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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. Well I'll - er - address that at some point in the future. When I've got a bit more cash, I'll wait until you buy another P Bass Nick and then I'll take it off your hands!!
  2. The other guitar player in our band has an Odyssey. Details are really sparse, but it seems the more they cost originally, the more bling they had on them - I believe the top of the range instruments featured all brass hardware, trans finishes so you could see the swamp ash and a bewildering array of switching options (looks like you have the full complement there ) It's an extremely nice guitar but every time I pick it up I am stunned at how much it weighs - his guitar is also a thru-neck, but I assume most of the weight is in the wings - it ways about 50% more than my LP Standard. And I think Paul is right - I think they got DiMarzio pickups as standard.
  3. I'm with you - cheers for the info.
  4. What's the difference between a CE22 and the Custom 22? I do [i]really[/i] like 'em but I prefer a hard tail and would rather have a 3 way toggle for pickups and whatnot.
  5. All gone through ebay now - looking for a 335 if anybody has one
  6. First Act?
  7. I like the fretless stingray - let me know if you ever plan on parting with it
  8. Very nice - I agree with the Trace looks comment. I have heard very good things about the Brown Note stuff. Fancy making one for my 30th birthday? You've got about 8 months!
  9. Looks a bit limiting if you want to use i) more than 6 fx and ii) any of them aren't made my EBS. Try an [url="http://www.nycpedalboards.com"]NYC pedalboard[/url]
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='448681' date='Mar 29 2009, 02:03 PM']That would do the job spot on. If that is a preamp as well as EQ you could try putting that into the effects return and thus bypass the main amp preamp and just utilise the power amp section, just an option.[/quote] I don't think it is a preamp, I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure it's just an EQ. [quote name='acidbass' post='448862' date='Mar 29 2009, 07:13 PM']I'd recommend using a cabinet with 10" speakers, or a very efficient 12". You'll want as much articulation as possible when using an acoustic instrument - mud is definitely not your friend! Why the change of instrument? It'll be a bit strange having a 'john_the_guitar' around here [/quote] [url="http://www.myspace.com/27brigade"]This band[/url] split up about this time last year - actually, I think May bank holiday was the last gig as a three piece after one lad left, I didn't look for a band to play bass in as I was still playing guitar in another band and I think I've taken a bass out once since then to record a bass track and that was about it. I think I want to try and jump on a 335 while it's still within a realistic price range and then look at buying a P once I get another job and get myself back in the manner to which I had become accustomed! I think that's probably why I can't bring myself to sell my rig and have passed it on to my auld fella for the time being.
  11. [quote name='bradthebass' post='433357' date='Mar 13 2009, 11:39 AM']So there we have it, 1994 was a centennial year, hence the different serial number. I know this is 'glass-eye' stuff, but it now makes sense! thanks again and well spotted![/quote] Perfect sense as the serial 94002*** would mean the guitar was stamped on the 400th day of the year
  12. So in theory, if you plugged the bass into one these TC Dual Parametric EQ jobs: And then in to the rig, that should do the job? I've found that adding a pickup to an acoustic guitar for example, doesn't give you a real true interpretation of the guitar's sound, but that these jobbies work wonders.
  13. Either that or a massive drop in standards by record companies who are prepared to sign these bands because they think there is a market for them to shift units of this sort of rubbish. I think there are equally as many very talented bands (regardless of age) and plenty of bands from 20 years ago that I thought were rubbish then and are still rubbish now. OT: If we're talking about youth attitudes, there are some elderly folk out there that would want to rethink their attitudes and behaviour too.
  14. Now then. I have an Ashdown ABM300 Evo that I previously used for electric basses. I've no plans to play the bass in the future and am thinking of parting with my basses now, while the going is good on the guitars I want with a view to picking up another P bass in the future. In the meantime, I thought I would pass on my rig to my dad, who has an electro/acoustic (ie piezo) fretless 5 and currently uses a Roland Cube 60. Is there any reason why you wouldn't use a normal bass rig with an acoustic bass? I know from looking at acoustic guitar amps, that some of them tend to be more full range than electric guitar amps, presumably because of the frequencies you would like to reproduce, but I have no idea about bass amps in this context. A mate of mine slapped an upright bass through an ABM500 and an Eden 210XLT and that sounded quite good. Any reason not to?
  15. el-bumpo. I have radically revised my requirements as I have swapped my SG for a Mesa Express so I am looking for another humbucker equipped guitar, particularly a 335. The original post has been updated with pics. Edit: Must stress, not looking for anything especially fancy, but must be in excellent condition - ideally, the same condition as the basses. Doesn't need to be anything old or special - anything from the last 10 years will do, likewise it doesn't need to have a fancy top (although it would help with an LP Standard). Cheers
  16. I know this is Dave's place to reply, but... Is it possible that the detached speaker cable shorted and then blew the fuse and is it the mains fuse or the HT fuse? I had a short in my Laney LC30 which blew the mains fuse, which I subsequently replaced with a quick-blow fuse - which blew, as did the next, and the next and the next. Turns out it needed a slow blow fuse, presumably because there is some kind of surge when you turn the power on and I would assume that slow blow fuses are used in most amps. Actually, just checked the mains fuse in my Minimat and that has a 'T' (presumably for [b]T[/b]ime-delay) fuse fitted. I daresay my Mesa is exactly the same. Check the replacement fuse in your Deville and see if it's T marked.
  17. You could just get long scale strings and cut them to the right length You have to cut most bass strings anyway
  18. Price possibly reflective of condition and it being supplied without box, power and manual
  19. Right - I've got a Mesa coming, so I guess I'd swap the 'ray for a tele and a jazzmaster.
  20. Try [url="http://www.pedal-mods.com"]www.pedal-mods.com[/url]. Sent them my OLD OLD CE-2 which hadn't worked for ages and they sorted it out. Or you could have a word with E at [url="http://www.e-fects.co.uk"]www.e-fects.co.uk[/url] who rebuilt a badly soldered BYPC pedal I bought used.
  21. [quote name='rjb' post='440061' date='Mar 20 2009, 10:10 AM']Having said that, London in general is expensive for buying instruments. You get a far better deal in Manchester or Glasgow where shop rents are likely cheaper.[/quote] Depends which shops you go in - Music Ground operate in Manchester as well owning how many shops on Denmark St and elsewhere (Leeds??) and they seem to have a fairly optimistic pricing policy. Speaking of Music Ground, anybody know if there is any truth in this that I found on another forum? Must stress this is a rumour. [quote]Its seems that there are rumours about that the boys in blue have raided the Music Ground shop and warehouse. Has anyone heard anything else about this situation???[/quote] [quote name='birdy' post='440161' date='Mar 20 2009, 11:53 AM']If you think V&R are overpriced then don't buy from them. simple.[/quote] I think that's the best philosphy - remember that when you buy from a dealer, you are to a degree buying into that dealer's expertise. I can't say how much value is in that for me, but to some people it's priceless.
  22. I played a gig about a fortnight after I got my 3EQ 'ray and it was commented on by the soundman who had previously only heard my P Bass that it was a lot more balanced sounding and easier to mix. I never had a problem with the way the bass sounded once the band kicked in - that is after all what it's all about?
  23. How do you get the velcro to stay on the bottom of your UF-01? No matter what I do, the bloody stuff keeps coming off.
  24. If anybody has one of these or one of these Let me know!
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