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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='BB2000' post='91301' date='Nov 20 2007, 10:03 AM']Wire your PUPS in series.[/quote] +1 or at least fit a switch that can do it if you still want to get a jazz tone
  2. I sing backing vocals and on a couple of numbers we did for somebody's wedding, I sang lead vocals and played. Fortunately (for me and the audience), that was a one off and we've gone back to playing our own stuff
  3. suits me fine too, i like my abm 300 and mini 15.
  4. Luke, do you know who made the neck? Is it a mighty mite or similar? JA
  5. [quote name='Muppet' post='89793' date='Nov 17 2007, 10:47 AM']Hi John I have just imported an American series Jazz for £550 including shipping and taxes, from the States. I wanted specifically Chrome Red and it's been discontinued so thanks to OldHorseMurphy I tracked one down from across the pond. I'd not have paid UK retail for one and I agree that value for money my japanese 75 reissue was the best jazz I ever had, although this American one that I have is wonderful to play and the S1 is very useful. I went for the red as I also had too many black basses! Steve [/quote] I saw that in your porn thread and liked very much! [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='89802' date='Nov 17 2007, 10:57 AM']dont like the black geddy: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17[/url] my lovely geddy G[/quote] I also saw that when you re-finished it and liked that too [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='89806' date='Nov 17 2007, 11:07 AM']is this thread just for Fenders or other kinds of jazz basses? [/quote] no, not exclusively, but Fenders are more in my price range I would imagine [quote name='stingrayfan' post='89831' date='Nov 17 2007, 12:06 PM']What about an Aerodyne? I had one and it was nicely made and looked the dog's. Sounded great with a pick, I just couldn't get on with the vintage feel.[/quote] did think about them, but i'm not quite sold on the looks [quote name='E_MaN' post='90030' date='Nov 17 2007, 08:44 PM']I you want a passive jazz go for the sandberg passive california. cheap and nice. I want one [/quote] probably not going to happen unless I can get a secondhand one in my price range, although a good shout and i'd probably have an active one if they are active/passive like the basics. My ideal price range is about £450 - £500 - it's either going to be a save up job for next year, or I sell the white LP for one. I've figured that £450 will get me a CIJ 70s RI (new) as there are hardly any used ones around and they hold their value - or I could get a used highway 1 (maybe - again, not many) or a used American Series of which there seem to be plenty, and certainly in my price range used (fleabay prices). Colour wise, I've got 3 black basses and want something a bit different - probably 3ts. I'm not in a rush to buy one, but I am interested to hear opinions of owners of the 3 types that I'm looking at and especially from those who have been able to compare directly between 2 or more. If that makes sense
  6. Too many quotes!!! [quote name='Machines' post='89576' date='Nov 16 2007, 07:19 PM']I think CIJ are the best [i]value[/i] of all the Fender range. They're pretty much American quality at just over Mexican prices.[/quote] cool yeah deffo agree there if you're buying a new one, but I'm looking at used USA stuff and availability (good) compared to availability of Jap stuff used (baaad!) and if it was a new un i'm buying, I'd almost definitely go for jap [quote name='Chopthebass' post='89577' date='Nov 16 2007, 07:21 PM']I've just acquired a MIM Jazz, and I must have got a good 'un, coz it really plays nice. Pickups are a bit weak, but I'm going to try some Wizards in it, stick a decent scratchplate on and I reckon it'll be on par with the MIAs. Plus it should sound better with those p/ups. I'm not sure the american ones justify the extra cost. I've had a Jazz V QMT - probably the worst bass I've owned![/quote] my MiM was full of dead spots - was that the bass or the pickups? It didn't have the honk of a jazz either. [quote name='umcoo' post='89578' date='Nov 16 2007, 07:21 PM']i'm getting a cij 75 reissue on monday hopefully. Paid the customs today...comes to around £550. I'll let you know how it is[/quote] where's that from? That seems about £100 more expensive than what I'd priced up all in. