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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. I'd go for the ringing everybody separately and make sure you tell them all the same story - although you'll have to tell it 3 times, you won't get interrupted as much. I kind of never got around to quitting my last band - I wasn't happy and I didn't want to carry it on. I guess I spelled out my feelings about it at the last gig, got asked to do another couple of bits, said I was busy (I was) got another text, which I never got around to replying to and then found out last week by looking at the website that I've been replaced I'm not bothered, I'd had enough really and whilst it's a cowardly way out, it seems to have worked!! I did get a text the other day asking me if I was available for a gig which I assume was with them, but I didn't recognise the number and didn't bother replying anyway!
  2. Right guys, got some stuff I haven't use in a while or ever so thought it could go to a good home maybe?! Pair of Tele pickups comprising Giovanni Vintage Tele neck pickup - according to Axesrus - Built Using Formvar Coils and Alnico 5 Magnets to recreate the classic 50s/60s Sound. Specifically, this Telecaster Neck Pickup offers a twangy, rich sound, capturing all all the string movement and delivering it very cleanly, with an almost brassy overtone. 7k resistance - and a Fender Japan Tele bridge pickup - taken from my CIJ Tele Custom as it didn't match the big fat humbucker very well. Assume resistance is probably somewhere around the 7.5k mark as the 9k pickup that replaced it seems more suited to the humbucker. £20 each or £35 for the pair - delivered Keeley Boss SD-1 5* mod and a load of spare opamps of varying tone/drive. Excellent condition, got a bit of velcro on, but sure that'll come off. Still got the box. £70 delivered or trade for a Boss DD-3 or DD-6. Pair of Epiphone Humbuckers taken out of my Dot. Baseplates are engraved Epiphone and there are factory stickers to denote which one is the neck and which is the bridge, along with "57CH' which I assume is some reference to them being Classic 57 clones. £35 delivered. [s]Set of 3 Behringer Mics - think these are XM1800s - SM58 clones, there are 3 in a plastic moulded case with clips. Can't remember if mine have switches as I bought them, took them to a couple of practices and put them in the cupboard so they have been little used - they are still in the cupboard and I have to get the ladder out, move a load of stuff - if you are desparate to know whether they have switches or not, please ask! These are £32 + £6 delivery from DV24/7 - they weigh about 230g each, plus the three clips (negligible) plus the plastic case so it's going to be in the region of a fiver to send them. They have had almost no use at all so I would be looking for £30 delivered or £25 if you want to pick them up in Leicester.[/s] Sold [s]Marshall SV-1 Supervibe chorus/vibe - no box, good condition, no longer used - last one on ebay went for £25 + £4.99 shipped - £25 delivered? [b]Sold elsewhere pending funds[/b][/s] [s]Set of DR Hi-beams bass strings, brand new unused, 45 - 105, £20 delivered[/s] - Sold [s]Set of Ashdown Wide Boys Slim Jim's bass strings 40 - 100 - I got these in a trade with MB1 ages ago and never, ever used them. Still in the funky Ashdown tin, £20 [b]£17.50[/b] delivered (because they're a bit heavier due to the tin!) Sold[/s] [s] Valves - got 4 used Sovtek EL84s and 3 ECC83s - one unnamed and two Ruby Tubes - the Rubies are ECC83CZ, which I believe are made in the Czech JJ factory. I have no idea how old these are - they were in my Laney when I got it and I replaced the lot for a full set of JJs - I've tested them all tonight in my Epi VJ and they all work - the unnamed ECC83 works but is a bit microphonic - if you bought 4 Sovtek EL84s and 2 JJ ECC83s from Watford Valves, you'd get a bill for £63 - yours for £30. Sold elsewhere[/s] [s]Belkin USB Plus 4 port USB 2.0 hub - have a hub to connect up a Line 6 Guitarport and a Zoom H4 - I bought one, we had a power cut which fried the power supply so I went and bought a new one. Then sent the broken one to Belkin under their lifetime warranty and they replaced it with this - as new, never been opened. [s]£18[/s] [b]£15[/b] delivered Sold elsewhere[/s]
  3. Weigh it and price it up on the Royal Mail website - you'd be surprised at the cost. Not as much as you think (unless you want to send it RMSD, then that's a different story).
  4. It didn't sell here, so I'd forgotten about it. I'll edit the title though.
  5. I've had a bit of an expensive Christmas and haven't got any work or any gigs lined up for the forseeable, so I am going to have to put yet another LP on the block. I am pretty certain it's never going to be my Desertburst one, so it'll have to be the GT for now. If I am lucky and get some work and the car sails through the MOT then I [i]might[/i] withdraw it, but at present that is looking unlikely. Very nice condition except for a bit of lacquer checking through the controls, nicely set up, nice weight - not too light and not too heavy (about 9 and a bit pounds I think), original except for Straplocks. Original case included. Do I hear £1250? I would consider a PRS Mira in part exchange but I'd want some cash to go with it otherwise NO trades.
