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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='165233' date='Mar 28 2008, 01:39 PM']No - my Wal is played in a traditional and uncontentious manner, as has been the case since the electric bass was invented by Monk Montgomery. Its model name of 'Custom', therefore, has integrity and is, thus, allowed. My Metro combo, on the other hand, sounds great as long as there are no trains running.[/quote] your metro combo was manufactured by austin rover in the 1980s?
  2. depends which carrier is used for the UK leg - if it's parcelforce, you'll get a letter asking you to pay the customs charge before they'll release the item - some carriers deliver and then send you a bill.
  3. bump this back up. i've still not listed this on ebay doing up my house has taken up too much of my time (not to mention not having anywhere decent to take a pic). Think I'll stick it on ebay this weekend, but here's a bump before I do.
  4. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='164843' date='Mar 27 2008, 09:51 PM']I have a PRS SE Soapbar... great sound and mine for under £200 with a Hiscox case I play it thru a Peavey Delta Blues all valve combo... 1 x 15" speaker - sounds magic.[/quote] nice! I had one of those PRS SE Soapbars - one of the single cut ones, paid about that price too! I have an LP Standard, CIJ tele custom 72 RI, epi 335, gordon-smith GS-1 doublecut (like an LP junior), MIJ Squier strat and a couple of acoustics. What I really want is an SG, a proper 335, an HH Jaguar and that'd probably do me.
  5. quick question - are these the ones that are in the bitsa jazz that originally came from you? cheers
  6. apparently the new 2008 fenders are supplied in the new 2008 SKB. if it's anything like the fender skb my p bass is in, i'd have another hiscox.
  7. [quote name='molan' post='161929' date='Mar 22 2008, 07:31 PM']One thing to add to this - I bought a tuner pedal in a store in LA last year. They couldn't have been more different. went out of their way to help, the guy serving was a guitarist who tracked down a bass player to ask specifically how the pedal he liked worked with a bass and the pair of them gave me great advice on both the operation of the pedal and how it would work in a live gigging situation. All done with a smile and a "hope it all works out for you - bring it back if you're not satisfied" attitude![/quote] i bought a couple of bits when i was in america and spent most of a week trawling round guitar shops in boston looking for something tasty - i found the independent dealers to be a breath of fresh air compared to the typical customer service in the UK, really helpful when i was looking for OD pedals and naturally i bought something from them. I thought the big dealers, Guitar Center in particular, not too different from the big chains over here though sadly. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='163784' date='Mar 26 2008, 02:35 PM']However I was really cheesed after visiting a local shop last week.[/quote] was that local to kent or local to leics? [quote name='metalmaniac' post='163788' date='Mar 26 2008, 02:38 PM']Oh god, and avoid loughborough at all costs! We reckon someone has been selling fake fenders![/quote] tell more!! the guitar workshop in Ibstock (near coalville/leicester) is very good. they don't have a massive range and don't really carry any high end stuff, but they're amongst the most helpful people i've ever encountered in a music shop.
  8. try [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253"]here[/url]. nothing listed for wolverhampton but if you want to go to warwick, worcester or birmingham, you've a choice.
  9. i like my 3EQ stingray, took a bit of getting used to (treble, from a bass? ), but it would take a disaster or totally giving up the bass (which is probably the same) to make me part with it.
  10. I wouldn't pay £55 for a setup. On the rare occasions I pay somebody else to do it, the going rate around here is around £30 + strings. If it's a strat (floating trem), it's usually a bit more. A new nut in my les paul (which required a bit of setting up post op) was £30. edit: I was once charged about 40 quid I think for a job on my acoustic guitar, but that was different to the price originally quoted, they didn't ring me to tell me of the price difference and so I won't be going back. Have a look at the recommended luthiers thread to see if there is one in your area.
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='163225' date='Mar 25 2008, 04:15 PM']MB1. If id got the spare change Chop id have had this myself mate, cant believe its not gone.Hope you have a bit more luck on the bay this time round.Silly price for a great Amp!. [/quote] same here. i could f*ck a lot of neighbours off with this, especially the one with the drumkit
  12. i wonder if they're going to bring out any valve rigs, similar to the bogner collaboration with the valve spider guitar amps - which are surprisingly good (i thought they'd be toss to be fair)
  13. my variax has gone and i think i am going to buy a telly! what's wrong with me??!
