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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. you could always go down the import route and bring one in from the US - massive downside is you won't be able to play it before you hand over your readies (unless you fancy a holiday) but you should save a few bob
  2. if you are going to get one from a shop and you can wave cash under the noses of those selling the gear, you should be able to haggle a discount out of em which should allow you to look at slightly dearer gear with an objective to bring your price down a bit i would anyway
  3. buy one of them ali covered cases from b and q and a couple of split hinges from djkit.co.uk and set your board up in the lid.
  4. i played on saturday night in a pub that had been no smoking for ages and actually, i don't think i even noticed - apart from not coming home smelling like an ashtray. we played 3 half hour sets and in between people went to the bar, went out for a fag, etc and came back in when we came on it was great
  5. Nice - particularly the white/black p and the black/black jazz [quote name='lwtait' post='25176' date='Jun 29 2007, 11:31 PM']cool stuff... can i play them some time?[/quote] can i just have them?
  6. i think the upgrade bit was added on when fender starting supplying them in gigbags as opposed to the old version which didn't
  7. there is a blue one on ebay at the minute for £265 BIN is it yours? Is it?
  8. you can get a get a japanese jaguar bass VI with a 28.5" scale length for about 500 quid strung with 25 - 95 guage strings and tuned E to E
  9. there's 3 electric guitars and 3 electric basses that fit in their hard cases between the chimneybrest and the far wall in the back bedroom., there's an acoustic guitar on a stand in the living room, an acoustic guitar in a hard case shoved in the corner of the front room and an acoustic bass in a bloody huge hard case in the front room as well (although that's going back to the auld fella tomorrow). I keep my guitar rig (2 1x12s) down at the studio and my bass rig (1x15 and head), pedalboards (gtr and bass) and a small guitar head are on a chest of drawers in the back bedroom. Understandably it does the mrs' head in sometimes and when the next guitar turns up, i'll probably have to hide in the wardrobe for a few weeks.
  10. I just ordered about 10 ft of 4" wide sticky backed fluffy side velcro from the states for 18 quid shipped - i was looking at how much i actually needed depending on tape width and it was starting to add up - but with this stuff, i should be able to cover the entire top of the board (basically carpet it) and then just put the scratchy side velcro on to the back of the pedals. we'll see!
  11. thats more than enough for me to make a decision!
  12. this is the bloke who used to trade snakemusic or snakesmusic is it? I seem to recall all of his previous auctions were most definitely not for pickup - anybody fancy sticking 600 quid in the post?
  13. i replaced the spdt switches in my marshall footswitch with dpdt jobs from maplins. they seem alright but they're a fiver each - you can probably find em on ebay for less i don't know if farnell supply us joe publics although interestingly enough i went for a job interview at farnell ages ago the most misinformed choice by any recruitment consultant ever
  14. I'll join in After playing guitar for 13 years, i picked up a bass after being asked to play in a band with my then boss and "borrowed" my dad's Epi EB0 (he's a guitar player too, but played bass occassionally). I'm a big lad and shortscale was no good for me. Plus it got a bit weedy in the upper ranges. I acquired an Epiphone Embassy or something, don't think I ever actually played it so I gave it back. Sold the EB0 (not sure i ever got round to telling the auld fella!!) and took a punt on a badly listed Jap Fender Precision, expecting it to be CIJ for the money. When it turned up I was amazed to discover it was early 80s E serial and probably worth a little bit more than I paid for it. Got into a nasty habit of breaking strings live so decided I needed a backup. Found a cheap MIM Jazz that had been a bit beglected, cleaned it up, new bridge and a set up, but never got on with the sound - played nicely although I suspect that it had crap strings on it as well (cheapo rotos) - so that went With the Jazz proceeds, I bought my second choice after coming to the conclusion i couldn't afford a 'ray - a black on black with maple USA Precision. It was (is) only really a couple of years old and looked like new. Astonished at how pony the Fender cases are and how pointless the S1 switch is, but the rounded edges on the fingerboard make it so much easy to play the the MIJ one and it's got the most monstrous sound. Then after buying a new rig on the drip from PMT following a suspected amp failure, it turned out that my suspicion was wrong and I sold the old rig and put the money to the bass which had always done it for me aesthetically - black on black 3EQ stingray 4 with maple. I found it on USA ebay, asked the bloke if he'd ship and made him a cheeky offer. I was astonished at how much more versatile the Stingray was over the P - I've not the bass playing experience of some of youse (although I could tell you a thing or two about 6 stringers probably......maybe), but it took an awful lot of getting used to. Needless to say, I am very pleased I have it. I currently have a Crafter elecrto acoustic fretless 4 on "loan" from the auld fella which has got me into fretless and i've recently parted company with my 1963 vox clubman shortscale (it was never playable from the day i bought it ten years ago - it was mostly original but was missing a couple of vital parts, like tuners, to make it work). I've been through more guitars and probably still will although currently, I'm pretty happy with my lot. A fretless 4, a Les Paul and some kind of very good quality elecrto acoustic guitar should do me though!
