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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='stevebasshead' post='94650' date='Nov 26 2007, 05:16 PM']CrazyKiwi did a pretty comprehensive review of a DHA Compressor in the Reviews forum here on BC - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6002"]here[/url][/quote] yes that was very useful, thank you for pointing me in the direction [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='94658' date='Nov 26 2007, 05:31 PM']EBS Multicomp. I sold mine and have regretted it every day since. I'm using a T-Rex CompNova now, which is very good. It's also a sickly shade of avocado green - the advantage of that being that thieves will look at it and walk away.[/quote] Al - can I assume you prefer the EBS? [quote name='ped' post='94660' date='Nov 26 2007, 05:37 PM']I have a Trace SMX dual band compressor I might be selling soon so if interested send moi a PM! Cheers ped P.s my fave compressor ever is the Line6 LA-2A model, just amazing![/quote] Ped are they both pedals?
  2. [quote name='Stewart' post='94588' date='Nov 26 2007, 03:26 PM']Why not ask Dave (DHA) if he would let you try one? Otherwise, I'd be surprised if anything Tone Factor (Mojo Hand?) wasn't pretty good...[/quote] not a bad idea [quote name='tayste_2000' post='94600' date='Nov 26 2007, 03:53 PM']Fine with everything I can throw at it[/quote] and cheers
  3. Cool cheers Ste - alright with active basses?
  4. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='94530' date='Nov 26 2007, 01:40 PM']BBE OptoStomp. Economical. Very simple to set up and operate. Very effective in live and recording situations. Bombproof. QED. [/quote] cool cheers [quote name='Stewart' post='94555' date='Nov 26 2007, 02:18 PM']Regarding the DHA compressor: Because the designer/builder is a user on this board? Because it's orange and green Because it's got a valve in it [/quote] how does it sound/how effective is it? I like ashdown stuff and that's got a valve in it - a fair few people on here think it's a load of crap
  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='94451' date='Nov 26 2007, 11:33 AM']I highly recommend a Tone Factor Pulp Mill w/Bass Mod if you email them they will sort you out and that will be under £100 other than that you'll be spending over £100 on a new unit as the only others I'd look at is a EBS Multicomp or a Demeter. So shoot [email protected] an email and tell him Steven Taylor sent you his way and he'll sort you out with what I feel is the best pedal compressors. Hope this helps[/quote] why and what benefit do the mods bring? [quote name='Stewart' post='94510' date='Nov 26 2007, 01:16 PM']DHA ! [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products,%20VT1-BassCompressor.htm"]DHA Compressor[/url][/quote] why? [quote name='Silent Fly' post='94511' date='Nov 26 2007, 01:16 PM']I recommend the EBS MultiComp. [url="http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs"]<a href="http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs" target="_blank">http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs[/url]</a>[/quote] and why? just wondering what's good about each one. cheers to cheddatom for his reasons.
  6. i don't use a rack and don't see meself using one for some time, so pedals only at the minute. keep em coming!
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='94444' date='Nov 26 2007, 11:21 AM']Technically, we do covers.. even though they're not. But they are. It's complex. Anyway... I'll go anywhere, if the gig is worth doing.[/quote] i'll go anywhere if the money's right In fact, I'd rather drive 3 hours for good money and play to an appreciative audience than play some empty, local sh*tehole for zip
  8. i'm going to ask me dad for a compressor this year - i've got about 27 christmases worth of cufflinks now. any recommendations? What I would like is something that gives my bass the punch of a kick drum (if that's possible) - or near as dammit anyway. nothing that costs a lot - so that rules out a keeley one. Probably somewhere under 100 quid and preferably 70 quid and under (it's me birthday too, so i'm allowed good presents!)
  9. thump (as bump is too hi-fi for a P) It's on ebay now with a £549 BIN and best offer - will pull it for cash from BCers ta
  10. i think so or eggshell maybe. i've not got me pantone book out!
