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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. still got all this - not actually got round to taking any pics yet, but if anybody wants any, let me know.
  2. my family home used to have that hot air heating, until the old man ripped it all out a couple of years ago and had radiators put in. There were always at least a dozen guitars in there at any one time and i don't remember them ever being affected. if you do buy the house, get rid of that and get proper central heating fitted - i'm assuming it will be gas fired like ours was, but relies on electric motors to force the hot air out and it's not cheap to run. Plus, if the system was as old as ours was (1973 i think), then if the motor hasn't been replaced, it could be needing one - if you find that's the case, i've got a motor in the cupboard oddly enough!
  3. morning does anybody know anything about proamplifiers? I believe they're a british company who have been out of business for a while, but i was looking for some info on a guitar amp and can't find much through google. ta
  4. diago all the way - tiny, noise free, powers everything properly. stick it on your board and off you go.
  5. onto le ebay (the english one, not the french one) [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270156021812"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270156021812[/url]
  6. [quote name='Machines' post='46486' date='Aug 16 2007, 03:48 PM']IWhen it comes to basses - I generally try to upgrade via trading rather than buying out right. I swapped a Yamaha BB614 for a Fender Jazz, and an Ibanez Musician for my Stingray, so i'm quite happy with that.[/quote] Same here - although because I play in two bands (bass in one, guitar in another), i have to have plenty of stuff to trade with in the first place But that's pretty much the way it goes now and it's encouraged in our house.
  7. i've decided i want all that gold and maple! This has gotta go - £550 or near offer or i'l p/ex this for a les paul standard in honey burst, tobacco burst or iced tea - with just the right amount of flame in cash or an LP standard and if you're not too far away, i'll even drop it off
  8. she told me to do the washing up last night. i put me foot down and told her i'd do after i'd done the ironing
  9. i agreee that it has to be about compromise and if i ever thought i'd have to sell one of my instruments for us to get by, then it would be for the greater good. I think it gets to her about the space they take up sometimes, but i can sqeeze 6 (in cases) between the wall and the chimney brest and there are another 4 in the house at the moment (3 in cases and one on a stand in the front room). the amp lives on top of a chest of drawers in the back room, the guitar rig lives in the studio and i have my pedalboard under a table in the front room. I don't think she begrudges me anything, although I am probably certain she would rather i bought her an engagement ring than a les paul, but i don't feel under pressure to sell anything, although she said, "if you hardly ever play that, why don't you stop umming and ahhing about selling it and sell it and buy something you'll use" she's good like that! [i]edit[/i] oh - and the ten are a mixture of electrics, acoustics and basses. i play in two gigging bands so i think i am forgiven as long as i turn up with some money sometimes (that i don't then spend on guitars!).
  10. part of the snapping problem might be the material. I tried some of the pretend tort planet waves picks and broke all the corners off - did the same with the Gibson black wedge ones as well. Been using either nylon or tortex and anything from a .50 to a .88 and not had any problems. I find that the thinner guage ones lets me play a bit harder but without the clicking noise from the pick.
  11. john_the_bass


    top fella sent me some plugs just like he said he would so i gave him some money for them!!
  12. male 27 year old [b]guitar[/b] player been playing guitars since I was 13, picked up the bass in 2005 to 'fill in' and stayed on. playing sort of brit pop indie rock or whatever you call it and like digging in with a pick. play what i want mostly but accent the big beat bits with the drums. in the quiet bits do some more melodic stuff but again it's mostly rhythm driven, don't think we play anything under about 120 bpm. Play four strings and til recently played more bass than guitar - then joined a covers band on guitar and believe that my bass playing has improved my guitar playing no end and vice versa. Know little theory - know some scales and my way round a finger board but that's it. Trying to improve my technique - fingerstyle first then fretless, but not really interested in slapping, double thumbing and all that. Would love to be able to play doghouse bass in a rockabilly band. With markytbass on the 5 string thing to be honest although i have dabbled on the old man's 5 string F/L. Trying to write some of our songs around bass line ideas I've had recently which is a departure from our normal dabblings. astonished at how much green eyes i get over bass gear (lots) compared to guitar gear (not much) apologies for unnecessarily long post
  13. you buggers. between you, you're making sure i won't have any money for the next 15 years
  14. aah man i always liked danni
  15. specifically EMS stuff - Synthi E and the like know nothing about them, can't find anything about them and have no idea what one might be worth Cheers
  16. yeah i did get the feeling now was a better time to buy than sell! cheers for all the above.