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='89640' date='Nov 16 2007, 09:05 PM']Jap 70s RI Jazz - PROS: Looks cool CONS: No idea, not actually got to look at one closely, such is the availability in the UK; possibly price (i'll come onto that) Highway 1 - PROS: seem to be well made; secondhand price is good; not too many out; nitro looks cool; badass CONS: No S1 (i'll come onto that as well), rosewood boards only (I think); Nitro - could possibly start to look battered quickly. Amercian Series S1 PROS: S1 switch which actually makes a difference to the tone (compared to a precision) and I WOULD use it if I had it; comes with a hard case; second hand prices actually not bad; should be plenty to choose from; maple boards available. CONS: Can't really think of any right now - new ones are expensive (comparitvely) I suppose Well,It looks like you're set on geting a new one - If so the Japanese ones are very well made and you can get an upgraded model with usa pickups. [b]JTB - no, not at all - I hate buying new stuff, i'd rather get better value for money with a used bass. I'll buy a new one if i [i]really[/i] have to, but I would prefer to buy s/h if i could[/b] I have a highway 1 jazz (original 2003 version) to which i've added a badass, kent armstrong lipstick pickups etc. The thin finish is cool and the accelerated wear pattern is personal to how you play it, but it doesn't wear overnight - I've used mine as my main gigging bass for four years and apart from a few dents its picked up through carelessness (I do try to be careful though) the only playing wear its picked up is a small patch of finish worn off over the bridge pickup where I sometimes anchor my thumb. The S1 switch is just a series/parallel switch it is probably a £20/£30 job to get a mini toggle that does exactly the same thing fitted by a luthier/tech or you could fit one yourself if you feel up to it for a few quid and under an hour.[/quote] definitely worth looking at the highway 1s again for me then. The big downer I have on them is they seem to be rosewood fretboards only and i like the look and feel of a maple board. yes the s1 series/parallel thing. The series position of the switch gives the bass a real punch and i'd be tempted to buy the pot and fit it to the control plate, rather than retro fit a switch, to keep it looking clean. time to do more thinking. Just been to see the bees, he has a v nice black on 3ts with maple&blocks 70s jazz oh - and do the geddy lee versions come in any other colours?
  7. tort on black with rosewood, black on black with maple (i think) no idea on the pickups sorry
  8. Why Matt? just interested to know your reasons behind that? I've not played one so I'd welcome any input on them. I know there's one or two owned on here.
  9. Following on from my last idea to buy a Jazz, I went to the shops earlier and played a Highway 1 jazz and and S1 USA Jazz. I think I would like a passive one - I think I do anyway! Now, I really like the 70s RI CIJ Jazzes to look at. I've not yet played one (or indeed any other Jap jazz, so any input from owners, particularly those who've played different models appreciated) so I don't know what I'm in for - in theory, they [i]should[/i] all play the same (if they all have the same dimensions), but I imagine pickup choice and the bit of wood they are made from is going to affect the tone, although in theory, they [i]should[/i] all make the same sort of noises. I had a mexican one, personally I didn't like it and I wouldn't have another for that reason - the USA ones, both standard and highway 1, were much better basses to play although I have not had an opportunity to put one into a band situation yet. The way I see it is this [b]Jap 70s RI Jazz[/b] - PROS: Looks cool CONS: No idea, not actually got to look at one closely, such is the availability in the UK; possibly price (i'll come onto that) [b]Highway 1[/b] - PROS: seem to be well made; secondhand price is good; not too many out; nitro looks cool; badass CONS: No S1 (i'll come onto that as well), rosewood boards only (I think); Nitro - could possibly start to look battered quickly. [b]Amercian Series S1[/b] PROS: S1 switch which actually makes a difference to the tone (compared to a precision) and I WOULD use it if I had it; comes with a hard case; second hand prices actually not bad; should be plenty to choose from; maple boards available. CONS: Can't really think of any right now - new ones are expensive (comparitvely) I suppose Looking at CIJ 70s RI basses, I am probably going to have to import one and it's going to be somewhere in the region of £450 all in. Then I've got to go and get a Hiscox to keep it in (cos they are the best, let's face it!! ) so that's just over £500 - for £500 I could probably just about get a American series jazz in a hard moulded fender case - they're not great, but they do the job. I'd really welcome your opinions on this - especially those of you who have had one of the above for some time - if you've also had a deluxe one, I would welcome your opinion on how it fared against your passive one. I swapped my strat for a Les Paul - I already have a Les Paul and don't need (or want) two of them. So I thought maybe I would part with it and get me a nice jazz, but then I think, "hold on, Christmas is round the corner, sell it and do your Christmas shopping on Orville Gibson!". I really like the below, but I have 3 black basses and one more is just two too many! HELP!