  11. I meant to add that I have added Schaller straplock strap buttons to it, but I will also include the originals.
  12. Thanks Gareth, yeah it's a grand bit of kit alright. anyway, a couple more pics below and some more pics [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/johna_le3/sets/72157603264787890/"][u]here[/u][/url]. If anybody wants any specific images, let me know. It's a bloody nightmare taking pictures without any natural light and a flash that only moves one way. Some of the pics show the stuff in the room like a mirror so i don't know if it will pick up all the detail
  13. [quote name='stacedabass' post='92876' date='Nov 22 2007, 05:04 PM']i bought one about two years ago, dragonfly 5 string fretless with case from sam ash in america. WARNING dont every use sam ash!! hehe, it arrived in two boxes, one for the bass and one for the case!![/quote] Grand Central in Michigan was the place that the auld fella's came from - they were very good and shipped the bass in the case in a great big box. I tried to buy a Stingray from them, but I assume they were following the dealer agreement and wouldn't ship one outside the US
  14. I have my eye on pyschoandy's 75 Precision and I need to raise some money to pay for it. So here's me Squier JV Precision. Neck date is 22nd April 1983 and the plastic Fender shim in the neck pocket is dated April 1983. Apparently (and I don't know whether this is true or not), 3TS was dumped for solid colours for basses sold after May 1983, which means that this would be one of those - although I don't know a lot of the history of them to be honest. As far as I can tell, it's all original - threaded saddles, reverse tuners, a pickguard which must be original as it's the only one in the world that seems to fit - if you remember the pickgaurd thread, I snapped this roughly in between the top of the thumbrest and screw in the top horn - you can just see the line of the break level with the 20th fret on the left hand side. I put a bit of tape on the underside and joined the two pieces together. Paul, the highlighted a JV pickguard on fleabay a while back, but i didn't have the readies at the time (it went for about £35 - about a tenner less than a WD tort one!) Pickups have cloth covered wires (apparently this is a sign they are USA pickups? Who knows), there is a strap button on the back of the headstock and the serial is stamped into the neck plate. PM me if you want it, I am at work at the minute and I've not got access to it until I get home. It's very playable - it needs a tweak to set it up perfectly, but I was amazed at how similar the feel of the neck is to my modern P, particularly after I had my 84 Jap P which had a particularly fat feeling neck. Condition is generally very good, no chips of paint missing or dings or dints - the pickguard is the only downside and there are one or two knocks on the headstock, I'll take some more high res, better detail pics later as it will end up on ebay if I am to stand a chance of getting a 70s Fender. Now the price - this is the thing. This time of year is a bugger for selling anything as people are putting their money elsewhere and I fully expect virtually everybody here to not be thinking about buying a bass (I can justify this to her indoors as I will sell the LP Studio to make up the defecit and technically, I am not spending any money ). Based on what these are going for on ebay, I would like to get as close to [b]£500[/b] (plus p and p) for it as possible, as I think it might stand a chance of hitting that at auction - obviously there's only one way to find out. I don't want you to think I am taking the piss on the price and certainly wouldn't set out to rip anybody on here off - but if someone on fleabay wants to pay that at auction, then that's up to them in't it. All questions, input, info, etc welcome [i]edit[/i]The original posting was "tentatively for sale" as I didn't know what the reaction was going to be on the asking price. However, it's properly up for sale if I am to have a shot at buying a 70s P.
  15. I agree with both of the last posts and the value of anything is down to how much it's worth to you as a buyer, but is there a case that says "well a late 70s Jazz is worth between 1200 and 1400 quid (for example) but that ones had the pickups replaced so I'd knock 100 quid off for that? or am i just saying the same things differently?!
  16. what I'm interested to see is not how they are to live with (there's only one way to find out and most of the time, it's down to personal opinion on something like that), but how to avoid buying a dog. There's only so much on the Fender website which allows you to date a guitar. I'd like to know what effect replacement parts has on value all the way from strap buttons to pickups. Does swapping out an original bridge for a badass and then changing it back to an original bridge again, which leaves marks and mounting holes from the badass have any affect? Not all bad basses bark at you when you spot them and sometimes you get bitten on the arse sometime later. That kind of thing really.