  15. yeah i did spot that actually - 25mm should be wide enough, although i might have to build widths of it up on the board to give plenty of sticking area
  16. they only do the one side (either the hook or loop) or so it seems as the velcro sticks straight on to the board. the carpet cover idea is gonna wait for the time being so i need to get some strong hook and loop tape. it's about a tenner a roll for 25m, but i'm never going to use that much, so i'm just trying to find places that will cut to length at the moment
  17. cool! The word "heavy" puts me off a bit, but i think they're all going to be like that fingers crossed i am going to pick up a board tonight for a bit of a bargain, all that remains is to get the velcro to stick everything down - does anybody recommend any suppliers of industrial strength stuff?
  18. I bought one bass from the US which was marked up in such a way that I paid no customs charges and got no letters, etc (no idea how!!!) and another that I paid the full whack on. I also had a smallish package delivered with 6 sets of bass strings, a strap and a t shirt which came to about 70 quid with the correct declared value and I didn't have to pay anything on that. I suppose sometimes you get lucky, but yeah - budget for about 25% + a tenner. On a 200 quid bass, it might be cheaper to buy one here - especially if you can negotiate a discount with folding.
  19. nice one - what thickness of ply are you using? I would prefer to use velcro purely because it should make switching pedals round or removing them that little bit quicker on the hop.
  20. i don't think you've had a bass that i wouldn't be happy owning myself - except maybe the status, but that's more an aesthetic thing. incidentally, i think i've virtually stopped looking at basses as well now i've got the two that i'm most happy with
  21. i'm invstigating putting a board together as per my other posts re fx order. having looked at the various options, i now think the best way is to make me own and fit a set of split hinges onto a case so i can remove the lid/base (whatever). In terms of routing cables and whatnot, there doesn't seem much point in routing them under the board as they can be neatly routed across the top and velcroed down. What I'd like to know is - what's the best stuff to make the board out of (Ply/MDF/etc) and where's the best place to get ali edges and proper velcro covering - preferably deep pile sort of stuff so you can sink the feet of stuff like wah pedals into it? Anybody had a bash themselves?
  22. actually does anybody have any experience of the Gator G Bus things? I am thinking that I might buy one of their big bagged pedalboards and add the G Bus thingy cos you can mount it or of course take it off and replace it with the Diago one.
  23. Digao Powerstation does look about the best bet - even if it is 50 quid (ow)
  24. jee - zuss and i though 7 was enough
  25. nice one, cheers john i'd half planned to use 2 a/b switches - one in reverse that i can plug two guitars into and switch between them without having to unlpug and then another running to two amps that i can switch between - does this sound reasonable? I was planning guitar 1/2 > AB > Tuner > Wah > Loop > OD > Comp > Trem > Chorus > AB > Amp 1/2 I can't think of anything else at the moment I would want - other than a fuzz maybe, but my guess is it would go somewhere with the OD.
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