage) Sunburst - I haven't lifted the pickup out to see what colour code is marked on it. In lovely condition, there are a few light marks, but no chips, dents, knocks or big scratches. Plain maple top and I think it's a one piece back - There are a few pick scratches and some "button" rash on the back that has marked, but not penetrated, the nitro. On my kitchen scales, it weighs 10lb 6oz and comes with a tan Gibson hardcase. I would be looking for in the region of £1250 for this. The one I would prefer to keep: 2003 Les Paul Standard - Desertburst - this was posted on here some time ago when I needed to raise some funds, but (un)fortunately for me, I managed to sell my LPC. Now, this has been my go-to guitar since I have had it (which is getting on for a couple of years at least) and when I got hold of it, it had a Rio Grande Zebra pickup in the bridge and an original Burstbucker #1 at the neck - I took these out and had a pair of Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates put in their place, with nickel covers, which not only make it look like the should, but make it sound better - more articulate, warmer, sweeter and altogether nicer. I also put a pair of Dunlop Straploks and a set of Graphtech saddles. 9lb 8oz on my scales, has a 50s neck, a light flame to the top and, as it has been extensively used, there is some wear to it. Most of the following was done before I got my hands on it, but here is a list of marks and what have you: Lots of button/buckle rash - again not through the finish, but it is very evident. Binding has cracked - presumably as it's aged, but the other LP doesn't have cracked binding, so God knows how that happened - it was like it when I got it There is a bizarre swirly scratch in the top that was there when I bought it - again, I have no idea how this happened or who would do such a thing - they are just in the top coat of the lacquer and show up when angled at the light, but you can feel them when you run your finger over them. Lots of light pick scratches and tiny dints including two, <5mm that have chipped the paint on the bottom edge. A dint and a chp in the binding - 2-3mm - on the bottom edge of the top (if that makes sense) A pin prick hole in the fingerboard at the 11th fret between the 1st and second strings - again I have no idea who did this or how it happened - it was like it when I got it. A small dink on the corner of the headstock and a mark on the back - drummer related issues. This guitar was sold to me as mint so imagine my surprise when it turned up and it was far from it, (although that was sadly not my last experience of that sort of thing!!) so it's better to let you know about these things - it doesn't affect how it plays and the reason it would be the last of the two that I would sell, is because I would hate to wreck the nice tobacco LP and so this DB one will remain my workhorse guitar if possible. The Tobacco one will be up on ebay later today, but if it doesn't sell, the DB one will be available for sale afterwards and I would be looking for in the region of £1150 for it, so if you are interested, please let me know and I'll get back to you if the other one doesn't sell. Some pics below and if you want a cheesy shot of the guitar when it had the zebra pickup in, go [url="http://www.theveneers.com/#/look-at-us/4532056469"]here[/url] this one shows the dink on the right hand corner of the headstock - nothing much, but it's there PM me for more info or send me an email through my profile. Ta
  9. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='619101' date='Oct 6 2009, 10:28 PM']Don't have the skills and as it's not for me, I don't want to have a go.[/quote]
  10. I might have a set as well if you want to do a swap - are the dunlops Nickel?
  11. Now then - I have an S1 USA Jazz that I got from butlerk02 (Keith) on here - it's a lovely, lovely bass and is as close to mint as you could possibly get, I am just a bit ghey for the Precision tone and the chunkier neck. It's sunburst with rosewood fingerboard and black pickguard and I would like a sunburst/rw, sunburst/maple or black/maple USA Amercian Series Precision ONLY, from whatever year they introduced S1 onwards in the same condition as a straight swap. I'm not desparate to get my hands on a P but I would like one as I do slightly prefer them overall to Jazzes, but no stress if not as I will happily keep on playing this Jazz until I find a Precision. It's currently my only bass and I have a few gigs lined up so I would prefer a meet so I am not without a bass and also why I am looking for a trade and not looking for a straight sale. Sorry to be so specific, but that's the only reason I am looking for a swap. I cant add any cash to the deal at the moment either. I've not actually got around to taking any pics yet but this is Keith's original thread - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57807&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57807&hl=[/url] - hopefully he won't mind me linking through! I'll take some more pics when I get 5 minutes and some daylight. PM me if you need any info.
  12. Don't have the skills and as it's not for me, I don't want to have a go. Just wondered if there is a pro service offered by any companies that ultimately, if it falls to bits inside 6 months, you would hope would sort it out for you.
  13. Are there any custom pedal board builders in the UK that come recommended by the good people of Basschat? I have an NYC pedalboard - a Gigman with a wah plate and a second row raised tier. A mate of mine wants one but by the time you add an 18"riser, wah plate and butterfly catches, it comes out at $251 before you get kicked up the arse with any customs charges - it seems quite a lot of money for what is ultimately a carpet covered wooden box (albeit one covered with proper velcro carpet). At the current exchange rate it works out at £158 plus whatever customs charges it's hit with - do you think it's possible to have something made to roughly the same spec for the same money? Ta
  14. Played at a roots club last night to about half a dozen people. Oh well!
  15. Yes, twice, but I'm not telling
  16. Enjoying myself slightly too much on my wedding day last month The light makes it look like I have no distinction between neck, head and chin
  17. Met Keith (Northstreet) yesterday - a pleasure to meet him, do business with and spend a good hour and a bit gassing about music and the like. Cheers!!
  18. Me mate is selling his Vox Valvetronix 100w 2x12 guitar combo and is looking for £275 or best offer. PM me if you want any details or are interested. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270449149834&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url]
  19. Are you sure the string isn't tuned to E flat and you just need to tune it up to E?
  20. Played a wedding on Saturday night a - turned up and found we had a stage, a sort of dressing room and space to hang our clothes up and put our gear down, an LED lit backdrop, plenty of places to get power from and more importantly, they all got up and danced from the word go. A really good night.
  21. When I demo'd amps way back when I compared an ABM300 with a MAG300 and the ABM sounded loads better, however I've not tried an ABM head through a MAG cab as a comparison.
  22. I have no idea if this has ever been posted before - I just saw it on another forum I use. Just wait until 1.35
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