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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. try maplin and axesrus.com I think axesrus might be your best bet though, the one I got from Maplin was excellent, but for my acoustic guitar
  2. I think the Gary Willis is lined isn't it? I did think about that one, but the auld fella (who would be playing this one) is a fussy bugger!
  3. you make a good point sir you're not a doctor for nothing are you!
  4. bump on these - all still available Will consider trades on a tele or strat or possibly an epiphone semi (not a dot, got one of them)
  5. right you are lads. I hope I don't have to replace the valves - 4 bloody output valves and 4 preamp valves and I'll be at least 20 quid down based on what I earnt on Saturday night! I only did the outputs in August (stop me if I am repeating myself )
  6. Saturday, turned up to play at a pub we'd been booked at after a week of is it on or off... Pub's had a new sound system plumbed in in the back room and linked up for the DJ to use from the front room - think there was something wrong with their electrics as we had loads of (pre-tested) kettle leads go down on us with blown fuses, plus the mains fuse on my guitar amp. PA wrong as well as the crossover for the horn/driver arrangement in the cab had gone wrong so we turned the powered monitors round to face the stage and actually got a very good sound. 2nd set was by far the best and probably better than the third, during which my amp appeared to give up. Think we might need a power conditioner if we go back there again
  7. Are there any good (or alright...) UNLINED, solid body, fretless 5's out there? Something at the lower end of the price range would be nice - (ie £200-£400) Is it more likely that it would have to be around a grand's worth of custom work?
  8. would you split them (I mean sell them seperately as opposed to taking a hammer to them)
  9. Nice one Pete - I take it I need to turn the volume up to check! I know about the voltages that they can hang onto, mainly the reason why I'm reluctant to start mucking around with one.
  10. It had a matched quad of new power tubes at the end of august and they all look alright - no one area looks hotter than the other, none of them are glowing blue or anything like that
  11. A good one! To be honest, we've kinda half decided on a pair of RCF powered tops - they don't have a dealer list or a distie listed on their website and if I search for the product I get one or two dealers come up, neither of which I've used before Although if you can recommend a pair of 700w powered 12s, that would be good
  12. Looking for a new pair of PA speakers and if I "PA speakers" on google I get shedloads of hits, most of which are no feckin use and if I search for the brand I want, I don't really get a lot. So if you have any recommendations where to go looking for good kit, good service and good price, stick 'em on here and I will get on the dog and bone.
  13. Ok so it's a guitar amp, but the same principle applies right? Saturday night, went to a gig - amp on, no problem, started setting up the other stuff, went to take the amp of standby and it's off. Check the power fuse - blown. No problem, changed it over, plugged in and off we went. Did 2 sets ok, was halfway through the 3rd set and there was something not right with it - very quiet, not a lot of output - plugged it in in the house yesterday and it's almost like there is not much signal getting through. There was no smoke/fire/burning smells so I am ruling out the transformer and the valves look ok. I had a half thought that the electricity in the pub might have been a bit suspect as we seemed to have a lot of (pre-tested) kettle leads (or IEC or whatever they're called) not working - blown fuses. The PA amp seemed to be producing a lot of output (although I think we pin pointed the reason for that). I know pubs tend to have a lot of spikes in the power, what with the pumps, freezers, ovens and that kind of thing, but I don't know how that would correlate with my amp not working.
  14. 1 - what's your amp and how many functions will the footswitch perform? I have a Laney LC30 and use a standard Marshall footswitch modded with a couple of LEDs to let me know what's happening on a dark stage. 2 - try www.e-fects.co.uk. E probably won't sell you any components, but you can probably get him to make you a switch in one of his stock enclosures for not much money. 3 - if you do want to make your own, you should be able to buy components to go in the case from Maplins, I don't know where you would get the case from. IMO, there's nowt wrong with one of the Marshall footswitches and they are only about 16 quid. Call me a lazy bastard, but I don't think I could be arsed to make one!
  15. I've just seen this in a buyer's guide on the sweetwater website: [quote]See the Power Amplifiers section of this buying guide. Fortunately, you can determine this without having to do (much) math. JBL recommends that, in general sound reinforcement situations, you use an amp that delivers equal to or up to double the IEC power rating of the loudspeaker, i.e., a speaker rated at 300 watts capacity needs a 300- to 600-watt amp. Contrary to popular belief, you're more likely to damage your speakers with an underpowered amp than with one that has too much power, so don't scrimp here![/quote] How does that work then? How are you likely to knacker your speakers with an underpowered amp? Is that because you're more likely to try and drive your speaker harder if you amp doesn't put out that much power? Surely though if you get a very sensitive speaker, then you can use a lower powered amp? Answers on a postcard
  16. [quote name='OutSpoon' post='310807' date='Oct 20 2008, 09:28 PM']I have a BMW 135 Coupe and can fit 2x basses (in a double gig bag) 2z 2 x10 cabinets bass head pedal board leads and stands and etc. Me and perhaps a can of red bull.... ........ the back seats DO fold down. in fact this was the main reason for buying it - AND the reason for buying the 2 2x10 cabs... (thanks to Darren at the bassmerchant for his patience as I went up and down the stairs with "if it will fit in the car, I will buy two!).[/quote] In the boot with the seats up? I have a 118d 5 door hatch and can barely get a week's shopping from Sainsburys in mine. Can't wait for the lease to run out....
  17. Seats up or down? I could fit a Fender moulded case easily into the boot of the Monderosa (mk3) but my MM Stingray case had to go upright and squeeze right into the front of the boot, between where the wheel arch mouldings stick out slightly and where the access to the rear lights is. It was alright, but the bass would have been proper f*cked had I ever been in an accident and hit from behind.
  18. [quote name='stu_g' post='308872' date='Oct 17 2008, 07:39 PM']i had a light ash tele korean made seymour duncan pickups sounded good but weighed more than some of my basses quite well made though[/quote] I was going to say the lite ash strats and teles I'd seen were all Korean made with sort of abalone dots in the fingerboard.
  19. Sale confirmed on the SB1 Pedalboard (£70), ODB-3 (£35), GEB-7 (£40), T-Rex Comp Nova (£60) and powerstation (£40) up for grabs - or you could have the lot for £220
  20. Hi Owen - no idea, it's a Sony one though and I think it's 2U. Note to the rest of the thread - the subs are still available. We are looking for in the region of £435 including the covers. I think we would be happy to do the pair of amps and all 6 speakers with covers for about £1500. You could run a pair of speakers in a mono biamped setup and another pair in stereo.
  21. M One XL now gone. I could put some prices on here actually: all offers in the region of: amps - £275 each LX15s and LX15Bs - £350 per pair INCLUDING covers (these are about 70 quid a pair) LX18MBs - £435 pair Sony MD recorder - offers We also have a cased set of AKG drum mics too - PM me, cos I can't remember what the price for these is.
  22. Subs and Gator roller rack now gone. That leaves the following: 2x Wharfedale LX15 (with covers) 2x Wharfedale LX15B (with covers) 2x Peavery 2600 power amps (2600w at 2 ohm, 1800w at 4 ohm and I can't remember what watt at 8, I think it might be 900w, but I'm not 100%) TC Electronic M One XL - complete with a new knob Sony MD player/recorder (rackmount) I think that's it.
  23. Still got 2 of them Dan. Actually if anybody is interested in any of the gear, we have everything except the desk, the crossover and one of the amps. I also forgot to mention that we also have a 2U (or possibly 3U) rack case that we'd been keeping one of the amps in, but I don't know what we're going to do with that.
  24. and replied. Cheers
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