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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. get on with it then, bloody hell!
  2. I reckon you should just get another Montana one. If they're what I think they are (ebay right?) they seem like pretty good value.
  3. is it a G&L Asat? edit: tiny pic robbed off the net.
  4. Oh bugger, if I still had my strat I'd have swapped it with you. Little consolation now, I know!
  5. I like the colour combo of the MiM, good stuff
  6. AB sold pending funds. Just the E2 left now folks.
  7. Red Onion Loop [b]sold[/b] Red Onion AB [b]not sold[/b] LBM [b]sold[/b] Therefore E2 and AB still available
  8. I took my Tele Custom, Stingray and Precision to be set up at the same time and the tech pointed out to me that they were all black/maple. I knew already of course but I suppose I just like black/maple!!
  9. It's not mine fella, I've only borrowed it because I know a bloke who owns "several" and I keep asking him what it does, so he's lent me one.
  10. PM'd you an email address
  11. I'll have a proper play around with it, but I just couldn't find a place for it in the band's songs. Maybe if this band were doing covers, I could encourage them to work on a song that used one, but I tried using it last night on a few of my bass parts and couldn't gel with it.
  12. What do you do with your Boss PS-3? I've got one on loan because of how many good things I've heard about them but I can't find a use for it - it doesn't really seem to do anything that I like the sound of. Any suggestions (selling or giving it to you doesn't count as a suggestion, nor does anything else which results in either myself or the owner no longer having possession of it, before anybody thinks that one up)
  13. I maintain my integrity by always doing the right thing....whatever may be the right thing to do at the time.
  14. I'm guessing it makes bugger all difference where the deal originates Si, I imagine it's dependent on how conservative (or otherwise) your seller is with his valuation.
  15. hmmm..... I play in an originals band, we can get gigs when we want them and more often than not, the gigs we do these days are supporting signed bands. However, no matter how much musical integrity I have playing in my originals band, when you put me on stage in front of an audience of 4, opening for a signed band who have allegedly opened a gig in front of 25k people and send me home empty handed, then the following week put me in a packed pub full of people enjoying watching my covers band playing songs they all know, that I get a buzz off and then send me home with cash in my pocket, I know what I believe has more value. I have to learn other people's parts, I don't read charts but I pick up tabs now and again to just make sure I am playing the thing right - sometimes it's easy, sometime's other people's parts are quite difficult to learn but I think it's made me a better musician by making me play in a different style to my own - ok so it's someone else's style, but so what?
  16. Is it the way the photo is lit or my dodgy screen that makes that sunburst one look 2TS and not 3TS? I like it and I daresay I'd like one until it turned up and it needed a new set of half decent pickups and a bridge with a bit of mass. Plus it being a MiM reissue, it'll be getting on for the price of an H1.
  17. I play [guitar] in a covers band, we do lots of pubs and have just cracked into the corporate/weddings/birthdays/funerals thing. The people that we play to want to hear something they recognise, something they can dance to and something they don't feel intimidated by. There are songs we don't like doing but we do them because they go down well and the punters like them and to hear them all singing along is a very good feeling. You have to draw a line somewhere though and my line was "Man I Feel Like A Woman". I spent half a day learning the guitar solo to it and when it came to practice, I played the first 3 notes and immediately felt so ashamed and emabarrassed that I refused to play anymore. I agree with what Merton says about Joe Public.
  18. Red Onion Loop sold Red Onion A/B provisionally sold E2 and LBM still available
  19. I've shipped guitars and basses to France, Spain, Germany, USA, Ireland, etc and used stuff like interparcel.com and p4d.co.uk. Shipping a 120x60x30 package weighing about 10kg into Germany cost me about 20 quid + a tenner to insure it up to £750 I think.
  20. what a grade A c@ck! I've seen the 1974 "original" CAR Jazz come up on several occassions - I doubt the bloke has managed to get his money back.
  21. I have a Behringer Ultra-G G100 DI box. Ground-lift, couple of pad switches, 4x12 emulation (the blurb says it "realistically emulates a 4x12 cab" - it doesn't it's rubbish, oh - it might realistically emulate a Behringer 4x12 cab, I'd not thought of that), battery or phantom. No headphone out. It's a good cheap DI box if that's all you need it for, but I don't know if any of them do the headphone thing - you might be able to use a multi-fx thingy though.
  22. Right, I found the LBM after ringing Henley On Thames town council and asking, "Have you seen my muff?" Definitely for sale.
  23. I always ask for a discount, even if I don't get. 9 times out of ten I'll walk away unless I think it's a good price anyway. 10% of the time I'm just being cheeky and opportunist.
  24. the obligatory "65 members online, everybody's at work" BUMP
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