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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. Post edited to include the Diago Powerstation. The Deep Impact is on hold for a buyer, pending contact, so if you're interested, please register your interest with me by PM as it may be available. It's boxed with manual and power supply.
  2. Everything on the link to the ebay stuff in the post above yours (basically everything except the desk and the driverack) - if you want anything, let me know as I'd prefer not to have to line ebay's pockets! We have had some interest in the tops on their own and also all speakers, snake and some of the other bits, so if you're interested, this stuff might not be around for long.
  3. I started a thread along these lines a while back. I always thought that £1000 would be my absolute limit for an insrument, but when I set myself a goal of buying an acoustic guitar for about £600, I found it was impossible to get the tone that I wanted for that price and the only guitar capable of delivering that tone was about £1500 (more even, if I'd bought a new one). So what did I do? I saved up the cash and went and found a good one - and I'm glad I did, it was way more than I had ever spent, ever wanted to spend and will probably never spend that sort of money on an instrument again, but had I not done it, I'd have ended up with a guitar costing half as much, that sounded alright, but that I would have played and thought, "I wished I'd bought that Martin...." When I bought my 'ray I looked at the going rate for them, decided whether I wanted one enough and then went and found one for as far below the going rate as I could get one, and I was very happy to discover that I could save a few quid. I think it boils down to how much you want something and what you're prepared to sacrifice to get it.
  4. [quote name='fumps' post='300399' date='Oct 6 2008, 12:16 PM']Just try MC 900ft jesus, quaanum & Jurassic 5. you will love them........Hip Hop is like any other music nowadays there is some amazing hidden Gems but is over shadowed by the [size=4]"Me- money-Me-Money-me-bitches-me-bitches-Me-Hoes-Me-Hoes-Me-Cars-me-Cars-ooo-Did-EYE-TELL-YOU-I-HAVE-....repeat"[/size]Crap....grrrrr[/quote] Rap is whack man - fumps, do you want to go and do a drive-thru and then go down b&q and get some hose? (hoes - geddit?) I like guitar music, but I've never really been into metal. I've never been into electronic music, dance, rap, pop, funk, disco - actually to be honest, I liked (and still do) almost exclusively bluesy rock and 90s British Indie (not britpop, although I don't mind a bit of Britpop). I think my favourite stuff is early Weezer, Ned's Atomic Dustbin and Rory Gallagher. I like structured jazz (can you call big band stuff jazz) and stuff like Reinhardt/Grappelli. I've recently been listening to more folky stuff and stuff like the Black Keys and stuff like Clinic. I don't like the White Stripes, but I do like the Raconteurs. I can't listen to Radio 1 because of all the idiots paid to talk rubbish all day - I think I put Moyles on one morning, who played 2 songs in the space of an hour - not because of the music, sure they play some crap, but some mainstream modern stuff is alright. I respect the opinions of others and I'll never say a piece of music is crap, just because I don't like it, but some music is just crap and almost meaningless, sausage factory bollocks. I thought the Fratellis first album was good, wouldn't touch their second on the strength of the first single from it and thought they were a dreadful, live band - but you might love them. Of course everybody is different so none of this means anything other than to me. You likes what you like at the end of the day.
  5. Joe - PM'd you. Sorry for delay. Those I've PM'd and not heard back from, please do me the courtesy of sending a reply, ta. updates: There is a knob on the way for the M One, so it's full working order The desk and the DBX have gone, everything else (as far as I am aware is still available)
  6. I've gigged with a 30w practice amp brought along by a fella who "couldn't be arsed to lug his ampeg around" I've done guitar gigs with 5 watts - valve watts admittedly
  7. good question Joe - it's missing the rotary knob but I've emailed TC Electronic to see if I can obtain a replacement. It does work without it, but I'd rather sell a fully functioning product if you get me
  8. Just get a refund on your credit card and buy it from somebody who gives a bugger. I think it's well cheeky that companies charge at the point you place the order and not at the point when they have stock and dispatch the goods.
  9. PM sent Ste Anymore for anymore, we are going to whack the lot on fleabay this week
  10. I have more guitars than basses too - actually i've ot 4 times as many guitars as basses I certainy think playing the guitar makes me better at playing bass and vice versa and what really develops my musicality (if there is such a word) is playing covers and having to play stuff other people have written, rather that getting to a stage in what I've made up myself and not really progressing past what I know.
  11. Ste - I need to confirm the price of the rack as it's the one with the power distriution built into it (and if you can find any 110v, you can also plug straight into that! I think it's the blue cables you find at outdoor events, but not terrible sure). I should hopefully be able to get an answer on that today and also on the crossover/eq.
