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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. I sometimes feel that the excitement is in tracking down what you want and getting hold of it - almost like the thrill is in the chase and once you've got what you want, it's all a bit 'meh', if that makes sense. I think that's why I ended up with 3 Precisions at one point
  2. I want some to connect up some Boss pedals, so they'd be ideal. Unfortunately, the email I sent to GB has gone unanswered or ended up in a spam folder somewhere.
  3. That looks quite good. I bought a nylon messenger bag in the Next sale which has enough pockets and zipped compartments to carry all my stuff and it was only £12
  4. Right my circumstances have changed again - had my eye on a lovely Strat, but I have been asked to join another band, back on bass and I need to get my hands on a bass fairly soon. Up for trade is my Epiphone 335 dot. It's a 2005 model, made in the Peerless factory in Korea (them who make the jazzboxes of the same name and, if you believe the rumours, Benedettos as well) and is a much better guitar than their Chinese equivalents. I bought it new in 05 and was sent a Chinese made one. Out of the box, the top had a load of blems and all the knobs fell off , so it was sent back and I requested a Korean one. The fit and finish of the Peerless stuff is superb and actually as good, if not better, than any of the Gibsons I've had - I guess you're paying for the woods with USA Gibsons anyway. I digress - last year I bought a set of pickups for my Les Paul and had the pickups from the LP transplanted into the Epi, which now has a Gibson Burstbucker #1 in the neck position and a Rio Grande Genuine Texas humbucker at the bridge position. I recently looked at the price of Burstbuckers in case I wanted to swap out the RG for a Burstbucker #2 or return the LP to stock - they're somewhere in the region of £120 and the Rio Grandes are about £95. I also had the pots, wiring and switch replaced for better quality items and had the guitar set up at the same time, all by the Guitar Workshop in Ibstock, Leics. The guitar is also in a fitted Gator case and comes with the original, chrome covered Epiphone AlNiCo pickups. Cash - I reckon £420 which I think is reflective of the second hand value of the guitar, pickups and the cost involved to make the changes - I think if you actually went and paid full price for this brand new from the shop, you would be looking at somewhere in the region of £800, which is a crazy price - anyway. It truly is a lovely guitar to play and sounds great thanks to the upgrade and of course comes cased and with the original pickups. Trade value around £450 and I would like a bass - I pretty much have my heart set on a Fender - at least a Highway 1 and either a Precision (1st choice) or a Jazz - I would definitely consider Jap, but my experiences with MiM stuff haven't been the best and I spent a load on a MiM Jazz trying to put it right for me before I decided it wasn't (the guy who ultimately bought it thought it was great, but there we go). But, if you have something different, please let me know as I may consider it. The band I will be playing in are indie rock and so I don't want anything too metal or too hi fi. I don't have a lot of (or any) money to add to a deal - I do have a Keeley SD-1, a Boss BCB-3 pedal board and an Epiphone Valve Junior head, which I reckon must be worth an extra £170 - I would rather keep the Epi VJ, but I would consider chucking the lot in for the right bass. If you're interested in the guitar as a trade for your bass, let me know - depending on what you're offering, I [i]may[/i] be cheeky and ask for a small cash adjustment - don't be offended, that's just me
  5. Well - yes, there is that, however they suggested that if the drummer was to lose a stick and blind somebody (how unlikely....) the drummer would be liable and the insurance wouldn't cover him
  6. I rang the MU's insurer about this last week when I was looking for PLI. I wanted to know if the whole band was covered by the £10M which was essentially in my name as the MU member if I joined and was told that if the accident is caused by another member of the band, and they're sued individually, then the policy won't cover them. The musicguard thing with the free PLI sounds tempting though.
  7. Incidentally, Mike at NYC pedalboards recommend I used some Weldwood Contact Cement, although from my small amount of research, this does appear in fact to be identical to Evostik!
  8. [quote name='soopercrip' post='475148' date='Apr 29 2009, 03:05 PM']if you need new ones throughout try axes r us, they have most stuff and turn it round in 2 days usually andy[/quote] + the 1
  9. There's a whole section on tuners in the latest Performing Musician magazine.
  10. Cheers all, I found some double sided carpet tape in a drawer in the back bedroom and tried that Dunno if it'll work properly yet, but as long as it sticks down enough to take the weight of a Diago power supply, then I'm happy!
