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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='1503' date='May 18 2007, 03:51 PM']Well, I draw upon many influences, and have come to find a sound that I am happy with - Im not sure how relevant this is as I cannot pin my tone down to one artist or say ive tried to capture someone elses tone - I like to have my own thing going on. I use a Warwick Streamer LX5, a custom Jazz bass that is based heavily on a 75 model, and a custom Precision bass, which is based on a '62 Fender Precision. These three are all run through a Hartke 3500 head, with 12ax7m tube upgrade, an Aphex Aural Exciter C102, Korg DTR 1000 Rack tuner into a Hartke 410XL cab. The rig gives me a nice, clean tone, with plenty of low end and plenty of volume. I think the only thing I would look to change is the weight, and just as soon as I can find a lightweight Cab that cn give me minimum colouration to the sound, ill make the change. I also use several pedals - an MXR Auto Q filter, which is funky as hell, a DHA VT2-Dual Custom Valve overdrive box, a Boss OC-2 Octaver, and an MXR Micro Amp to balance out the volume differences between my Active Warwick and passive J/P basses. I use a Shure T Series Wireless which I will be changing for a rackmount SLX system soon, but all in all thats the lot. Signal chain goes Bass>Wireless>Pedalboard>Tuner>Aphex>Amp. I use an active DI from the back of the amp for tying into the PA at gigs. I find that using this setup gives me so many options tonally, depending on what bass I use. I play a hell of a lot of Funk at the moment, a fair bit of reggae, and rock. I have never once had trouble finding a tone I was happy with for eithe rof these applications.[/quote] luke - how does the micro amp work to balance out the volume differences? I've got a stingray and a precision and i'm reluctant to use one as any more than a backup in a live situation as i'm loathe to have to get an engineer to adjust for the differences, particularly with high/low gain switch and gain adjustment on the amp. Cheers
  2. Other i.e. EB Musicman although me Fender P gets equal use - just
  3. must be something special/valuable/knackered/cheap to consider doing that much work to!! sounds like fun but i can't help but feel that you could possibly save yourself a few bob?
  4. favourite pasttime (tea drinking) [i]Put your left leg in, your left leg out, etc....[/i] and in my other capacity, probably having a forgotten what i am doing moment
  5. so if you drop to the B, do you retune the other strings to E A D or do you play B A D G and do you drop the tuning to B with a standard ish 100-115 guage E? sounds interesting
  6. first (and last gig) at the Attik in Leicester before it closed down. 1st we were supposed to be kit sharing, but the band we followed packed up their drums and fecked off. 2nd Guitarist Andy tuned his guitar - he's got a korg chromatic tuner only he'd recalibrated it accidently to about 458hz concert pitch and tuned his guitars to it. He was about a quarter tone out with the rest of the band - i could tell that there was something wrong but I wasn't quite sure as we were playing in a funny alcove thing with the sound bouncing round. then, andy breaks a string (fairly regular occurrence as he battered his guitars), switches guitar mid song only there is camo netting on the [low] ceiing of the stage, which the guitar gets stuck in and dangles for the rest of the song. Dreadful
  7. mine's generally been very good. my epi 335 was particularly cheap and when it turned up had defintely been built on a friday afternoon - so i sent it back, they refunded my £44 quid postage and sent me a Korean made one which was as you would expect. Everything else I've ordered has turned up quickly and when one of the items i bought from them broke, they asked me to email them pics and then sent me a replacement without asking for the broken one to be returned. top marks from me not always cheaper for everything though.
  8. mine - which is a combination of my first proper bass (the MIJ P - bottom) and my just wanting a USA P (top) and then my object of desire - a 3 band black Stingray Did get through an EB-0 and a MIM Jazz but didn't really like either of them. And I know one of them isn't a bass, but the three do go well together!
  9. seeing what they've been going for recently - £150 does look a little high, saying that it's well presented and looks to be a good one. Personally I'd hold out for an active one and try and get a better deal (if I could - might have to wait a while)
  10. the bass; john AKA "johnny two gigs" on account of regularly trying to play two gigs on two different bills in two different bands. Usually in two different counties. Learnt to play the guitar years ago (and still do in a covers band) and picked up the bass 2 years ago for [url="http://www.27brigade.com"]27brigade[/url] because I was "bored". Quality and quantity of bass gear now far outweighs guitar gear. Currently want a Les Paul, Sandberg Basic 4, Ric 4003, G&L L2000 but have run out of space and money (money mostly). Always plays all the right notes but not necessarily always in the right order.
  11. black on black p with a maple board all you need (well, nearly)
  12. second that really although our drummer moans that 57s are a bit big for micing toms and snare for him so might be worth a bespoke set of drum mics
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