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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. how much? I had one of these, wish i'd kept it and put a black pickguard on it
  2. i saw a bass on ebay yesterday or the day before that i think was an old jap copy of a precision which had a p and an mm pickup. if you coil tapped the mm pickup, potentially you could get a p/j sound as well as the p/mm sound? or even a p, j or mm on their own. maybe
  3. If I wanted to fit an S1 style series/parallel set up to a jazz without fitting a mini toggle switch, can I get hold of one of these S1 pots and switch knobs from anywhere - I've seen a couple of complete control plates go for sale on here and I'm not really looking to do that, just replace the pot. Other than that, a pull/push pot would do the job I suppose. Any ideas?
  4. i'm borrowing a 5 at the minute, a tanglewood something. it's [i]alright[/i] really although i can't see a reason to have one for 27brigade stuff with the possible exception of better positioning for a couple of songs and changing the bassline to take into play some notes an octave below. i may have changed my mind with a different or better bass - i thought the string spacing on this one was a bit narrow and an open b is too low and too mushy sounding for some of the stuff we did last night. i played 4 songs (after spending a couple of hours at home with it) and then switched back to my four. not for me.....right now
  5. there's a soldering iron going on my christmas list then
  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='98992' date='Dec 4 2007, 05:21 PM']i recently bought a 1 knob fuzz pedal from happy robot music i think, £35, almost identical sounding to the mammoth[/quote] was it one of [url="http://www.happyrobotmusic.co.uk/robotframes.html"]these[/url]
  7. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='99232' date='Dec 4 2007, 09:59 PM']I personally think it is a good idea. My guitarist uses a floating tremolo. When a string breaks, the tension changes meaning all the strings go out of tune.[/quote] A hipshot tremsetter [i]might[/i] sort that out - i don't know a lot about them, but apparently they make sure the trem and the strings all return to pitch after the trem has been used so in theory it should do the same for a broken string
  8. no this has been interpreted all wrong put your name here your name goes in a hat in 2 weeks time to be drawn at random you then make a compilation cd of your favourite songs - i don't want to make a basschat compilation of covers or original material, nor do i want to make 1 compilation cd which is then given out/sold/given to charity/whatever send your compilation cd to the person you are drawn with - ie i am drawn with wil and send wil a cd that i have made of songs i like. wil does the same thing and sends it to me. if there's a copyright issue with this and admin aren't happy with it, then i'll sack it off think of it as a now that's what i call music, basschat fans.
  9. i don't know a lot about the copyright either - i don't know if it's illegal although i doubt in the volumes that it will be produced in that anybody would bat an eyelid - maybe. as far as the zip thing goes, i think there are some people who are using slow or crap internet connections that downloading stuff might take ages, but i am prepared to accept that some people don't have burners so upload if you have to (but PM the person you're swapping with make sure they're happy with that. Let's how this goes then - if you're up for it leave your name on this thread, if you're not up for it you don't have to do it - but please don't knock it here - i know it's a public forum and you should be able to voice your opinion but can you do that in a pm or can we start a thread about it? It's just a bit of fun and i thought it would be a good community excercise to see what music you're listening to. mods/admin, if you're not happy with the idea for whatever reason, then i'll scrap it.
  10. there's no commercial gain this clearly isn't going to work, let's just sack it off sorry to anybody who was up for it.
  11. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='98901' date='Dec 4 2007, 03:21 PM']Sounds like a great idea, but wouldn't it be a lot easier for everyone to upload a CD's worth of music onto megaupload.com or something? That way we can all download everyone else's music and not have to use up a blank CD or post it?[/quote] i like the idea of a cd - possibly without a tracklist as there is an element of surprise. if they're uploaded then i suppose you could pick and choose from them which defeats the point of the thing. it's only meant as a bit of fun - burn a cd of stuff you like, send it to somebody who you don't know and surprise them.
  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='98892' date='Dec 4 2007, 03:10 PM']Surely this would contravene copyright laws if commercial tracks are distributed on burnt CDs. [/quote] do you want me to put you in the draw?
  13. [quote name='OldGit' post='98872' date='Dec 4 2007, 02:53 PM']"For as long as the guitar has existed, guitar lovers have had two choices—live with a temperamental and out-of-tune instrument or make frequent trips to the shop for setups. Not anymore. " Gibsons must be pretty sh1te then .....[/quote] i have to say that my Les Paul has been (by and large) spot on - needed a bit of work doing to it, which i can't tell was as a result of it being badly cared for by its previous owner or just that it was bad out of the gibson factory. the white studio i had with the ebony fingerboard was genuinely lovely.
  14. this is the tronical kit right? if you bought a second hand les paul studio (which is what this is if you look at the specs, apart from the bound neck and the ebony fingerbound) and put the tronical kit on it (about £900 i think i read ages and ages ago), it would probably cost you £1500 including the guitar - except this way, you get a nasty blue les paul instead of your own colour choice personally, i'd rather tune me own guitar
  15. and it's not a bump, i was just trying to find the notification button so i can keep track turns out this is the only way to do it!
  16. right here's the idea - i've nicked this off another forum that I use (boy wonder will know about this too) having read the "jazz" thread, i think it's time we shared our own tastes in music by knocking together a mix cd. The idea is this 1) put your name down here if you're in. You've got two weeks from today to do it - let's say entry closes on 18th December, that way all cds can be made and put in the post before christmas 2) i'll then draw from the list of entries and post on here who is swapping with who and post the list on this thread on the 19th 3) make your cd 4) pm the person who you're swapping with and arrange to send them a cd the only rules i can think of are: if you're in a band and have recorded material, no more than one of your own songs no minimum or maximum number of tracks, but not more than you can fit onto 1 disc cds must be standard audio cds to play on standard systems (hi fis, car stereos, etc - no cramming millions of mp3s onto a disc) so who's in? so far: [b]andy alien queenofthedepths wil (maybe if he can get to a burner)[/b]
  17. but but but.... you said [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3522&hl="]this[/url]. i ain't complaining. it's still a lot of amp for the money - more amp than i need and more money than i've got. Best of luck
  18. this thing doesn't work at all now - i have no idea about electronics or soldering or stuff like that. I ran a recorded phrase through my headrush into the pedal and had a fiddle around with the wires in the back and it did nothing. Any suggestions other than to bin the bloody useless thing? Never really worked properly either
  19. No P's for me to buy so this one is back in the cupboard for a while. If anybody has a 70s precision and wants to free up a few quid and would think about taking this in p/ex, then drop me a line. Cheers
  20. with Psychoandy's P bass ending tonight on ebay and the bidding being just within my reach, this is up for sale til Andy's auction ends. I need the asking price to be in with a chance of buying a 70s P that I've seen and as far as I know (from using this forum) to be straight. So any takers? If it doesn't go before the auction ends, I'll keep hold of it for the time being. Cheers
  21. any body got any experience of the punch factory? I know tayste says on this thread he's used one but wondering if anybody has any detail on one as a comparison? Can't find a pulp mill on tonefactors website
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