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Posts posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='542035' date='Jul 16 2009, 10:47 AM']Scratch Pad - that's the self-clinging thing (electro-static, so no sticky stuff involved) that can easily be transferred between basses.

    Expensive, but excellent.[/quote]

    that's the fella.
    I find that even the poly lacquered instruments pick up marks from plastic shirt buttons. Strangely enough though my Stingray got the most use, yet showed the least wear.

  2. Lads I am so broke it's unreal and [b]one[/b] of the below has to go. I love them all equally so it's a bloody wrench to let any of them go, but needs must (especially as I had to part with that Ric as well). Although I'm skint, I won't take silly low money for any of them. I only have one bass and that's on loan to me so I have to keep that :)

    Email or PM me for pictures, prices, details, etc.
    Gibson ES-335 Dot Figured. Cherry red, flame top, back and rims, 57 Classics, 60s neck.
    Gibson LP Standard Desert Burst, some flame in the top, Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates pickups, 50s neck.
    Gibson LP Custom, brown sunburst (bit darker than Iced Tea I suppose), all original and A1.

    I also still have my Epiphone 335 up for grabs and am still hoping for a trade to a Precision of some sort

    Thanks guys.

  3. Circumstances dictate that I now have to sell off some gear in order to do things like eat and pay bills.
    So first on the block is my Ric 360 6 string - all original, original hard case, few marks but nothing that detracts from playability (a bit of buckle rash, small paint chip on the treble side, back of the neck) and a couple of tiny dints) and set up very nicely indeed.

    I would consider a trade for something of approximate equal (or greater :) ) value that I could then sell if you have something and would prefer a Ric, but beware, I am extremely fussy!
    Other than that a cash sale of around £875ish?

    This one has to go to meet living expenses, my Epiphone Dot is also for sale to fund a new bass and I would like another Precision.


  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='529458' date='Jul 1 2009, 11:51 AM']They are well stuck on, I pryed the 12 out of my combo with a screwdriver. Satisfying crack/pop sound.[/quote]

    That's what I did in the end - flipping thing.
    No response from the good people at Ashdown but it's only been a few hours!

  5. And if anybody can offer any suggestions on how I remove the speaker from the cab, they would be welcomed. I have removed the screws but the bloody thing won't budge. Trying to run a fuel loyalty points club card underneath the edge of the speaker frame results in destroying the card!

  6. I searched for 'Speaker +recommendation' and only got half a page of results that weren't what I was looking for and then searched 'speaker' and got 26 pages so I'm going to ask

    The speaker in my Ashdown ABM Mini 15 stopped working rather abruptly last night. Low input, output set to about 1 o'clock, not had much use - certainly less than 100 hours anyway.
    It's well past its warranty now, so I will need to buy a replacement 15" speaker. Can anybody recommend a brand or type for somebody on a budget?

  7. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='521511' date='Jun 23 2009, 10:42 AM']What happens if you play guitar AND bass though ? :)[/quote]

    Puts hand up.
    I think about this sort of stuff and only this morning had a conversation to the effect that it doesn't matter a feck really.

    I think we were talking in relation to acoustic guitars and preamps and true acoustic tones being quite difficult to achieve and my whole thoughts are that most of your audience will either i) not give a toss or ii) won't notice when the band kicks in anyway.
    I have true bypass effects not because they're true bypass, but because they just happen to be true bypass - I have a set of Harma Cryo preamp valves in my Mesa - not because of the tone they help to produce, but because the bloke I bought the amp off put them in there. I did put a Celestion in my Laney, but that was mainly because the original speaker just sounded a bit - well - crap really.

    Never stop thinking about this sort of stuff, because at the end of the day, it gives us all something to talk about

  8. E is a top bloke and has made some nice stuff and some other bits and bobs. I have a tiny little box which is basically a jack in and out which I can mount on the underside of the riser and use it to start my chain with any of the pedals and leave them in the position they are in. He's done some good clones for mates of mine and rebuilt a BYOC pedal that had been badly soldered in the first instance

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