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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='Buzz' post='439930' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:24 AM']Er, crikey, when did the masses of basschat become so [i]bitchy[/i] towards people. Bloody hell.[/quote] Sometime around when Noah felt the first drop of rain.
  2. Edited due to requirement changes
  3. john_the_guitar - not sure the mods would approve Stevie - I'm not interested in anything else to be honest. I have a fairly good idea of where I want to go with my guitar rig, which involves the stuff up the top
  4. Revised my requirements to very simply a Gibson ES-335. Seen a couple but details aren't especially forthcoming on one in particular so I am still looking. I have this: 2002 3EQ Stingray 4 with OHSC. Bass is virtually mint and has a set of Elixirs on of which the coating is starting to peel at the pickup end. I had it dated on the EBMM forum - I think it's April or June 2002. And this: 2005 USA P Bass S1 with OHSC. Bass is in excellent condition, it's not mint, but there are no chips, dents, dings, scuffs or missing paint - just buckle rash on the back really, which hasn't split the finish, but I suppose because it's black, it shows up a bit more, and there is some wear from plastic cuff buttons on the forearm contour - but again, not through the finish and probably shows up more because it's black. I suppose it looks like the lacquer has dulled a bit in that area. Oh, and there is a mark on the very end of the headstock where I whacked it on the big glass lampshade in the diining room - entirely my fault, see the pic below of the mark. This must be a regular thing as my first P bass had had the same treatment a long time before I ever laid eyes on it. I know everybody says the same thing, but it is the best P Bass I've ever played, which is why I still have it and not the other two P Basses I've owned (my JV included). Both basses were set up by Howard Smith in Leicester, but I think he has done a particularly good job with this one. Currently has an almost dead set of D'Addario half rounds fitted, but I will change these if you prefer. Anyway, due to current circumstances, I can't really part with them for cash as it will probably disappear before I can get another guitar, so if anybody has a 335 that they would be looking to trade (or a very good Les Paul that I could possibly trade for a 335 somewhere down the line), then I would be very open to the idea. I have ZERO spare cash at the moment as I have basically no income while I am looking for another job. So if you have either a 335 in Cherry ideally, but also like the tobacco bursts or a good Les Paul (Custom or a nice Standard - not really after a Studio, Classic, Special, Junior. Would also consider a Deluxe) and you would like a couple of nice basses, please get in touch.
  5. The real professional way is to have a roadie have it all ready to go I pull the plug but I use the leads with the Neutrik silent plug, which cut the signal when you pull them out of whatever they're plugged into. It won't sort out any EQ issues from switching basses, but it won't make a pop when you connect/disconnect.
  6. In: Martin HD-28V Dreadnaught Gibson SG Standard Deep Impact Pair of SD Pearly Gates for the Les Paul Lots of fx New Pedalboard Out: Deep Impact Pedal board (x2) Lots of fx Partsojazz JV Precision Simon and Patrick dreadnaught. I think that's it.
  7. With pedal boards, if you use exclusively batteries for your power, do you need to have the board tested, and if you use a mains power supply, is it only the mains supply that will need to be tested and certificated?
  8. I put the D'Addario half round wounds on my P bass and think they sound great.
  9. yeah the reverse tuners on my JV used to get me. just one of those things
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='416445' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:45 PM']Well, that's up to you but I wouldn't spend that much or in fact anything at all on a wedding. Just live together or if for some bizarre reason you must be married it's £24 I think at the register office.[/quote] £30. Each. Thieving gits. And that's just to post your bans or whatever they call it when you register your intention to marry. I'm getting married in our parish church, but a mate of mine is having a civil ceremony and they want another £360 to turn up and do the wedding. £420! I could buy a nice bass for that!
  11. A 1963 (I think) Vox Clubman II bass. I found it in a car boot sale in a terrible state in 1997 and got it for a fiver. I'd been playing the guitar for 5 years and knew a bit about them - figured it must be worth a few quid one day. Never played it. My first bass was an EB-0 Epiphone and I started playing to fill in in a band and just stayed.
  12. Rhythm just over the bridge at Bidford on Avon is good a bit further afield is Fitdog in Northampton which is also very good
  13. [quote name='Leowasright' post='399657' date='Feb 4 2009, 06:50 AM']Well I always thought MIJs had the serial number at the base of the neck, not on the bolt-plate. It probably is an early one, the machine heads are the type with the elongated (winding button) shaft rather than the "shorter" gohto machine I am more familiar with on Japanese Fender basses. I'm a spotter![/quote] Nope - not until a bit later did the serials appear as a transfer at the neck heel. These JVs had the serials engraved on the neck plate. I have a Japanese Squier Strat and had a Japanese Fender Bass that both have the serial on the headstock. I believe it's the CIJ stuff that has the serial on the neck heel. My JV P bass had reverse tuners as well, so would assume the same for the Jazz.
  14. Selling my iPod Video 30gb having bought an 80gb Classic. It's in full working order, but is a bit scratched and well used. I bought it in January 2005 (just after I bought the first car I had with an Aux in socket) and have steadily and completely filled it over the last few years. Comes with the original box and a brand new USB cable and a pair of headphones. Looking for £60 to include p&p. Cheers
  15. Is that you Brad? No, rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
  16. Boss TU-2 Chromatic tuner for sale, boxed with manual - has a bit of velcron on the base to go on to a pedal board. £45 + £3.50 p&p or will consider combining with my iPod Video 30gb and swapping for a DAB/iPod ready cd head unit. Ta
  17. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='396285' date='Jan 31 2009, 05:52 PM']All PMs replied.[/quote] Sold
  18. Got a set of Elixirs for Christmas, 45 - 105, but actually asked for bronze guitar strings. Hot Rox haven't replied to any of my emails asking if I can return them, so they're for sale here. £25 by cheque, cash or bank transfer to include p&p - I think they were £28 from Hot Rox and they're more expensive elsewhere. PMs please
  19. Jonno came round with cash and took my GEB-7 away. Top lad, would liked to have been able to spent a bit more time talking bass, but I'd not been in long and had the tea to do! Cheers
  20. Can't find a feedback thread for Dan, so am starting this here - if one exists, please merge the topics Anyway - cheers Dan, much obliged to you for the readies - the case should be with you within 24 hours. John
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