  17. cool cool - all good, keep em coming as far as the 70s P bass goes - I can't honestly say how much investment value is left in a bass like that at the prices they are at these days, but i fancy the idea of getting an investment bass rather than one that looks like a 70s one. If that makes sense. I would quite happily have a 70s RI jazz - for the 70s looks, but i'd quite like a proper 70s p - if that makes sense.
  18. alternatively, if anybody wants the whole lot as a complete guitar, you can have it for 100 quid - which including the pickups and the tuners isn't too bad i guess
  19. right, i've broken up one of our guitarist's guitars for parts. if you saw it, you'd understand why, but if anybody is interested in the following, drop me a line. AXL stratalike left handed neck - maple with maple fingerboard and bizzarely, rear routed truss rod and skunk stripe fillet bit - why they bothered to put a stripe in when it's a two piece neck and the truss rod could go in the top is beyond me. The original holes were filled and redrilled to fit the Squier. £15 + P&P (about 7 quid) Left handed tuners - these are good ones from WD. I recall they were about £35 at the time and have probably never had to tune the guitar more than once. £20 + P&P Kent Armstrong Jaguar pickups. Don't know how old these are, they went onto the strat. Offers (probably around the £40-£50 mark) for the pair + P&P Korean Squier Red right handed strat body with bridge assembly. I recall the original serial was for 93/94 guitar. Bridge/trem assembly has Fender stamped saddles. £20 + P&P (probably about a tenner) Korean Squier loaded pickguard. White 3 ply, with switch and original pickups. £15 + P&P. paypal is good, if you want to come round and pick anything up in leicester, you're more than welcome as it saves me having to go to the post office. Cheers
  20. a crybaby, sorry should have said first time round! JA
  21. ....not that I'm asking you to give anything away of course, but where do you typically look for your bargain buys? I've had one or two successes on ebay, but haven't really come across anywhere else for good second hand buys other than this 'ere website and it's community of happily trading members! I fancy a 70s Fender, probably a P bass, before they hit crazy money and I don't really know where to look other than to keep searching ebay in case something pops up. Don't really want to go down the vintage dealer route and pay vintage dealer premium. Any suggestions? I'm a few months off buying one, but at least it gives me something to aim for!!
  22. Was using me wah last night, noticed that in all positions it only seemed to do that half open thing. I took the bottom off it and fiddled around with the lever and the cog (a bit like a rack and pinion thing i suppose) and probably moved the wheel independently to the (up/down) rack bit and it seems to have returned some of the range, but doesn't seem to have the snap that it did previously. Is this a common fault and am I likely to have to change the pot? To be honest, the price of a second hand one these days, I might as well just replace the whole thing. In order to mount it on a pedal board, I recently had a pal of mine make me up a 1/4" thick plate to replace the original bottom plate, but so the screws don't protrude and i can stick a bit of velcro on it and board mount it. Would this have affected it at all? I think it's proabably steel (or some sort of alloy)?
  23. my sadly guitar related one almost finished (save for an EQ) [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1346/1108335329_ffc2fc5336_b.jpg"]here[/url]. Included only for the fact that most of the decisions I made regarding signal chain and whatnot, I learnt from here. I'm still only using a TU-2, ODB-3 and GEB -7 on bass and you all know what they look like.
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