  10. what's YMMV got to do with anything and what's AFAIK?
  11. if i'm selling something, then i think it's only fair to add on a bit for packing materials, but yeah i agree - not £39
  12. i fancy a punt on that
  13. [quote name='Machines' post='86083' date='Nov 9 2007, 05:36 PM']The picture is of a MAG115 ? An ABM MINI 15 looks like this: [/quote] the minis and the compacts are different - and the compacts in turn are different to the full size 15s the mags are carpet covered. i think
  14. [quote name='Adee' post='87839' date='Nov 13 2007, 01:08 PM']Still not sure how they get away with it ![/quote] i'm not sure they will for long. didn't boss file a lawsuit against them for copying boss designs in the first place?
  15. Wicked that makes sense so in theory 15" gets 162.5 watts 10"s 81.25 watts each That's spot on that is - that means I won't have to get a 15 that can handle more than 300w. Cheers!
  16. pm'd (eventually)
  17. Right - apologies if this has been asked before, I've been through the stickies and wiki at some length and I still can't find an answer (that I understand, anyway). I have an Ashdown ABM 300 EVO-II (or whatever it's full title is) - which apparently chucks out 325w at 4 ohms. I don't know what this figure is at 8 ohms, but I expect it to be roughly 50-60% of that. I run this through a single ABM Mini 15 8 ohm cab rated at 300w. What I would like to know is... If I run a second 8 ohm cab (I want a 210), how is the power split? Does 50% of the 325w go to each cab or does it depend entirely on the frequency of signal, how much power goes to which cab? My assumption is that I can use a 300 watt cabinet currently with my head as it is only producing power based on an 8 ohm load, and is therefore only producing say, 200w. I've probably simplified it, but if anybody can explain in words of one syllable that I might be able to understand, that would be great. Basically, I would like to add a 210, but would only do so if it meant I didn't have to replace my 15 as it isn't up to the job of handling the power.
  18. my guitarist has got one of these: If they made a bass version, I'd probably have one - but they don't make one quite the same. The quality is excellent - however, his was made before Arbiter took them on and seems to be slightly better quality than the recent ones I've seen in Sound C*ntrol
  19. i've used behringer stuff (not bass cabs) and have generally found it to be very good - i think a desk died eventually, but that was after about 4 years of fairly serious use and I actually think it was misuse of phantom power that killed it in the end.
  20. i'm [b]soooo[/b] jealous and excited i don't know whether to be sick or do a little wee - that is probably my definitive collection (except you maybe need a stingray!)
  21. anyway.... Check the serial number, could be quite sought after. Anything with a JV serial number (stamped on the neckplate) is going to be worth a few bob as is anything with an SQ serial (providing they are in good nick and mostly original) Anything with an "E" serial (probably on the headstock and then moved later to the back of the neck near the heel) will be from 84-87 - there is one on ebay at the minute hitting nearly 200 quid (it might have ended actually) then there were some "Silver Series" ones from the early 90s, but as most Jap Squier stuff was from the early 80s, there is a tendancy to think that they were all 80s. Full list of serial ids and how to date them is on fender's website. I may have left out some detail, but they are the first things I would look for edit/ if it was in good nick, i'd pay £120 for a Jap squier bass regardless of age i think
  22. you can also get the SKB unbranded proper fender ones, but one of these will set you back 65 quid from flightcase warehouse
  23. yeah - the moulded ones seem to hit anything up 80 quid. the really nice G and G ones they put all the custom shop and anniversary stuff in look like £100+ I saw an early 70s one on ebay go for over 300 quid in the last couple of months. I had a generic rectangluar plywood/tolex job i just sold for 29 quid - that's about the going rate for something no name.
  24. good luck Chop - if you get an original one, they are getting to silly prices these days, presumably being bought by the collectors. I've got a moulded one that I bought for my strat a couple of years ago - I think that was cheap(ish) and i paid 50 quid for it. i'll keep an eye out though
  25. on ebay now at £220 - still considering a trade on a jazz (or possibly another semi)
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