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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. I've just picked this up from the ashdown vs ampeg thread [quote name='Oxblood' post='14704' date='Jun 9 2007, 05:24 PM']First off, +1 to what paul just said. Lefty's EVO rackmount head is exactly the same amp as a current EVO II, only made with love in Essex.[/quote] The back of my ABM 300 EVO II and my ABM Mini 15 states it's made in England - presumably Essex? I know the cheaper ranges (MAG/EB) are made in China, but has ABM production (and the new stuff - can't remember what it's called) switched to China as well?
  2. so they're not bass specific? I've got two dunlop triggers and a trusty shubb. i've never used any of em on the bass though - i assumed that they would have to have a bit extra tension in the spring to hold them firm
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='15084' date='Jun 10 2007, 02:31 PM']Ditto. I bought mine 20 years ago and it's been transferred through at least 6 different gigbags and 2 cases and not used ONCE! I might start clipping it onto the headstock of my bass just to see what people say.[/quote] do it, might add a bit of mass like a fatfinger does. les claypool uses one does he not i want one, where can i get one
  4. should you ever consider selling the thunder 3, i'd like to put me hand up for it!!!
  5. morning all, if you would be so kind to check out [url="http://www.myspace.com/27brigade"]www.myspace.com/27brigade[/url] and look for the track carillon park. it's a demo of one of our latest and some of the first work i've done with my stingray we are into the studio next weekend to record this proper and i would welcome your hints/tips/advice. Cheers
  6. i tried ringing elixir but apparently they now supply europe from germany and, despite somebody trying to put me through from their livingston offices, nobody has actually got back to me. ah well it's a bugger that they're so pricey when i've just managed to stock up on d'addario electric 10s for guitar for £1.10 a set!
  7. if it was black (and of course if i had money!!)
  8. i was just a bit surprised to see wear at the nut end in such a short space of time - probably after an hour? Also, i had the most weird feeling as the coating started to go at the bridge end. I was playing with my fingers and it felt sort of cold and sticky, like me blister on me index had burst!
  9. should i moan at elixir? I might do - I'm in a moaning mood!!
  10. that's crap though, surely they shouldn't fall apart that quickly?
  11. update to this - to include the edited title. these have had 2 hours tops tonight at practice, i play with a pick albeit a very very soft one and noticed the coating coming off in the area where i've been picking but also, it's split and started to fray up at the 4th fret on the E. They're Polywebs if that makes any difference - sound is great and the feel is nice, but I'm unimpressed that they're falling to bits already! any thoughts
  12. bit of a bump for this. not really my usual choice of gig but your support would be appreciated if you're in the region.
  13. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='9215' date='May 30 2007, 02:13 PM']Both Easyjet and Ryanair have so far failed to destroy it, and when they do, SKB will replace it free of charge !! S[/quote] would they replace what's inside it as well??! +1 for hiscox, you can't beat em for the money. I've got 3 that i use for electric and acoustic guitars and a bass and they're extremely rigid and light - much better than the gator one my semi is in and the current crop of fender moulded rubbish (the lid doesn't line up with the base on mine and the lining is falling out!)
  14. i've had a set of elixirs in the house I acquired from thumper a couple of months ago that I finally got around to putting on my stingray last night Blimey! it was a bit late to go plugging in, but the difference is so noticeable. I suspect the Slinkies on it were the originals (it's a 5 year old bass but doesn't appear to have been played for the first 4 and 3/4 years!) and were probably finally knackered, but these seem ever so bright in comparison. Looking forward to plugging it in at practice tonight. Tension on them seems to be quite low in comparison though - anybody else found that?
  15. [quote name='Buzz' post='12755' date='Jun 5 2007, 11:30 PM']Well, in a bout of strange GAS, I've ordered a les paul copy off them: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200114929317"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200114929317[/url] £61 quid, I'll use it for firewood if it's that bad, or let a guitarist smash it on stage. Then I'll probably go buy a Squire Tele instead. NB: I know it's a gui*ar, but I want something to learn/showoff on and to have something for a couple of mates when the come around so we can jam.[/quote] puts hand up first for guitar smashing i think the spectacle of kicking it of of a guitarist's hands and stamping on it would be more than worth it
  16. my old cab was so big and heavy, I used to think the mother in law was inside.............? bad
  17. smart! wonder how much they are? EB surely wouldn't get confused over their own products would they? would you use gunstock oil to clean a neck or is it supposed to nourish it?
  18. yeah i thought so too - i've just bought some (seriously) cheap bulk packed guitar strings and they've got anodised ends. i think the ends used to be anodised but i can't remember
  19. can anybody remember if the ball ends on d'addarios are anodised colour coded or painted? Cheers
  20. what's your view on the following? I read in the FAQs section on the musicman website that all adjustments to string height on musicman basses can (and presumably should) be made with the truss rod - basically to raise and lower the height of the fingerboard. No mention was made of adjusting the saddle height if you've set the relief correctly. The other thing i read advocated the use of lemon oil to clean maple fretboards. I'd always heard contrary to this, but am I right thinking that was because the lemon oil softens the lacquer on an ordinary maple board but musicman necks are unlacquered? Just curious
  21. This Friday (8th June) 27brigade are participating in the original bands showcase at the shed. it's a sort of battle of the bands thing - we're not really a battle of the bands type band but I have a particular motivation for wanting to win. If you're in leicester and you're interested in coming down, you'll need one of these!!
  22. cool, I'll give the bloke a bell in the week and see how much money i can't knock off him! Did look quite smart - save for the bare ply panel on the back - and it would probably go well with my mini 15
  23. Was in a second hand shop in Leicester yesterday, drawn in by the few guitars and basses hanging up, where I saw an old(ish) Ashdown ABM210H. Looked to be in reasonably good nick - the vinyl on the back panel had been removed to leave bare ply, but everything seemed to be in order. Has 2 10s (naturally!) and a switchable horn. Any good? What sort of money would make this a bargain? It seems the shop are selling it on behalf of somebody and the geezer didn't know how much the fella wanted for it.
  24. try: or Sorry that's not really very helpful!! I've always resorted to taping DI boxes onto my amp to stop them falling off, although I was none to precious about my rig - cosmetically anyway. Why don't you rackmount the new head when you get it which should add a bit of extra mass and stop it bouncing around?
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