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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. Has anybody used a combination of Guitar Port with a Mac and Garageband to do any recording? I am having problems and will elaborate on if anybody has a working knowledge of it!
  2. I rang Endsleigh last week who quoted me £125 for 10k cover on a new for old basis.
  3. Hello! how do you play football in one of these?
  4. hmm....I could have fun with that Blackstar pedal and the Hot Plate....
  5. I'm having an Epifani moment oh no, wait. Don't suppose you've got any Bergs have you?
  6. I was taking a spare when I was regularly breaking strings (Elites and Fenders mainly) but since I have not broken one in ages, I've been risking it. The gigs we do - half-hour sets on the toilet circuit - don't really require a spare and I'll try and play around it if it happens again, but I'm kind of hoping it's not going to go wrong on me! I take two guitars to every covers band gig I play because I do break guitar strings more regularly and when I'm being paid to play for a couple of hours, I need to make sure I can carry on playing. I take one of those 7 guitar rockstands and put the whole band's guitars/basses on it out of the way so people don't think we're showing-off cocks.
  7. If I wanted to run vocal, bass and acoustic guitar into a mini-mixer, into a head-rush pedal and then into a PA, where should the DI go? Basically I was thinking of doing some live looping stuff using bass and guitar and I'd only be playing one at a time, should I go Bass/Guitar/Vocal (simultaneously) > channels 1, 2, 3 of the mixer > head rush > DI > PA Actually, yes - there's no need to put anymore options on there as everything needs to go through the head rush in order to make loops with guitar, bass and vocal, therefore the question is, is there any reason why I shouldn't put vocal through a DI box, or does that not apply because it's the output from the head rush? If you can decipher that jumble of words, opinions welcomed!
  8. [quote name='silddx' post='225493' date='Jun 23 2008, 11:09 PM']You wouldn't like it [/quote] I bet I would
  9. He didn't - take another look at the auction, it went for best offer of £625 - which is a good couple of hundred quid less that I thought it would be and a bloody good bargain for someone. There was no price and I should have asked, but didn't have anything single coil to trade.
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='226640' date='Jun 25 2008, 12:54 PM']Nah, he sold it privately. Considering the head for myself now, replace the second guitarist with no guitar with an octave up split signal.[/quote] this one [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-Les-Paul-Deluxe-includes-Hardcase_W0QQitemZ130233259132"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-Les-Paul-Delu...emZ130233259132[/url] If not, somebody's nicked his images
  11. Is this the LP that went for the ridiculously low price on ebay at the weekend? I wish I'd had the readies for that.
  12. Yeah, in a Hiscox coffin! I've no idea, I've never thought about it. All of my kit is paid for, I suppose me dad would put it to good use or the other half could sell it off and have a nice holiday!
  13. Whatever the standard valve is - what is the standard valve anyway? 12AX7? but who makes it?
  14. Cool. Have you still got the pickguard?
  15. I think it's MiM and from [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0131002340"]this[/url] range.
  16. Very nice - wish I i) had the readies and ii) was currently playing bass in a band at the moment. Sadly, I don't think either of those things are going to happen for a while! I'd love to hear one of these with my mini 15
  17. funds received, hanger dispatched, now appearing as a feature above MB1's fireplace
  18. mine clearly went over your head
  19. I've just had a conversation with Endsleigh who took a note of all of my kit, the replacement value I placed on them and gave me a price which was half what e and l, musicguard and the like had quoted me. Plus Endsleigh seem to operate on a new for old replacement basis so if my kit does get nicked or damaged BER, they will replace it for new stuff - hence the values I placed on everything was what I would expect to pay for a brand new Stingray/Martin/Les Paul Seems like a good deal unless anybody has had any bad experiences. The only downside that I can see is that you have to pay the full whack up front for the year.
  20. Damn, I was there yesterday.
  21. MB1 had my Hercules wall hanger. Sent me a 10 spot in the post in the most secure envelope I have ever seen! As usual a pleasure doing business with you sir.
  22. Do you mean Midnight Wine? Seems to be a MiM colour - I had a MiM Jazz in Midnight Wine. It's solid btw
  23. Cheers all. E_Man I will check that out Ste - it's not that they've asked me, but the difference between insuring say 10 grand's worth of kit (based on my valuation) and say £7.5k of kit is nearly 70 quid a year - not a lot, but it would keep me in strings for 6 months! I want to make sure that if I spend the extra money based on what I think is an appropriate value for a guitar, they will pay that out - otherwise, I'll put a lower value on it and pay less premium - if that makes sense. WH - I will check out my home policy, but I want to be able to take 2 guitars out gigging and would want them both covered, plus a lot of the music policies cover instruments in transit too.
  24. Now then, I need to insure my gear - basses, bass rig, pedalboards plus guitars and amps. I've got a couple of insurance companies to look at, but the items will be insured at market value. I've had the conversation along the lines of who determines market value and one insurance company has said they would want receipts or a valuation. As I bought most of my stuff secondhand, through here, ebay or other classifieds, I've not got much in the way of receipts - can anybody recommend a place to get valuations done? I'm guessing some music shops would be able to help, but to be honest, I know more than all 4 of my local shops put together, and that's not saying much. I've seen places like Music Ground offer a valuation service but they want £45 and to be honest, I don't see what use emailing them a load of details would be - surely the best way to establish the value of an instrument is to look at it properly, check the condition, take it apart if necessary and take into account mods, case and stuff like that?
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