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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. does he want a thunder III do you think?
  2. [quote name='ped' post='59867' date='Sep 13 2007, 01:43 PM']I woudn't see it being of any use on bass, thats for sure! Slide players find it useful so they can switch from bar tunings and so on mid song I guess.[/quote] i remember seeing this months ago and thinking you'd be mental to start hacking to bits a guitar to retrofit one of these things and I seem to recall it was about the price of another decent guitar anyway - so you might as well buy one, open tune it and leave it on stage. Fender's roland ready strat does tuning sims anyway and is supposed to be very good.
  3. I've been thinking about the trades aspect. Personally, I don't want (well need or require) another bass. However, if you have something that you're interested in trading that I would be able to sell for about the same value of this, then I am prepared to consider it - guitar or bass. I haven't got any cash to put towards it - I need the money really hence the sale, but you're more than welcome to put cash to your trade if you think I'll go for it. It's a nice bass and I'd like to sell it to somebody on here who will appreciate it, rather than see it go through evilbay. If I don't get a bite here in the next week it'll go on ebay to the highest bidder. So What have you got? I might be quite fussy though! Just thought I'd open it up.
  4. oh that's his as well. i didn't put 2 and 2 together when i looked at them seperately.
  5. bump no takers?
  6. OC-2 Sold, everything else still available
  7. that is the original case with the silkscreen printed westone logo on it. A pal of mine has one also with the same case.
  8. 4 basses, 5 electric guitars and two acoustics. 1 is up for sale, but another 1 might be on the way and then something else will have to go oh god why can't it be simple
  9. There's a BB615 on here somewhere for about 200 quid if you want an extra string
  10. pm'd yer the vibratrem switches on, led comes on, but the sound is unmodulated apparently - so unless you can fix it, you might not be interested. pm me if you want to make an offer on that
  11. On behalf of me mate chris Boss SD-1 - £25 Marshall Jackhammer - £30 Marshall Vibratrem (he says this is knackered, I don't know how knackered at present) - £20 based on it not being anything other than a bit cosmetically marked Boss ME50 (guitar version) - £120 all prices include shipping, but I'll leave that to him to sort out Pics on request, i've asked him a few times, but not got any yet He's got some other bits to sell as well but I'll put them in general musically related equipment. I'm starting to look like a bloody dealer with the amount of stuff I'm selling, but seriously, this stuff's not mine! Help me earn a couple of pints!!!
  12. oh and more photos [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/johna_le3/sets/72157601971093190/"]here[/url]
  13. The brother is much better at taking photos than I am so I've got him on the case in good light. I forgot to mention - the only things wrong of any note are the truss rod cover is missing a couple of screws and there is a tiny mark on the mark of the neck I can feel, but I can't see it. Not felt it during play though.
  14. Question - is it a good idea to seal this up inside a big sandwich bag or something, before immersing it in hot water and also using some kind of weight to flatten it down in the bowl (the latter probably not a good idea, but i thought i'd ask anyway)? It's an old pickguard - it's on my JV Precision and I've no idea whether it's made out of plastic or what - I don't think I've ever seen one that I could definitely identify as celluloid so I don't know what one looks like or indeed when they stopped using celluloid. Would any 13 hole pickguard fit? If I am going to have to replace it, I'd like another tort effect one - it's a shame to lose an original part, but if it's necessary, I will. I could try taking the pickguard on my modern USA precision, but to be honest - I'm not very good at this sort of thing and don't really want the hassle!
  15. Bloody Hell's bells. I thought my E serial Precision was worth about £450 if I chucked a Hiscox case in with it. My JV must be worth about £15000 in that case!
  16. Blimey I knew they were getting sought after but I didn't think there'd be interest like this so quickly! Here's the same pic as up there but with numbers [i]edited to show what they do now I found the manual online[/i] 1 = Pickup Selector - Up: Neck PU; Middle: Both PUs; Down: Bridge PU 2 = Master Volume 3 = Passive tone control - and active apparently. I noticed this worked better as a passive control 4 = Active tone control - Actually called Equalizer Tone. +-15db treble and bass. Treble one way, bass t'other 5 = coil tap switch. puts both pickups into single coil operation. 6 = phase switch. when the middle position on the PU selector switch (ie both PUs) is selected, this inverts the phasing of the bridge pickup relative to the neck pickup 7 = Active/passive selector. Any q's, drop me a line.
  17. I've decided I'm going to hang onto this. Sorry if anybody was interested.
  18. Right then - this has gotta go, love it to bits, but it doesn't get played hardly ever. My foray into fretless isn't really necessary for the sort of stuff we're doing at the minute and I can't justify hanging on to it for the once in a blue moon dep gig. It's nearly mint - there's a bit of wear on the board from using rounds sometime before I got it and I've now put a brand new set of D'Addario half rounds 45-105s on it. It's 18v active electronics (all work), P/J pickups, volume, passive tone and active tone, pickup selector switch, active/passive switch and two other switches I've never been able to work out what they do. I don't really know what to ask for it to be honest, they're sort of few and far between - the most recent one I saw went for £330 on fleabay and this one is minter than that - so let's start off at £350 - including original case - feel free to attempt to beat me down! Sort of thinking of trades now, see the post somewhere down there a bit It's 1983 by the way. Photos are a bit crap but that's the dining room light for you. I'll get some better ones if anybody wants any Ta
  19. Paul is it Japanese or Korean? Thanks
  20. you're quite right, i didn't think to look at that sticky, nor did it even register that I should look for it. I thought I would ask a question and hope that somebody might answer it for me with their own opinion. but I found the sentence referring to half round strings - "These work well on fretless basses." - which is enough for me.
  21. I had a nightmare with mine. I have a flightcase warehouse board and i needed to lift the whole thing to get the jack plugs in and out. I did think about lifting the two pedals on each end, but in the end i thought it simpler to put another board at the bottom of my case and put the pedalboard on top. I then had the problem of attaching my crybaby to the board because the feet/screws got in they way. I knew a fella who had access to a CNC lathe at work and he manufactured a 1/4" plate to match the base of the crybaby with countersunk holes for the screws. It's heavy but it works. Alternatively, you could try Stompin Ground online who do make some plates for the bottom of pedals, but they are US based. I don't know if they do custom stuff either. I'd like something to go under a headrush.
  22. ah ok cheers neil yes we have lots of next books in our house. my work shirts magically appear from their pages
  23. part two of today's stupid questions the pickguard on my squier P has gone a bit lumpy - basically it's warped i think, while on the bass and it now doesn't sit flush with the body. Can I sort this out or is it really new pickguard time? Ta
  24. now then, I have a Westone Fretless bass, which I am thinking of sticking in the for sale section but before I do, I think I want to stick a set of new strings on for the lucky buyer. I've not got any flats in the house and can't really afford to buy any at the minute, but I do have a brand spanking unused set of d'addario halfrounds. Will a half flat/half round string be ok on a fretless board? It won't wear it out too much will it? I know nothing well except that rounds can potentially knackered a fretless board unless you jaco it up a bit
  25. when I was about 16 some mates of mine had a band and they used to pratice in the guitarist's mum and dad's kitchen opposite our house. I went over once and they started without the bass player, who walked in unannounced and stood in the doorway with his Iceman slung around his neck, holding a blanket up like a cape rocking out. You had to be there, but it was very funny at the time and i think, other than an explorer bass, probably the only one you could get away with doing that.
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