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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. teatowel on the pickguard, hot iron to heat up the plastic, put it in between two bits of formica or shelf or something and stand on it worked for mine until i snapped it (wasn't hot enough)!
  2. [quote name='larrikin' post='116827' date='Jan 9 2008, 10:13 AM']if you click the picture it goes bigger... but thats the largest and clearest one i found.[/quote] i know
  3. can't really see any chance of a bigger picture? (I think it's a DI box as well) who is it anyway? Is it yer man out of KOL?
  4. dunlop tortex triangles do the job nicely. come in a variety of guages and colours. i find whatever the gibson ones are made of is too brittle and i break the corners off whatever the thickness.
  5. actually, I quite like that good work
  6. steve i believe it's also known as a "tug bar" (feel free to correct me anybody if i am wrong) the idea is that you had somewhere to rest your other fingers if you were picking (or tugging) with your thumb
  7. oooh you could really get to dislike somebody.... hahahahahaha (starts saving now)
  8. from the same page, i thought [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/lookaroundyou/programmes/computers/dd.shtml"]this[/url] was moderately amusing
  9. i didn't! hahahahaha! Actually, I bought the bitsa jazz off the sales thread on here and it sounds and plays lovely. I am going to put a push/pull switch on it to switch the pickups into series as per the S1 on the USA standard precisions. I think if I was going to buy a jazz, I would probably by a USA Standard used so I could go for a maple board and get the hardcase included.
  10. I'll kick this one off. Bought a Diago Powerstation off Maximus a couple of days ago, nice suprise that it turned up today as I'd forgotten about it hahaha! Top man
  11. Hello I remember one of the original threads on the bitsa jazz from bassbod and then luke (who I bought it off) said they would be interested in the plastic flats it was fitted with. According to the original thread, these are labella ones which should make them set 760N - .060, .070, .094, .115. They don't appear to have had much use, I've played the bass twice (about 2 and a half hours in total) since I got it on the 8th December and whilst they do sound nice, i find that they are quite low tension (probably because they're a bit heavier than normal - i use a 40/45 most of the time) and I would prefer something a bit tighter. I would like to trade them for another set of something a bit tighter if anybody has a set to swap out and wants to try these - prefer to try another set of flats and preferably nickel - part worn is fine (no remoulds please!). These are still on the bass and I'd prefer not to have it without a set of strings on for any length of time. I have no idea what these cost as I can't find them in the UK - about €50 is the online price for one place I've seen or about $40 for all you lucky transatlantic brothers! PM me if you want anymore info. Ta John
  12. somewhere between not enough and too many!! i honestly don't know. half a dozen on guitar and maybe 30 on bass (originals) [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='112482' date='Jan 2 2008, 06:37 PM']About 35 - all but three (deps) with my two bands, Funkee Clawed (blues) and Somethin' Else (pub rock).[/quote] bizarrely (or coincidentally) my dad played in a pub rock band called somethin' else.
  13. hello an ashdown compressor popped up on a google search for an alright price, wondered if anybody had any experience of them? They look like they're well put together, but are they any good? I know the only real way to find out is to pull the trigger on one, but if it's no good it's readies I could have put to something decent. Ta
  14. that's what i thought - i wanted to pair it up with a nice thick leather strap but it doesn't look like it would fit through the holder
  15. yeah the pickguard i bought from wd didn't fit my guitar either, but i've bought other parts from both of them which have been spot on.
  16. i took my precision to a tech who drilled out the hole, glued in a walnut plug and drilled a new hole. i've used the cocktail stick method though
  17. pee-emmed yer
  18. i bought my variax guitar from them just before christmas - spoke to a fella called matt who was very helpful and called me back on both occasions that he said he would. guitar turned up next day with citylink.
  19. me and you are going to fall out.......
  20. if it's in good nick and it's all original then yeah, i think 300 quid would be a good price.
  21. i did look at your overwater, think "wow" but it's over budget unfortunately. although i do owe him about that much for gear i sold and err.... reinvested...! i was thinking if i happened across a bass collection fretless 5 for about 100 quid it would make a nice christmas present!!
  22. how much did you say it was?
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