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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. and i'd still offer them 25% less than that as a starting point!!
  2. you could try [url="http://www.bandstickers.co.uk"]www.bandstickers.co.uk[/url] (Seriously!)
  3. we've (bizarrely) been asked to do a wedding in November and have to learn some covers. I'm struggling with going underground by the Jam and have resorted to winging it now - I've only spent about 5 hours on it and it's not bad, but I can't get the rhythms spot on - it shifts between 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4
  4. i always said i'd never have a warwick but that's bloody lovely
  5. nah it's a US Standard - the one with the S1 I want my wood back!!!
  6. blimey - the other ones I've had/have never had that hole - the cheeky bleeders!
  7. I've just taken the pickguard off my precision to try a different one - what's the hole routed in it for? It's not even a proper hole
  8. it sounded like there were two to me Ped - one down at the bottom and then one playing a melody
  9. I get you - thanks Steve, that makes sense. I will be mostly sitting down this evening with my pen and about 15 copies of this notation!
  10. Hello I am v-e-r-y slowly tabbing out a copy of the notation i have for going underground. I know the notes on a stave or whatever it's called for bass clef - do i assume that if certain lines of the stave have sharps on (#), all the notes on the line are played sharp and it's possible that some of the lines won't be sharp at all?
  11. Kevin - I'll have this please - can't PM you though and don't have your email. Please drop me a line if you see this! Cheers
  12. [quote name='ped' post='65389' date='Sep 25 2007, 03:29 PM']Brilliant stuff, realy good fun listening to everyones clips. I guess my fave so far is enjoyable because of its simplicity. I origionally hacked it out on Piano but it worked on the fretless so well that we wrote a track around it. Check it out [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/Carter%20Hiscox%20Hiscocks/Torrential.mp3"]here[/url] or at my [url="http://www.myspace.com/pedshome"]Myspace[/url] Cheers ped[/quote] ooh get you - two bass lines! It sounds like two bass lines anyway. I'd also like to hear it on piano as well, sounds good fella
  13. I've got one from ultimate-guitar.com, but i don't think it's right and i'm having difficulty picking it out in the mix so if anybody has one i can use or compare mine with, that would be good. we're supposed to be rehearsing it tomorrow and typically i have left it til the last minute!!!
  14. Has anybody seen or used this? [url="http://www.myus.com"]http://www.myus.com[/url] Seems like a way to control your shipments or buy stuff from the US from people who won't ship to the UK
  15. probably love twist the gift - that can be found on our myspace - [url="http://www.myspace.com/27brigade"]www.myspace.com/27brigade[/url] Mirrors For Eyes and Kings Of New Walk are alright too and you can find them [url="http://www.last.fm/music/27brigade"]here[/url] on last.fm - might have to listen to a few. I always think the drumming is about the best thing on most of our stuff edit: and chelsea boy - oh f*ck it, i think they're all good!!!! hahahahah another edit: they're not on bloody last.fm either, i'll have to do some looking into that
  16. is there such a thing as bronze flatwound strings? I can't find any info on here relating to them or for sale online in any of the usual places? What do fretless acoustic players use or is the idea that bronze is relatively soft anyway and won't harm a fingerboard as much?
  17. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='65172' date='Sep 25 2007, 08:42 AM']Just as a side issue, when I feel i'm at a standard where I can hold my own with other muscians, where do you actively find muscians of a similar standard/age who want to make a noise together?[/quote] also try [url="http://www.formingbands.co.uk"]www.formingbands.co.uk[/url] I like to gig - I'd probably still play guitar at home if I wasn't gigging or in another band, but to be honest if I wasn't in either of the two bands I play in I would have to go out and find another gigging band. I play bass in an original indie-brit-rock-thingy band and guitar in a covers band that covers all the usual function fayre. In the originals band, I would say in our local area that 20 gigs a year is probably about right - last year we did maybe 60-70 gigs and playing within a radius of 20 miles makes it difficult to get a regular audience when you play that many. We don't harbour any aspirations to go out and make it despite our material standing up with some of the next big things and we've supported a few major label acts - but I'm not interested in any of that and I just like to play. Personally, I don't think it matters, what gear you've got, how good you are, whether you're out 5 nights a week gigging or if you play at home for your own satisfaction and pleasure - if you play a musical instrument, you're a musician full stop. I do think that I'm a better musician for playing regularly with other musicians and it's developed me as a musician, particularly playing other people's music - if you can spend a couple of hours a week with a band, you'll have a lot of fun.
  18. If it's an E serial it's not 1982 either. 84-87 I do believe
  19. I thought mine was British, but it's actually Chinese - the Can I have is British (and presumably made by Cabtex). Anyway, I've never had a problem with it in 10 months
  20. [quote name='bassbloke' post='64726' date='Sep 24 2007, 12:59 PM']This whole relicing business seems a bit bizarre to me. I mean, if I found a nice Porsche Speedster for sale, I'd hardly ask the owner to drive it into a couple of walls to give it more character, but that's effectively what people are asking for in instruments.[/quote] "I'd like the James Dean signature model" "Certainly Sir...." Nips out the back to fetch crash helmet, neck brace and private medical insurance certificate
  21. I want that P mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sorry I have been reduced to going mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  22. I sent Rob an email about the nuts and bolts thing, didn't hear anything back but wasn't too bothered that I didn't an immediate reply, then in the post this morning I got a nice bag of nuts, bolts and washers from Warwick in Germany to put the thing together. Can't fault that - that's top service
  23. The S1 switch does bugger all in my opinion. It's supposed to make a P sound like a Jazz, if you believe what Fender write anyway. The oval pickguard, the control plate and the 3+1 tuners are what I like about the 'ray - and the sound of course! I have a black/maple tele custom too! EdwardHimself - I think you're right, I think there are plenty of people who will see it as a starter bass because they won't see past the Squier Logo (despite the really early ones being marked up with Fender logos and Squier badges), although that doesn't matter to me really - I'm happy with it, it plays and sounds great and is as well made as (if not better than) my USA P. [i]edit[/i] oh, yeah - I'd love a Sandberg as well, although I prefer their Basic range to the other stuff they do. I don't know whether I'd go for a 2H version or just a single humbucker, but they sound great and of course they're active/passive too.
  24. pineapster's my local music scene forum - it serves the east midlands but it's used pretty much exclusively by leicester bands and musicians. The sale section is a bit slow, but the rest of the forum is fairly lively and to be honest, there is more pisstaking than actual on topic discussions
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