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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. What's the benefit of running our PA in stereo? ie running one amp for the tops, one amp for the subs, rather than a mono biamped set up running a pair of tops from one channel and the subs from the other channel?
  2. I had a stroll in on Saturday, some nice stuff, but waaaaay over priced and moreso compared to what the rest of the market seems to be trading at - although if somebody buys the guitars they are selling at the prices they are selling them for, then somebody thinks they're worth it. I tried a 79 Ric 4001 - was very nice, not quite my bag, also spotted that apparently original Ampeg flip-top thing that was not for sale.
  3. my mrs doesn't mind one, it's all the others that she has a problem with.
  4. i've turned down plenty based on where they are, previous experience of doing them before (a "festival" in notts springs to mind), money and lots of other reasons. I played with my originals band in an RAF Officer's mess which I am glad I never turned down, but it was the most bizarre experience
  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='201012' date='May 17 2008, 01:22 PM']What's in the stand at the side of the stage being polished and tuned by your tech??[/quote] Two Precisions - a 70s and a modern MIA one a 60s Jazz Stingray if it's guitars 2 Les Pauls Tele custom ("72") with a hot bridge pickup 335
  6. and up i tell you what me ducks, shall we say £320 for the guitar in the Hiscox, £280 for it without?
  7. he's very very good, but can he improvise?
  8. does it sound the same with the tube switch in and out?
  9. [quote name='bremen' post='200210' date='May 16 2008, 10:12 AM']Is it not easy to do your own - or get a friend to do it? hearyourself.com offer money back if you don't like the fit.[/quote] no! And I don't have a friend that I think I would trust to do it for me either! I once got a Q-Zone earplug stuck in my ear that I first tried to extract with a pair of pliers (don't ask) and then successfully with a very small pair of tweezers. I thought a trip to A&E was on the cards that evening. I would rather go to somebody who knew what they were doing!
  10. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='197405' date='May 12 2008, 07:16 PM']they all seem to be about the same price.[/quote] i'm coming to that conclusion - there's no benefit to buying online, especially as i think you'll end up trying to do your own moulds or paying somebody extra to do them
  11. put a bit of tape on the board to mark where the knobs are set then if they do get moved, you know where to put them back to
  12. yes but if you can make your own sig bass to your own spec - out of whatever wood you want, with the pickup config that you want, neck material, etc that does exactly what you want it to, rather than having to have 2 different (and possibly expensive) basses to produce 2 different tones, when the bass you design might what you want in one package.
  13. [quote name='Moody' post='199443' date='May 15 2008, 11:44 AM']I thought SC did most of their stuff on sale or return? I could be totally wrong though so please treat with a large dose of seasoning.[/quote] if they bought stuff on sale or return, in theory they could have returned all of their unsold stock and they wouldn't be in the position they are in
  14. i gigged for years with 80 watts and 1x15 - it was enough for me, when it stopped working, i tried some new rigs, went for the lowest powered ABM ashdown because i liked the tone (yes, i know what you're all thinking you buggers ). The first time i plugged it into a "big" cab - an ampeg 610 - I was told to turn it down because it was coming over the top of the house 12k PA. I don't need any more than that
  15. are you getting paid work with them?
  16. right - where's the cheapest place a tight arse like me can get a set of moulded ER-15s? I don't really fancy doing my own impressions, so anywhere I can get the impressions done in the price is good and also anybody that will colour them gratis as well is always a winner looked at sensorcom, audiorelief and hearingprotection so far
  17. £200? Did I read that right? Looks like a bit of a bargain that
  18. buy the sweets, take 'em into work or give them to somebody and spread a bit of joy
  19. amp - put your money away and add some more to it and get something you can gig with - you can get a respectable gigging amp for £300
  20. i prefer the ABM (mine's chinese too) to the MAG - I a/b them in PMT in Northampton when I was thinking about buying them and I preferred the overall tone of the ABM and particularly liked the valvieness
  21. i may be wrong, but i don't think they do invoice you in sterling, therefore you may pay a fee to your bank to convert into a euro transaction they are a bloody good company to buy from and put a lot of other dealers to shame IMO
  22. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='194713' date='May 8 2008, 02:40 PM']I firmly believe there's only one reason why stuff doesn't sell and it's the price.[/quote] Bang on there Alan, I tell you what - I'll take it off your hands for 75 quid, bloody hell, I'll even come and collect it.
  23. Last night was rotten! [b]Saturday[/b] - my covers band gig was very good (i play guitar), busy pub, we sounded good (despite the absence of our other guitarist) but the crowd was up for it, etc. Lows - the brother and his girlfriend and another friend being denied entry because they were wearing trainers. [b]Sunday[/b] - 27brigade gig - back on bass. Outdoor gig at a pub in Loughborough. The pub was rammed, the event sold out and people were being turned away. The best live sound I've heard in ages - absolutely crystal clear FOH and the monitoring was fantastic. Had a trace something or other and a new ampeg 410 to play through. Best we've played in ages as well [b]Last night[/b] - opened for a touring band and played to 6 (including the band to follow us and the soundman). Worst soundman ever - have had experience of him at another venue in town and he put me off ever looking for gigs at the venue again. I won't be looking for anymore gigs at this place either. Disocovered: Don't want a Behringer amp - ever; I now want a 4003 - oh and the headline played to 8 including the bloke running the door, the soundman, their tour manager and me
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