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='474572' date='Apr 28 2009, 08:49 PM']Which one of you is it that charges past on the M25 at 90 mph in the rain talking on the phone? Alex[/quote] Because 4 wheel drifting around a roundabout on a public road is ok? The one thing I can't stand is people who think it's ok to talk on their phones while driving. I can't understand how they think they're above the law and continue to do it. I know two wrongs don't make a right but I've lost track of the number of times I've wanted to stop somebody and take their phone off them and throw it under the nearest lorry. I've had bluetooth car kits installed in my last two cars, one in the mrs's car and currently have one of those visor kits until I get a more permanent car and then I'll have another bluetooth plumbed in. I don't want to sit there gassing but at least I can answer the phone legally. Anyway - back on topic!!
  12. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='474403' date='Apr 28 2009, 05:36 PM']I get driven by mr.Drums. No sense of direction,jolty at times but I'm not complaining.[/quote] Does he keep speeding up and slowing down as well and forget where the [gear] changes are?!
  13. Cool, I have popped GB and email cheers. If anybody else comes across them, let me know
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' post='474116' date='Apr 28 2009, 12:18 PM']I used to put all my gear in a Honda DelSol! The bass & extras all fit in the boot & the combo went on the passenger seat. Now it's a '03 Corsa. Soon to be either a Volvo C30 D5 or T5 or a VW Scirocco (C30 is winning at present). Edit... Any long distance hauls & I use my slaves to carry gear on their heads![/quote] That 5 cyl 2.4 diesel is a brilliant engine, but the Scirocco is so much cooler IMO
  15. I'm looking for a few of these: very specifically, not one of these The top one was made by GYC and distributed in the UK by JHS - it has a much shorter piece in between the two jacks than the bottom one and allows you to connect two pedals closer together. Has anybody seen them hanging up in their local music shop or come across anything identical? According to JHS they are now discontinued, but I would like to try and get my hands on 3 or 4 of them.
  16. But it's technically second hand They appear to have stock in my local Maplins, which is only round the corner so I might check that out - cheers for the info though.
  17. I have tried that and I didn't find it to be very effective in the long term and that it needed to be reapplied every few months. I want a fix and forget solution really.
  18. One of these: No, not really, one of these (this one to be precise). Bought it when I finally returned my crappy company 1 series. It's faster, more comfortable and I can fit more stuff in it. Did my first gig with it on Saturday night and it took a pair of powered speakers, desk, lights, all the stands, my Mesa, Pete's Trace 115 combo, 2 guitars, 2 basses, my pedalboard and all the kit that goes into connecting it up. It's a square box as well, so you can load stuff up to the rear window and not worry about breaking it when you slam it down on top of your gear. My 54 Mondeo was huge, but somehow not as practical.
  19. I know I've asked this question before, but I'm going to ask it again in case there is anything 'new' and 'improved' (how can something be new and improved....?) on the market for attaching carpet to pedal boards. I have an NYC Gigman board, pictured below: Attached to the carpet on the underside of the riser is the power supply and a small jack socket box that allows me to plug the guitar in at the back of the board and not have to worry about leaving gaps between fx to plug in leads and whatnot - anyway, I digress. The carpet on the underside is lifting slightly and I need to stick it back down again. I have some UHU stuff and some Wilkinson's own brand, very similar to UHU and some superglue. I also have a stapler, nowt fancy, the sort of thing you might find on the desk of any office. Should I use something a bit more specific or sticky? I don't know what sort of wood is used in the construction of the riser, it doesn't look like ply and it's not very heavy, so it might be some kind of compressed fibreboard - maybe.
  20. What's the rule of thumb with wireless? Is it one receiver per transmitter or can you get multi channel receivers that allow you to connect anywhere between 1 and a full band's transmitters?
  21. [quote name='Boy Thunder' post='455087' date='Apr 6 2009, 01:11 AM']Thanks guys... I appreciate the input and keep them coming... I've had a look at Shuker and although I like the what I've seen I'm still looking around... I might settle there... it depends... What I'm after is hard to describe... I don't really want silly shapes... I have a BC Rich Beast that fulfills that department... and on a personal level.. I hate the Fender shape.... For me the most important things are tonal control and weight... My covers band requires me to play long sets and numerous styles... I'm a bit of a nob when it comes to sound... I prefer to have my bass do the tone control rather than messing with the amp settings and I don't use any pedals... much to the disdain of my lead "guitarist"... As I'm sure we are all aware... carrying a heavy plank is not good if you have to do a 3 hour session... I'd like something that can do everything my Thunder 1A and Thunder 2A can do and a little more.... I'll look at all the suggestions given so far and wait with baited breath for more... Cool[/quote] 1) You're an idiot! 2) Just get a Fender and shut up 3) You're an idiot! Yours, your disdainful lead guitarist...
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