  17. So I bought a white strat and took a dislike to it almost instantly so, (because it was white i know this now because....) I swapped it for a white Les Paul Studio and, well, I don't really like it - because it's white. I thought I would keep it and use it as a backup, but I'm just not loving it. It plays really nicely, the ebony board is also very nice - I believe they used ebony on some of the earlyish studios and then white versions only (and also on some of the ltd edition standards and supremes). A white LP is just a bit too Justin Hawkins for me. I had once thought i might like a white jazz bass with a tort guard on it, but I think I just don't like white guitars full stop Anyway - 1996 Gibson Les Paul Studio, Gold hardware, ebony fingerboard (nice), been left on a stand at some point in its life and the rubber on the stand has reacted with the nitro (or whatever it does) on the back of the neck and at the bottom edges, so it's gone a bit yellow - if that makes sense - and there are a couple of marks at the bottom of the headstock where it's been on a wall hanger, but there's virtually no dings (a tiny one on the edge), a little bit of buckle rash on the back - nothing through the paint - and the white is aging now - I don't know whether that's what nitro does - I've only got one nitro finished guitar and that's my LP standard. It's supplied in a case - not an original Gibson one and in fact, I think it's for a smallish acoustic, but that's what it was sent to me in. It fits alright and I have all the bubble wrap that protected it still! Anyway pics are [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/johna_le3/sets/72157603252941569/"][u]here[/u][/url]. I think my mrs would like me to sell it for cash - i'd like £500 (which is what I paid for the strat) and a few quid for shipping. I might consider taking a cheap(ish) Jap Jazz in p/ex for it or maybe swap it for an S1 jazz. I might even consider parting with this AND my JV P for a 70s precision. But I need to square that at home first. Anyway drop me a line if you want any more info.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='92233' date='Nov 21 2007, 05:11 PM']No that's no problem, I did ask. TBH this would be something for plonking on with in the house to work out basslines, rather than plugging in my praccy amp (not a great hardship I know but when all of your leads are cased up and in the garage etc). Aren't all basses nice things to have on display [/quote] my dad's got one - a trans black dragonfly fretless five. the elaborate inlay could probably have been fitted a bit better, it's a bit rough looking in places, but it's quite well made generally and the quilted maple top looks nice through the black. the hardware is all quite good - i think it's a fishman pickup/preamp and chinese (probably) grovers. He gigs his regularly, DI'd into their small PA - to my ears it sounds very good, apparently the open B is a bit flappy, but the auld fella says he never goes any lower than the D. I notice that the use of a fat finger seems to improve the B though. For the money (about £350-£400 shipped in a case and miraculously bypassing HMRC), I think it's very good. I think Michael Kelly stuff is produced in the same place that makes Ashbury mandolins (MK mandolins look identical to me) and generally he's very happy with it - he's certianly not said anything about wanting to replace it.
  19. is this the previous owner?
  20. is there a vintage bass buying guide anywhere or is there an idea to compile one and sticky it? I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contribute as I know bugger all about them, but I would hope to be in the market for one in the not too distant and would like to know what to look for - i'm sure others would be grateful for its existence. I think something that would include the glaringly obvious things to look out for and also stuff that it helps to know when looking at vintage basses would be useful. Cheers [i]edit:[/i] also, what do you think about adding a piece on there which shows approximate values of basses and what additions/modifications do to value - ie if a jazz has a replacement pickguard.
  21. [quote name='Voodoosnake' post='54158' date='Sep 2 2007, 11:36 AM']Here goes for my list: Warwick Fortress Masterman Custom Gibson Thunderbird Warwick Streamer LX 5 String (no more 5 Strings for me) G&L ASAT Bass Fender 62 Olympic White USA reissue Warwick Buzzard Warwick FNA Jazzman LTD Fender Jazz Deluxe Overwater Series 1 Fretless Gibson Thunderbird Custom shop Fender Precision 75 Musicman Stringray Aria something or other Guitars prior to that: Gibson Les Paul Classic Ibanez Joe Satriani Ibanez Paul Gilbert Gibson Explorer Hohner Flying Vee[/quote] Are we including guitars now.....? updated Epiphone EB-0 (gone) 84 MIJ Fender Precision (gone) Epiphone Embassy (gone) 90s MiM Jazz (gone) Westone Thunder III Fretless (gone) USA S1 Precision Stingray 4 JV Squier [b]([color="#FFFFFF"]guitars then: Peavey Predator plywood strat copy (gone) MIJ Squier Silver Series Strat Rubbish Fernandes PRS copy (gone) Epiphone SG (gone) knackered god knows what SG copy (gone - in the bin i think) Sigma (by Martin) Dreadnaught (gone) Gibson Les Paul Studio - Red (gone) Gibson Les Paul Standard Gibson Les Paul Studio - White (gone) CIJ Fender tele custom 72 Simon and Patrick SP 6 EQ Fender USA Standard strat (gone) Gordon-Smith GS-1 Crafter Lite GA size PRS SE Singlecut soapbar (gone) Epiphone Dot 335[/color])[/b] highlight the text above with your mouse if you want the terrible truth!
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