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Posts posted by thebrig

  1. Thanks for all the advice, but I've gone for a Boss FV500H, I know some people have said that it is quite large, but apart from my Boss tuner which is plugged into the dedicated tuner socket on my amp, the volume pedal will be the only pedal I will use so its size shouldn't be a problem.

  2. 10 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    I picked up a bespeco one off eBay for a surprisingly low price. I used to use one to great effect in an old band and as the new band is writing, I thought I’d get another.

    Depends though, there are obviously much more expensive volume pedals available.

    i used to use a boss fv-500 which was huge, but sturdy and reliable.

    I'm happy to pay up to £100 for a decent one

  3. On 20/04/2019 at 08:22, ped said:

    Maybe your amp is the problem? Another thing is your technique, if you know it’s because you’re hitting the A harder maybe you aren’t as comfortable with your fingers slightly more bunched up for the E.. changing your anchor point may help. Try temporarily adding a thumbrest a little above the pickup so your fingers are more extended when hitting the E string?

    I don't think its the amp Ped, I play through a Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 when gigging, and when rehearsing I use whatever amp is in the room, and it also happens through my Mark Bass 60w practise amp at home, so I guess it probably is my technique, although I really don't think I am hitting the E any harder than any other string tbh 🤔

  4. Sorry, I should have mentioned that I play P basses and its the same with all of them, I have adjusted the pickup heights and tried lowering them more on the E string side as most people do with P basses, but I still seem to have the problem, I try to hit the E a little lighter but when you are getting into a song, its not always easy to do 😕

  5. I notice a definite jump in volume and tone when I go from the E string to the A string, its especially noticeably when dropping down from the A to the E.

    I know absolutely nothing about compressors, but would one help even out the the volume and tone?

    Whenever I read threads on compressors I get very confused, everyone has different opinions on what they do and whether they are needed or not.

    If a compressor will help, then I want one that is simple to use (not too many dials etc), cost isn't a problem if it will do the job.

    Thanks in advance for any advice. 

  6. 14 hours ago, ChunkyMunky said:

    There you go! Just noticed the D is ever so slightly out of tune but just whacked a camera on and went for it. Hope it helps. :)

    ChunkyMunky, you are a star!!!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to post this video for me, it was really bugging me because it should have been so simple to work out, which I suppose it is really, but I just had a mental block on this.🤔

    Once again, many thanks.🙂

  7. 4 hours ago, NewDad said:

    G---E--- | C---D--- | G---C--_ | G--D_--- 

    hyphen = picked
    underscore = ringing

    C is below G on bar 2 and above on bar 3.

    In the 3rd bar, where the guitar plays a B note and bass plays C, this seems to imply a rootless inversion of D7/6 where the guitar plays the 6 and bass the 7. Unusual, but that's Wilko for you.

    Just remembered who I lent my copy of Down By The Jetty to in 1978. Time to track him down...

    Thanks, I will try that out later 

  8. 36 minutes ago, mcnach said:

    Thank you for all the replies... 

    In the end my old friend neck dive came to the rescue. That's a deal breaker for me. Not keen on necks that feel long (strap button positioning) either...

    Shame. They sound good and look good.

    My pocket is safe. Phew. :)

    I was just about to state the obvious about the neck dive on these things but you have already made your mind up.

    I had a Gibson Thunderbird a couple of years ago, it sounded great, looked great, and I really wanted to keep it, but the neck dive was horrendous so it had to go 😕

  9. Well after going missing for 18 days since being collected from my house on 2ndMarch, I get an email from P2Go this morning saying that they had located the parcel, and that it is on its way to the buyer of my Sadowsky Preamp.

    As I had already refunded the buyer, I contacted P2Go via the online “live help” to ask them to cancel the delivery because I had already refunded the buyer in full.

    Anyway, not long afterwards the buyer contacted me to say that he has received and would pay me the money, which he did in due course.

    So to sum up, whilst this has all been very inconvenient for the buyer and myself, at least they did manage to find it in the end and everyone is happy.

    Although I am losing confidence in courier companies the more I use them.

    Btw, the buyer is a fellow BC'er and the communication between us has been great.😋

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  10. Personally, I think £159 for a brand new beautifully finished body is an absolute steal, its nice to start off with a really nice body imo, because it inspires you to get the best parts you can afford within your budget and go on to create a really nice build.

    Here's my sunburst "bitsa" which has a lovely Mighty Mite Jazz neck fitted, it plays better than my 2016 Fender American Standard and sounds every bit as good for a fraction of the cost. 😋




  11. 24 minutes ago, Grangur said:

    The bass in the video is a sunburst. Look at the cigarette scene at the end. There's dark around the edge of the bass. It also looks well worn. So did he ever play the flat coloured one in the still pic, or was that a studio prop?

    I think his P bass in the video was fiesta red

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