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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. if it's gone on the jazz, which it looks like it has, that's a shame as that did actually perform a useful function
  2. that's not a bad price, did you have to pay customs duty on them when they turned up sharkfinger? Also what did thay charge for postage? You could potentially get a set of er-15s with a spare set of filers for more or less attenuation and go and have the moulds taken by a pro place for less that you would pay for a set in the UK. What was the lead time from start to finish? Does anybody know if specsavers take the moulds as part of the total price?
  3. i take it the spec on the website that includes "trem arm" for the precision bass is a typo
  4. if anyone on basschat wants to sell me theirs so i can use it, PM [i]me[/i]
  5. john_the_bass


    getting the velcro to stick to rubber on the pedal can be a bit of a bummer. I managed to find some 4" velcro on ebay in the US which i used to cover my pedal board - i think i got more than enough for about 18 quid shipped. It came off the hexboard eventually as it wasn't as sticky as it possibly could have been, so i got some spray carpet glue and it has done the job admirably. Search for "lyt velcro" for the US auction on ebay.com
  6. i'd get a replacement pot from MXR and fit it yourself, unless Dunlop agree to refund you the postage as your sending it back under warranty. Have you contacted dunlop in the UK via JHS?
  7. i did email them and they offered a small discount (minimal) on the postage but weren't prepared to knock anything off the instruments unfortunately.
  8. red onion solutions have put their prices up a bit as well - although they are still not as dear as napalm, they are more expensive than when i bought mine
  9. hmmmmmmm........ [url="http://www.ashtonmusic.co.uk/productView.asp?productID=374"]could be interesting[/url]
  10. they've done that to me. they give you a load of cobblers about how it contravenes their listing policy, but there's actually nothing in their listing policy to that effect. I wrote to them and told them and they just fob you off until you put together a strong argument and then they ignore you. I was then sent a "how did we handle your communication" survey, which i filled in and ticked the last box that said, do you need to be contacted - of course nobody actually got back to me. I think i was just up for a bit of a row. They do credit your listing fee though. Sorry, back on topic. Good luck with the next auction
  11. yes it's cobblers. it's saying, "look, here is a bass that's identical to one played by someone slightly famous, buy it for about £250 above its list price"
  12. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='118555' date='Jan 11 2008, 02:32 PM']What ever Kev decides is fair this week[/quote] of course, all opinions on this subject would be welcomed! what would [i]you[/i] be happy to pay for one?
  13. what would be a good price for a uni bass?
  14. yes sorry i wondered if anybody had bothered using a spring king (kick button). i agree that it probably wouldn't be that useful. i might have a look at a micro pog - is it as micro as the title suggests as the others are a bit big filter wise, are there any recommendations? [quote name='Hamster' post='118463' date='Jan 11 2008, 12:47 PM']It sounds a bit like this:_[/quote] no youtube at work, will have a look later, ta
  15. right, my new pedal board is planned in my head, but i have some questions. What does a bassballs do? Are there any octave [b]up[/b] effects? I think the unibass does octave up, but will it do it without any fuzz? Has anybody tried using something like a danelectro spring king for that spring reverb crash?
  16. are they ABS plastic or are they something like hexboard (like the flightcase warehouse ones?)?
  17. incidentally Steve did you get my PM - can you give me an idea of what you paid for the cases for the jrs? Ta
  18. been looking at a new pedalboard - had settled on a diago showman but have an opportunity to buy a converted flightcase which will pretty much hold a t-rex tonetrunk in place. There doesn't appear to be much difference between the tonetrunk and the pedaltrains, has anybody used the t-rex one?
  19. yes straight out of the kettle. the other problem was that my sink/washing up bowl wasn't quite big enough and i couldn't quite fit it all in. when i snapped mine, i was being a big, clumsy, fat fingered idiot. i snapped the bit that's closest to the last screw on the top horn or a precision, the really thin bit next to the cut out for the neck. it was my own fault and i was just applying a bit [i]too[/i] much pressure to it to see if it was soft and it turned out not to be - ping. up until that point the tea towel/hot iron/two bits of board/stand on it for 5 minutes/check and try again, was working really well. i had two offcuts of an ikea shelf that i'd shortened to fit into a gap in the house and they were ideal. I was sure i'd started a thread on it which had some useful advice, but i can't find it.
  20. box it up with a bit of bubble wrap and some scrunched up paper and book a dhl collection with interparcel. it shouldn't cost more than about 15 quid and couldn't be simpler. just my 2p
  21. yeah it was the "JBL" bit that was bothering me although thinking about it, this probably means "[b]J[/b]azz [b]B[/b]ass [b]L[/b]ongscale" I think it's a duff string.
  22. the hot water thing did nothing for mine
  23. Cool, thanks Paul It must be right then - although it has a totally different feel and an almost dead sound to the others I might send them another email, but I don't want rotosound to think I am hassling them!!
  24. unless of course, they just use the same packets for all of their strings.....
  25. Does anybody have a pack of these handy and can you tell me the code printed on the top of the paper packets for the jazz bass 77 (monel flat wounds?) I was sent a replacement .085 A string for one that snapped the ball end off the first time I fitted it with code "JBL 085" printed on the top of the packet. I don't have the old packaging for reference, but this string has a slightly different feel to it and is significantly quieter than the other 3 strings. I want to make sure that I've been sent the right one before I send another email to rotosound. Ta
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