  6. [quote name='mcgraham' post='710227' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:54 PM']AH-HAH! I knew someone on BC would help to illustrate the plight of a guitarist [/quote] Well, you know. I simpy have to have 2 almost identical Les Pauls just in case I a 2nd at any time! [quote name='Sarah5string' post='710232' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:54 PM']PSA 240, not 230. [/quote] No difference really bab
  7. I'm sure Sarah will be pleased to hear that.
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='709679' date='Jan 12 2010, 07:19 AM']We had the same dilemma/views. Ended up getting nearly new RCF powered tops and a single RCF bin; unfortunately, out of the OP budget! [/quote] Which sub did you go for in the end. I want an ART905S but I don't have the required £1000 to buy one.
  9. [quote name='mcgraham' post='710207' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:41 PM']I'm actually a guitarist as well, but I took it up after bass and it has almost always taken second place to bass. Bass helped me to adopt and maintain a 'simpler is better' approach, and only to change or add to my setup when I found I was 'hearing' something that could only be achieved by modifying my setup.[/quote] I am primarily a guitarist and bass always came second, although at one point I did have 5 basses, a strap for each, a pedal board (and pedals) and an amp. I use the same kit bag when I went out playing guitar so have the same leads, the same picks, straps, etc for guitar and bass. I make do with one valve amp for guitar and er.....7 guitars...!
  10. I did look at HK stuff, in the same price range as the RCF kit we were looking at, it didn't impress like the RCF stuff did. If we were prepared to double our budget on the other hand, some of the HK kit was ace, but at a price.
  11. [quote name='Blind Lemon' post='707118' date='Jan 9 2010, 09:30 PM']I would suggest a pair of powered pa cabs, wharfedale evp x12 or similar (http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/product-detail.asp?prod=1106) around £400,[/quote] Before you look at buying something like the EXP X12s new, look at secondhand stuff. If you don't mind buying secondhand, there are 3 different sets of Mackie SRMs on the soundonsound.com classified ads ranging from SRM350 V2s at £425 up to a pair of SRM450 from the RCF days at £675.
  12. I bought my dad an Acepro guitar the Christmas before the one just gone. I think it cost me £130 and I wasn't really expecting much, but the quality is fantastic for the money and it sounds pretty good too. It's a thin bodied semi, with a piezo pickup - a rip off of a Chet Atkins Gibson basically - so it doesn't get played unplugged very often, but sounds good plugged in. The acoustic instruments may be a different story.
  13. Who's the band in the photo? Can you find that out and then go from there?
  14. I've used a Behringer bass amp and it was shocking. I've used several Behringer mixers and they've actually been pretty good. My dad's had a couple and only went onto his second because he managed to fry two channels. He thought it was a fault with the desk before he realised it was something he'd done himself!
  15. If you want to continue using your existing speakers and monitors, you could go for an amp and a small desk - probably cost you less than £400, especially if you went down the Behringer route. You could spend the lot on a pair of Mackie powered speakers and something like a little Peavey PV10 desk, but you woud need an amp to run your monitors (unless they are powered).
  16. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='704840' date='Jan 7 2010, 09:49 PM']Admittedly, they money will go towards all the things she banned me from doing, so it'll be put towards Phils Motorbike/Whisky/Hookers/Weed fund[/quote] If you need a new best friend, you only have to ask..!
  17. One and only bump and then I'll stick them back in the box and keep them until needed.
  18. [quote name='angelboy' post='700303' date='Jan 4 2010, 11:10 AM']I think this is a nonsense 'Rule' and should be the sellers decision if he wants to post the price or accept offers, but I do have a solution which works really well on another forum I visit. All negotiation are carried out open and visible on the thread and the communication only goes to PM when an agreement has been met and personal details are being exchanged. This way, anyone interested in buying the item can offer openly and the seller can then make all negotiations transparent. See here for the full rules: [url="http://www.avforums.com/forums/view_trading_rules.htm"]http://www.avforums.com/forums/view_trading_rules.htm[/url] (They look heavy but in practice it's really simple!)[/quote] IMO avforums (and in particular the classifieds section) is over moderated and I would hate to see Basschat end up like that. I think stating the price is a move in the right direction - I'd like to see the prices kept in place after the sale is closed as well, rather than the price removed and replaced with SOLD.
  19. I have a pair of ER-15 filters for the ACS and other brand custom moulds. I bought them in-between losing one and finding it in the house a week later. I know I should probably hang onto them just in case, but I have learned from my mistake of keeping the plug loose in my pocket and could do with the cash at the moment. Brand new, never used and still in the packet. £50 firm (posted). Withdrawn from sale
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