  12. Righto, I'm going to talk prices with the rest of the band on the way home. As usual I have got slightly confused but can now confirm the following: DBX driverack PA - this is the EQ [b]and[/b] crossover in one. More info [url="http://www.dbxpro.com/pa/pa.htm"]here[/url] but basically it's an EQ as well as doing 2x3, 2x4, 2x5 and 2x6 crossover configurations (I don't actually know what this means ) The monitors are 15s The Speakers are rated 800w RMS (tops), 1400w RMS (mids) and 1600w RMS (subs). The Sub is called LX 18MB (and more info [url="http://www.wharfedalepro.com/Default.aspx?dsplType=1&cid=25&ParID=1&IdLang=1"]here[/url]) We also have a Stagg 16 channel stage snake up for grabs as well. Prices later on hopefully
  13. I'll find out for you and drop you a PM
  14. [quote name='TheDarkReaver' post='288854' date='Sep 21 2008, 11:19 PM']Of course having no fingers means I can actually play.[/quote] I wouldn't be able to play a note if I had no fingers. In fact I'm not entirely sure I'd be able to hold a bass.
  15. Hello We're breaking up our big PA and have lots of bits to sell, if you're interested in any of the following, please drop me a PM for prices or pics. Everything is in excellent condition and been well looked after - the speakers all have top quality padded covers and are in great nick. 2 x Wharfedale LX15 (tops) 4ohm - with covers 2 x Wharfedale LX15B (mids) 4ohm - with covers 2 x Wharfedale LX18B (sub) 4ohm - with covers 3 Peavey 2600 amps (1300 watts per channel at 2ohm, with a built in crossover so you can run a biamped mono set up and power a pair of tops and a pair of subs) Rackmount Sony MD recorder/player Rackmount Digital Reverb Unit (TC Electronic M-One XL - the knob is missing, but we might be able to replace that) Rackmount DBX Driverack PA 28 band graphic EQ 10U Gator rolling rack case (with removable front, back and top and the top is on a hinge so you can tilt your rackmounted desk in - if you've got one) Allen and Heath GL2400, flight cased (will swap this for a van!! ) Rackmount crossover (can't remember what make sorry) At least 2 powered wedge monitors (possible 12s, might be 15s - Wharfedales again). There is more, I just can't remember it at the moment. Would consider trading some of this for another smaller, lighter PA, possible a pair of powered 12s or 15s. Drop me a line if you're interested in any of it, quite happy to split.
  16. I've posted in this section as I'm geuninely interested to know how wearing your wedding ring affects you playing bass (or guitar if you do). I'm getting married next year and I wouldn't like her indoors to think that I take my wedding ring off to play and wouldn't fancy losing it either. Anyway, I'm guessing the big chunky ones are out - do you have a particular style of ring and did you choose it because it was more comfortable for playing the bass?!!
  17. Hello, Right I'm not playing a hell of a lot of bass at the moment and have downsized my guitar pedalboard, so currently this lot is surplus to requirements. I have the following which I will happily part with. Akai SB-1 Deep Impact. You all know what these are - I had agreed a sale with basschatter who did leave me a deposit with a view to completing at the end of Oct - I've sent 4 emails to complete and a couple of PMs, but not heard anything so I have put this back up for sale. It's mint, has no velcro and includes the power supply and the instructions. The glue on the box is starting to wear out, but it's in one piece. [b]SOLD[/b] Flightcase Warehouse big pedalboard (730 x 360 or something like that) - it's a big, sturdy bugger and I comfortably had 15 pedals in there and they weren't all Boss or Hammond enclosures either. The board is velcro covered with some 4" velcro tape I got from the states and I have added another sheet of hexboard underneath to raise the pedals, so you can stick them right up to the edge and still get a plug into one of the pedals - [b]SOLD[/b] Diago Powerstation and straight plug daisy chain - [b]SOLD[/b] [b]note - I am kinda holding these for another basschatter, so Dan - if you read this, drop me a PM and let me know if you are interested still - any other interest, please PM me to register your interest and I will find out the details ASAP[/b] Boss TU-2 - [b]WITHDRAWN[/b] T-Rex Comp Nova - very good compressor I got from Nice Guy Al for £60. In the same excellent condition it was in when I got it, including the box - [b]SOLD[/b] Boss GEB-7 EQ. Good nick, no box and one of the sliders has a small crack in it, but it's intact and generally in very good condition - [b]SOLD[/b] Boss ODB-3 Overdrive. I think it's a love it or hate it pedal. Personally, I love it, but don't need it - so it's time to move it on. Includes the box and I also have the receipt from the shop I bought it from on holidays in Florida! [b]SOLD[/b] EHX Nano Small Stone - TRADE ONLY for a flanger - possibly Boss BF-3 (and maybe with a bit of cash, I think the Small Stone cost me £47 when I bought