  14. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='161399' date='Mar 21 2008, 01:13 PM']Down at the rehearsal studios last night, using an Ampeg head with two huge home made ported 1 x 18" cabs... I was playing my naturally lively sounding EMG powered Ibanez Doug Wimbish signature on the Precision pickup. All I can say is 'Wow!' those 18" cabs certainly shift some serious low frequencies... it was wonderful, bass sound. Interestingly the Ampeg 450 was cranked up full, to power these cabs, obviously they need a lot of watts to run... It's got me thinking If you were going for a Head + 2 18" cabs, what would you choose (just for the fun of it!).[/quote] i've seen that rig. bonkers, thought they were 18s as well, but was playing guitar that night so didn't take a proper look.
  15. yes that all makes perfect sense, thank you! how i didn't work it out, considering i have played guitar for 15 years and did alright in my music GCSE (mind you, that was 12 years ago).
  16. my band is in the process of putting together a new song and in it, there is a phrase which goes 4 measures of E and then 4 measures of Em, before repeating the same thing, but in B (ie B then Bm). This is where I display my lack of theory knowledge - I suppose I could stay on the root E and B for those phrases, but what notes can I play to accentuate the minor? In my head (despite listen to the Beck/Bogert/Appice version of Superstition currently), I can hear that E/C#/B would work to run down to the B (four measures of each), but what works better. No matter what I've tried, I can't get it to sound right. Any help gratefully received.
  17. i likes it even if it the "after" picture doesn't look wildly different to the "before" picture.
  18. [quote name='barneythedog' post='160568' date='Mar 19 2008, 11:42 PM']know every song in the set. know every song in the set backwards know every song in the set upside down know every song in the set blindfold then go and practice the set every day between now and the gig you probably get the point by now [/quote] and if you don't, sure you can bluff you way through the gaffs - i do it week in week out, stand there shaking my head while i'm playing, but no bugger ever notices anyway
  19. [quote name='The Burpster' post='159797' date='Mar 18 2008, 05:59 PM']Think you'll get a better response in teh for sale thread..... [/quote] why? I don't think there's one for sale is there? I had an E Serial Fender Precision, it was very good - well made, good quality stuff on it. I've got a JV Precision which is better, but the E serial was very good. I've also got an early 90s Jap Squier strat which is alright apart from the pickups (which I've now changed). I think you would struggle to get anything really bad out of the Japanese Fender/Squier factories to be honest.
  20. [quote name='Machines' post='158441' date='Mar 16 2008, 04:19 PM']Went through a phase of buying guitars but they all sound the same .[/quote] all the cheap ones do i play guitar, not really as a secondary instrument though. I came to bass playing after 13 years of playing the guitar to join a band that wanted a bass player - I still play guitar in a covers band (in addition to playing the bass in a working originals band) and I think that not only has playing covers helped to develop my guitar and bass playing, certainly from having to learn other people's parts, but playing more guitar has developed my bass playing into something a bit more than root & 5th stuff - I think anyway. There's still so much I could learn and I fully intend to.......one day I also started learning the drums earlier this year and I was told that I picked it up quite quickly. Unfortunately it's on hiatus at the minute, but the drums developed my bass playing in conjunction with the drummer and certainly made me think more about the rhythms I played. It's all good, you can never play enough instruments, I would like to have learned to play the piano and the trumpt I think
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='152193' date='Mar 6 2008, 09:18 AM']Ah another Mac using "creative" [/quote] *counts the number of times on 1 finger that my mac hasn't worked properly* *counts the number of dints in my forehead from banging my head on my desk when my work pc has been on its arse*
  22. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='126985' date='Jan 24 2008, 03:32 PM']LM11 & Epifani UL310. [/quote] I want.
  23. yeah, 27brigade is the originals band. we went down to play with the Bets who put their own nights on there. If the boat club is the Britannia Boat Club next to the Forest Ground, we've played there with the Bets too (who are also putting their own nights on there). [quote name='David Nimrod' post='159259' date='Mar 17 2008, 10:14 PM']I can feel a 'Nottingham BC night out' coming on [/quote] sounds like a good plan!
  24. none of them, too late for any of that, but i don't recall being attached to them in any particular way.
  25. thanks David, you're too kind! It was alright, I had a good night, despite the crowd (actually wasn't bad compared to a Leicester turnout!) and my numerous f*ck ups, but these things happen and nice to meet David too.
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