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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. i don't really want anything much i'd like a new bridge pickup for my tele custom and i would be chuffed if i got a compressor, but to be totally honest i'm not that arsed as long as we all have a nice day and my dad/brother/mam/other half like what i get them
  2. 2 basses (one for a backup) in hardcases head cab small tool box (has all leads, mini stand, straps, pics, tools, etc in) Pedalboard on the odd occassion i've prearranged to borrow an amp, i have turned up to a gig with a bass in its case with a strap and a lead and a pic and my earplugs in my pocket
  3. [quote name='beerdragon' post='101480' date='Dec 8 2007, 07:43 PM']This is a nice MIJ jazz that looks exactly like my MIM. with less than 21 hours to go i think its at a really low price, so peeps are going to go really bidding mad at the end of this one or somone's going to get a bargain. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIJ-Fender-Jazz-bass-guitar-in-immaculate-condition_W0QQitemZ180187988493QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MIJ-Fender-Jazz-bass...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] is this one weird war's?
  4. A gentleman and a scholar i had the bitsa jazz bass off luke (and formerly of bassbod). Luke wrapped it up nice and tight and waved it off with the parcelforce man. He then turned out to be in Nottingham in time for me to christen it at last night's gig!
  5. [quote name='Boy Thunder' post='101252' date='Dec 8 2007, 03:14 AM']Well... I did the gig with the amp untested... the first sound it made was during soundcheck... and it stood up very well indeed.. I'm still happy... We have been asked back too... and a couple of the punters have taken details to book us aswell...!! So all is good.. I like Trace.... [/quote] good gig then?
  6. that was option number 1, but I could just swap the pots over, although i'd have to try and get an S1 knob from somewhere and fender probably want 3 forms of ID, a copy of my bass and proof that i'm not going to use it play in any musicals.
  7. oh well, sod 'em. I have just realised I have an S1 precision and as we all know, the switch on those is about as much use as a bottom without an orifice. I might pull that pot off, replace it with an ordinary pot and knob and put the S1 on the jazz. dink dank doo.
  8. i just phoned Fender in Reading or wherever it is they're based. The S1 switch is available as a part, however they are only supplied as a warranty part and if your bass is out of warranty, they will sell you a new one [b]but[/b] they want the serial of your bass and they expect you to send the old one back before they will release your shiny new switch. Protective or what?
  9. [quote name='ped' post='100738' date='Dec 7 2007, 10:27 AM']I hate amplifiers on the whole. First of all I think they broke one of my disks and secondly like SJA says all to often I have taken a big rig somewhere and ended up being barely able to hear it and using the floor wedge more instead. I much prefer taking my BOD instead as I can get the sound I love anywhere and at whatever volume I like, plus can use in-ear if I wish so even if the sound man buggers things up I can at least hear exactly what I want, plus use the floor wedge to feel the bass. However, I am the very proud owner of a lovely condition (thanks Chris!) Trace V4 combo which I love - I wouldn't use it in a live situation in all probability but it is really nice to have as an example of the top of its breed. I enjoy playing through it at home, but 90% of the time I am using my BOD and in ear monitors. I wish I discovered it years ago!![/quote] What's a BOD? If I could turn up with a bag of stuff on my shoulder and a bass in one hand rather than a big rig, that would be great! And no more "can i borrow your amp mate?"
  10. [quote name='Sparky' post='100790' date='Dec 7 2007, 11:40 AM']Thanks John. That looks like a useful site. Thing is, I already know how old the bass is - 1996 - cause it's printed on the anniversary sticker stuck on the back of the headstock, and it's when I bought is (new). I'd just be interested to find out which model it's a reissue of ie. 60's or 70's & the exact year. Maybe I could just post pics and one of the BC 'Fender-heads' will be able to tell me straight away Exactly what it is?! [/quote] sorry - i should really have read the post all the way to the bottom! I read the words online resource and serial number and thought "aah - guess the age! whoops. Good luck
  11. [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='100817' date='Dec 7 2007, 12:15 PM']It always annoys me when you go into a store and realise that your surrounded by the owner, a shop assistant and about 5 of their friends sitting round drinking tea and cracking "in jokes" - often at your expense.[/quote] i find the jokes usually stop when you say something like "right, well which one of you [expletive deleted]s is the manager then" or "is your dad in?".
  12. i was talking to somebody in PMT about a multi fx unit i was thinking about, can't remember which one - i made a casual observation about the similarity between that and single stompers only to be cut off mid sentence and told "no, you're wrong. You're wrong", and then treated to a five minute lecture about why - well it went on for five minutes before I walked out. Well maybe i was, but surely you don't talk to your customers like that. Nobody in there ever seems to agree on the price of anything either, particularly when you negotiate a price on the phone ("yeah, just ask for me when you come in and i'll do it at [i]£x[/i]) and of course they're never bloody available so you end up with somebody else on the end of the calculator working out (or at least trying to) a new price. which is a bloody shame really as the bloke who deals with the basses in the birmingham shop (Dave is it?) is generally very helpful.
  13. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='100637' date='Dec 7 2007, 01:46 AM']Yeah... I saw it too. Absolutely fantastic! Dave is a fantastic channel. Top Gear, [b][color="#FF0000"]IQ[/color][/b], Have I Got News For You, Whose Line Is It Anyway... the list of great programmes is endless. I'm watching it right not.[/quote] QI or not
  14. go [url="http://www.fender.com/support/japanese_instruments.php"][u]here[/u][/url] and you should find all you need to know about the age. There was a dating resource I found that allows you to type in the serial number, but i think the database it looks at is just the same as the fender site. In theory the pickguards should be the same across the range, but there's only one way to find out.
  15. that's good that is sorry for breaking it well it wasn't me, but you know what i mean
  16. my mate needs one of these, but he could do with a really deep one!
  17. where did you go? it sounds like they're all going the same way these days. i went into a few smaller shops when i was in Boston at new year and the marked difference in how you're approached makes you wish it was the same over here. people are interested in what you play, what sort of stuff you play and actually want to sell you something. i just think you're expected to sell the stuff to yourself in most UK shops.
  18. [url="http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk"]www.redonionsolutions.co.uk[/url] good quality stuff and reasonably priced as well - i got my AB and loops from there.
  19. errr.....yeah hahahahaha I've just got to tell the mrs now.
  20. yeah i've had it - sorry fella and cheers to Luke
  21. [quote name='Bison' post='99967' date='Dec 6 2007, 03:51 AM']Oh there he is, how you doing matey?[/quote] i'm alright me ode duck are you?
  22. steve, did you sell it or have you still got it?
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