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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. nicely done, always wondered about doing something similar meself, but that's spot on
  2. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='85584' date='Nov 8 2007, 05:46 PM'][url="http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153"]<a href="http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153" target="_blank">http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153[/url]</a>[/quote] I've got a flightcase warehouse one pretty much identical to the spec of this one, except without the rubber feet on the bottom. It is very solid and well put together, but it weighs a bloody ton, especially full of pedals - i think mine has 14 or 15 pedals in at the minute.
  3. mine: I bought this used and had it shipped over from a guy in LA who had put it on ebay. It was more like brand new and landed for £500 (before I was hit with a £100 customs bill - still cheap though). It's a 3EQ and is very versatile, although does rock growl sort of stuff very well. Apparently the 2EQ ones are said to be more of a real stingray (soundwise) than the 3EQ, but I'm happy with it. Took me a while to get used to it - it was my first active bass and, having played precisions, I was astonished that a bass could have such a massive range and I really didn't like it. I came close to trading it in for something else almost immediately. Get one, you won't regret it. And if you can save a few quid on a used one, you might as well - there are some sub £400 bargains in the US to be had if you really look hard enough.
  4. pm yer. i didn't read your ad properly - change the price i told you to the price you wrote up there in the ad (no editing the price though)
  5. [quote name='bremen' post='85289' date='Nov 8 2007, 10:03 AM']Iain Banks' Espedair Street is good 'beach fiction', about a seventies superstar band that I suspect might have been inspired by the Who.[/quote] oh yeah, I've read that - it was quite good. The book I like very much and is possibly contender for my favourite book ever, was Swing Hammer Swing by Jeff Torrington. That's a good read.
  6. I read a book by some bloke whose name escapes me, but he writes or wrote for the music mags - colin irwin i think his name was. Called "In Search Of The Craic" - it's supposed to be a pub crawl through irish music with a bit of music history chucked in, but it doesn't go back very far. It was alright I suppose.
  7. I was just thinking the same thing. Venue, address, telephone number and the name of the person who books the bands would be nice!
  8. my guitarist does this. I have mentioned it on several occassions apparently "not everybody is lucky enough to have a floor tuner" "they are if they put one on their christmas list" says i
  9. a bit more on this to kill the 5 minutes before I can go home!! Mahogany body and (I think) mahogany set neck with rosewood fingerboard. Half moon inlays or whatever PRS call them - they are actually whole round dots, with a sort of crescent moon inlay in them and look quite nice. PRS designed tuners and tailpiece - they're obviously budget versions of what go on the USA models. The neck is described as "Wide fat carve" (or something like that), anyway I played a few in the shop before I bought this one used (I think this was about £400 new) and they all felt really clunky on the neck. The guy who I bought this off told me he'd had a £60 set up done on it - it's certainly sorted anyway, the neck is really fast - faster than my 60s neck LP was and feels really nice and I think the frets have been dressed so there's no sharp edges and there's plenty of wear in them. It's not a heavy guitar, but then I've been playing a Les Paul and a bloody great ash-bodied tele recently, so it might just feel light. The soapbars are a lot bigger sounding than I expected them to be, having never had a guitar with soapbars on it - the variation between the neck and the bridge pickup is slight - the bridge is definitely brighter, but I don't think it has a higher output particularly, but still good enough for lead stuff. [edit] And it's actually really well made, which surprised me. I've had a few Korean Epiphones and they're well put together but this one seems to have no flaws - especially next to my Epi dot. A better eye than mine might be able to spot them, but I can't I've got 7 electric guitars now and this one doesn't really get played - in fact about 4 of them don't get played, so I am having to have a clear out.
  10. any case with it? I will have to think long and hard about parting with my JV for this.
  11. I forgot I posted this! Pics here: I'd like cash, but I'd consider a Jazz bass (preferably a Jap one - maybe with a small amount of readies from me), a tele deluxe 72, an epiphone semi solid (not a dot, I've got one of them). I did have half an idea about a good 210 and I'm not discounting the idea, but it would have to be good quality, light and 8 ohm - and there would have to be some justification about housing it as space is at a premium - so that option is not 100%
  12. i use laney valve guitar amps and for the money, i don't think you can beat em if it's as good as the guitar stuff, it should be bloody brilliant. £3k though?
  13. interested in cash?