it and it was one of the cheapest places I found it). [b]WITHDRAWN[/b] All the above (except the SB-1) have velcro attached as they were kept on my board permanently, but it also kept them in good nick of course Payment by cheque or bank transfer - or basically any method which means I don't have to pay paypal any fees (so no paypal then!!) Trades - I need cash for the SB-1 so can't take any trades for this. I borrowed money from my savings to buy some blinds for the house and I need the money from the SB-1 to pay it back! The other stuff can buy me more gear! The TU-2 I will trade only for a Korg Pitchblack, because I need a tuner and I want one of those. The Pedalboard/Supply/Comp/OD/EQ are up for trade and the sort of thing I am looking for is a guitar - either Mex/Jap/USA Fender Tele or Strat or a Korean Epiphone semi - Casino, Riviera, Sheraton - I can afford to put a bit of cash into the deal, but not a lot. Or I am looking for a pair of 50mm spacing humbuckers - something like a pair of Pearly Gates, or something PAF-alike from BK, Wizard, Kent Armstrong, Cats Whisker, etc. Don't fancy Di-Marzios or Gibson pickups or Rio Grande really. Try me anyway! I'd also possibly consider a nice, smallish (boss/hammond size) chorus, an Xotic RC Booster or an MXR blue box (or similar octave fuzz). Don't really fancy any pre-built BYOC stuff as I have had a bad experience with one that hadn't been built properly. Anyway, cheers for reading! JTB
  18. [quote name='molan' post='285244' date='Sep 16 2008, 05:21 PM']I bought a pair of full Schaller sets - black were £12 & nickel £8.50. You were right that I was being a bit of a skinflint trying to save £4 - £5 by just buying the buttons and/or not sticking to the same brand. Given that each bass is worth over £700 then spending a tenner on some straplocks isn't exactly going to brake the bank![/quote] Sorry Molan, I wasn't suggesting you were being skinflint at all I meant that I couldn't remember the price of them. Turns out it was wd that sell the buttons on their own, it's allparts and you can find them here - [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/schaller-strap-lock-buttons-only-p-3885.html?p=product"]http://www.allparts.uk.com/schaller-strap-....html?p=product[/url] and they're only £2.50 per pair - which is definitely worth buying. I think axesrus sells something similar - in fact I bought what they advertised as Fender (only) American Standard straplock buttons, which are £3.35 - I (wrongly) assumed these would be a direct fit for a Schaller straplock (and in fact made by Schaller) - but they didn't keep the lock attached.
  19. you can get them from axesrus (but make sure you get the right ones) or you can also get the proper schaller ones from wdmusic.co.uk -actually, I daresay that's your best bet - I can't remember how much they are if but if you're looking at spending 7 quid on a pair of buttons, you might as well buy the whole thing.
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='283332' date='Sep 13 2008, 08:22 PM']What a day!! They're playing Hammersmith on 22nd December and I'll book my tickets immediately.[/quote] You'll be doing what? A perfect opportunity for a spot of ligging and you're [b]buying[/b] tickets?
  21. I was going to ask the same question. I have an ABM300 EVO-II GTi Turbo () and have stood front of house while another band's bass player has used it DI'd and I thought it sounded alright meself
  22. [quote name='escholl' post='282551' date='Sep 12 2008, 12:26 PM']this is true. however, as long as each supply is isolated from each other (such as in the Dunlop brick and others -- NOT daisy chained ones) there shouldn't be a problem. and if line6 knew how to do their job right, there wouldn't be a problem at all. [/quote] I did try one of those and it still hummed. Mind you, it wasa cheapo maplin one
  23. I thought it was really good Clarky - I'm usually quite sceptical about stuff like that, but I thought feck it, it's only 15 quid if it doesn't work (I'd been made redundant, so I did have all of 17 pounds burning a hole in my pocket ), then it's not so bad. I only used a tiny bit (like 10 drops on a bit of cotton wool) and left it for about 5 minutes (I think you're supposed to leave it longer) but it's made a difference already. I showed the results to mrs jtb-to-be who said the fingerboard looked less chalky - if she can spot the effect then that says that it's doing something, and "less chalky looking" means it must by rehydrating it. My SG is 2000 and I don't think it had been played much, but I don't think it had been lemon oiled regularly.
  24. Somebody told me the power filtering in Line 6 pedals is piss poor and if you use a single PSU and daisy chain them, they can produce hum - I tried it once with a crap PSU and got hum, but never with my Diago. The suggestion was made that the best thing you could do with Line 6 effects was to run them off individual power supplies.
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