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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. that i'm not too worried about - otherwise i'd go and get a fender - I just want a cheap(ish) jazz really - i'm hoping it would be better than the MiM I had which was full of dead spots.
  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='69082' date='Oct 3 2007, 02:37 PM']Looks alright to me! Badass looks a bit small though, unless it's a III?[/quote] That's a very good point Chris - I hadn't thought of that, it almost looks as if it's set a bit too far forward. I've never actually seen a bass with a badass on (yeah I know!!!), but looking at pics I've compared them with, isn't the ball end of the badass a lot closer to the edge of the guitar?
  3. taking the above on board, this is it I like the look of it and i've no idea what it sounds or plays like as it is a good couple of hundred miles away from me and I've not heard back from the fella who's selling it. I know what he's asking and I know what I'd possibly pay for it without sounding terribly cryptic! I've got a couple of precisions and I don't mind selling one - I was using one with rounds and one with flats, but hell - what do you need a precision with rounds on for anyway?!! I thought this would do nicely for a cheapish 3rd bass if I needed a back up when one of the others was in bits.
  4. Advice please - I've seen a partsojazz I like the look of - Mighty Mite Neck, Badass, D-Tuner, but body and electronics are of origin unknown. Comes with a hardcase. Price seems reasonable, but I expect it probably wouldn't cost more than a couple of hundred to put together, depending on what the electronics are. Any thoughts? I'm half tempted as I could do with (yet) another electric guitar for the band I am earning in and could part with one of my Precisions and pick this up in it's place.
  5. I had a MiM jazz and it had split shaft pots - bought a set of push knobs from axesrus or somewhere like that for a fiver
  6. You have it, I haven't got any money Good shop though.
  7. It's not strap porn as such, but what sort of strap do you use - have we done this before? I'm sure we probably have but I would like a new strap. Probably a leather one but I'm open to suggestions if I see something I like. I've been across the interweb and I've seen a couple that take my fancy, but you never know, you might have one I like, in which case I'll go "oooh i likes that where did you get it?" and harass you until you tell me. I like the Eldorado ones that Noel Gallagher uses, but they're about £150 each..... Anyway, I'll start you off - 3 of the 4 I use regularly - my band is 27brigade hence the one in the middle and the two sort of military style ones, the purchase of which influenced by the name of the band.
  8. i'd love an all white bass - i think it would look wicked on stage. If she doesn't want it, I'll have it!!
  9. and don't forget, changing from the stock speaker may void your lifetime guarantee!!! That's bloody lovely that
  10. i don't think £69 is unreasonable to be honest, but if you look at www.p4d.co.uk, you might find a cheaper price there - another reseller who uses DHL I think - I sent my mate's guitar over to Ireland for him for £20 this morning.
  11. I've got my Epiphone 335 in a gator case and by comparison it's a load of flexible rubbish Don't get me wrong - for £45 it's alright but I wouldn't want to stick it on a plane or anything like that - if you look at dolphin music on ebay, you might be able to pick one up for about £60 shipped or [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HISCOX-LITEFLITE-HARD-GUITAR-CASE-STD-EBS-MODEL_W0QQitemZ300154829598QQihZ020QQcategoryZ20830QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"] this[/url] or try [url="http://www.guitarplans.co.uk"]www.guitarplans.co.uk[/url] who promises to match anybody else's price.
  12. Darryl Hannah, her the actress? If I had a bass as nice as a Lakland, I'd definitely keep it in a hardcase - the Hiscox ones weigh loads less than anything plywood and tolex, are loads stronger and if you're going to drive it around in your car, you won't have to worry about having to carry it anywhere!! The handles are good too and if you ask Hiscox nicely, they'll replace it with a nice leather job
  13. anyway - i rang it (cos I have a phone on my desk that I don't pay the bill for) and apparently, the price is a misprint and should be £1250 So there you have it.
  14. 070 numbers are personal numbers - companies like callsure used to let you choose a number - you'd get 070** and then you could chose the ****** bit with whatever you wanted and then set up a divert to your normal number - the idea was you could change your phone and not have to worry about the number - this was of course before number portability came in and was made a lot easier. The but is that to call one costs upwards of 50p a minute and i have no idea if you can set the line up and receive revenue from it (thereby scamming anybody who rings). I don't think they can receive texts and if the phone owner decides to text from that phone, the text will come from the actual number (as do return phonecalls I think) and not the personal number. I'm surprised anybody is using one these days to be honest
  15. bump for the last two above £25 shipped for the SD-1 and £30 shipped for the jackhammer. Interested in a Small Clone (not nano version) as well
  16. where did you get the pickguard? I'm still after one.
  17. +1 for Hiscox - although I sent my old MIJ Precision off in it when I sold it - I've got a couple of OHSCs that I got with my Stingray and Fender P, but they're crap compared to a Hiscox and I'm very tempted to get a couple of Hiscoxes to replace them and stick the other two in the attic for when (if) I sell the basses.
  18. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice best colours too - although tele's should have a rusty tub and 3 saddles which stop you ever being able to tune the thing properly!! only joking - bloody lovely stuff
  19. top man - asked for them on thursday afternoon, turned up saturday morning.
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='67326' date='Sep 29 2007, 12:33 PM']Anyway it will sell at £90 as its a piece of gold compared to the rest of the basses they get ...[/quote] exactly and of course a tenner down and 50p a week until somebody comes round and takes your telly away always help to clinch the deal.
  21. there's a place that sells flight case supplies - aimed at the DJ market, but they sell stuff like hinges, catches and handles. djkit.com or .co.uk i think
  22. no, it read more like a suggestion and a little dig really
  23. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='67021' date='Sep 28 2007, 05:11 PM']It was aimed at the buyer. Vendors are usually more than competent in my experience. [/quote] Not necessarily, although I suppose different people have different ways of doing business and different tactics work in different shops/private sales/etc for different types of goods and services.
  24. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='66986' date='Sep 28 2007, 04:12 PM']Not rocket science, but it never ceases to amaze me how few people are able (or willing?) to haggle effectively. [/quote] is that aimed at the vendor or the buyer?? Speaking from experience of trying to haggle stuff down in crack convertors, they won't budge much past 15% for whatever reason, although their selection of sh*te usually isn't worth having so this could be decent find if the price is right.
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