  14. played a wedding last night - we're an originals band, but we were given a list of songs and asked to learn them - not typical wedding stuff: Stone Roses, Kings Of Leon, Kooks, Fratellis, Jam, Sultans Of Ping, etc. Everybody was up for it from the first note we played and the whole room was bouncing - excellent! Really good atmosphere - I suppose when you've got a room full of pissed people who are going nowhere, it's always going to be good!
  15. Pete, that model strip looks like a great idea, only problem is that after it's applied, whatever it's applied to needs to be sealed in an air tight plastic bag and then rinsed under running water. A great idea, but I think a case is a bit big to do it effectively!!
  16. [quote name='Buzz' post='82270' date='Nov 1 2007, 02:09 PM']I'd try a bit of white spirits (or turps) on it first to see if you can lift it and then rub it off with a cloth. I don't think it'll hurt the plastic, but don't take my word for it, test a small drop on a corner and see what happens.[/quote] I had a bash with the surgical spirit last night and it lifted all the surface paint off, which is great and then the meths cleaned the stuff that i spread around afterwards! There is still paint there, but it's faded so I think it might either need elbow grease or something else. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='82451' date='Nov 1 2007, 06:55 PM']paint it black... is it crucial you have the case back to original condition? if not, then just mask off a rectangle around his band logo and go for it with matt black primer... then you can do your name in the same place instead...[/quote] If I was definitely going to keep it, then no it wouldn't matter to me, but knowing how quickly I get through guitars in particular, something else will probably come along in the next 6 months or so and I'll want to sell it - I imagine that a logo on an otherwise mint case, might put a potential buyer off? I did think about spraying my own logo on there, but I've not got any further than the thought part. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='82545' date='Nov 1 2007, 10:34 PM']If it's a moulded case odds are it's made from ABS plastic which is a sod to paint without the right stuff. Elbow grease, a nail brush & the solvent of your choice (Try the above - they won't hurt it, but stay away from cellulose/xylene type (spray) thinners as these [i]could[/i] etch the surface) should get results. If it doesn't, try the following... Fairy Power Spray - [url="http://www.mksmc.co.uk/hintsandtips/hints.htm#Paint%20Stripper"][u][b]Write Up[/b][/u][/url] - also recommends Mr Muscle oven cleaner. Flash Liquid - Used to work well at getting Humbrol Enamel off plastic kits, but may now be too safe to be any good. Washing Soda - Mix the crystals up with water until no more will dissolve, pop on your best Marigolds & get scrubbing. [url="http://www.wonderlandmodels.com/Modelstrip-productx314229.html?zenid=2q1qm61n9vj14nu5bala6g4320"][u][b]ModelStrip[/b][/u][/url] & if none of the above work, there's always Caustic Soda (gloves & goggles compulsory). Pete.[/quote] I'll try those I think [quote name='martthebass' post='82938' date='Nov 2 2007, 09:01 PM']Try Cif (or Jif as it used to be called). I'd thin it down to 50% with water and don't rub too heavily or it will shine the surface of the case but you should be able to match it in (try it on a little area first). I've used this combo in the past on black plastic car bumpers with paint overspray with good results.[/quote] And I'll try these as well if none of the above work. I did talk to a luthier pal of mine who is currently working on a couple of my guitars. he said something along the lines of one type of paint coming off with thinners or turps, the other type (acrlylic I think) coming off with a blowtorch! Obviously that's not an option, so it may just have to stay there.
  17. my stingray has a very distinctive smell, like new wood. Both of my Les Pauls have a sort of wet dog smell.
  18. free pint for basschatters? I think we should [b]all[/b] just turn up
  19. what's the neck profile like on these?
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='82582' date='Nov 1 2007, 11:56 PM']Maybe related somehow, but when I took the pickups out of the Mockingbird I have, it appeared to be the same as the one in my Westone thunder. Dunno if the Westone had been upgraded or they just had good pups in, it had a fender j pickup in it as well, so its not unlikely.[/quote] I heard that Westones had Di Marzios in them as standard (or at least Di Marzio copies?) Something to do with hex screw pole pieces that identifies them.
  21. If the quality is as good as any Jap guitar, then yes they might be worth putting together for 200 quid, saying that if you then have to fork out to paint one as well, you might be better off looking for a used CIJ Fender.
  22. i'll have that P when you get bored of it!
  23. i came close to having to lie down in a darkened room there Stew. (I very nearly wrote, "You nearly had me lying down in a darkened room", but there was something wrong with the way that sentence read )
  24. cheers for the tips, but the stencil has been sprayed on to the case (you know - the Fender SKB moulded jobs). I don't think I'd buy a guitar off somebody who'd spray painted it!
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