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Posts posted by thebrig

  1. [quote name='Jow Bass' timestamp='1475778978' post='3148751']
    Hi, yes the nut is 42mm. I know what you mean about the Jazz nut. I had a Fender Jap 75 reissue for years and the neck was sweet.

    Cheers, Jow
    [/quote]Hi Jow
    Maybe a nice sweet jazz-size neck sometime in the future? :)

  2. If it is stolen, it would seem strange that he didn't want to post it, and invited people round to his house to try it first, plus he has his great big mugshot in one of the pics.
    And he didn't set an asking price, he put a reserve on it which was not reached, so he withdrew it, all pretty common practise really.

  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1475759520' post='3148527']
    Don't listen to those siren calls..! That way, madness lies. How do I know this..? Don't ask..!
    On a more positive note (maybe..?), be aware, if not already, that one's hearing in later years is seldom as pristine as early youth, and much worse than one would hope for. This makes music production and mixing especially difficult. Is there hope..? Yes, but some self-criticism becomes rather important. My trick (for what it's worth...) is to compare my stuff with other, commercial, renderings, to judge (badly...) whether I've got too much bass or treble in there. After a long career in drumming, and rock generally, plus advancing years, my ears are, to use a technical term, 'shot'. I therefore am basically mixing 'blind' most of the time. I'll make an adjustment of, say, 6db, so that I hear the difference, then apply half of that. My general 'rule of thumb' is that, if I can hear it, it's too much. It can be frustrating at times, so I very seldom go in for 'micro-management', and trust my first instincts rather better than long hours of listening to inaudible (to me...) details. Broad stroke of the brush, in other words.
    I'm also spoilt, in that my tastes are rather 'old-school', even classical, and I'm not at all at ease with modern EDM (it took me a while to know what that even stands for...). Trombones; now there's an instrument I can hear and deal with. None of this oscilloscope whistling or arp synth sweeps for me (well, all right; just a little, then...). No 'big beat' thump thump thump either. Timpani, that's the stuff, or, at least, a rock beat.Pshaw..! The joys of becoming 'senior' is that I can be grumpy and folks find it normal.
    No, best, after all, to see about crossword puzzles, or whittling, putting ships into bottles or growing dahlias. S'not for the old, this malarkey. How do I know this..? Don't ask...
    ([i]Now then, where's my Digestives..? I had a packet, there were some left. Darn it..! On the table, so I'll have to leave my armchair..! Nurse..! Nurse..?[/i] ...)
    [/quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#282828]EDM (it took me a while to know what that even stands for...),[/color][/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#282828]I would have thought that the least you could do for an OAP who is about to embark on a long journey into learning how to use DAWS properly, and eventually (hopefully) go on to mixing and mastering, is to let [u]me[/u] know what took [u]you[/u] a while to know, so wtf [u]does[/u] EDM stands for! ;)[/color][/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#282828]Seriously though, I take on board all that you say, and have to admit that my ears are shot as well, and I realise the need to compensate for it if I can.[/color][/font]
    [color=#282828][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I know it's not going to be easy, and I will be starting from the very beginning, but at least I think I have the equipment to record the instruments into Logic Pro X, and I hope that my MacBook Pro will be up to the task, it's specs are,15" Retina Display, [/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]2.5GHz quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.7GHz, 16GB 1600MHz memory, 512GB PCIe-based flash storage[/font][/color][sup]1, [/sup][color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Intel Iris Pro Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M370X with 2GB GDDR5 memory.[/font][/color]

    [color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I have to admit that I don't grasp things as easily as I used to, so it will take time, but like I said, I now have time to learn even if its at a slow rate. :unsure:[/font][/color]

  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1475751872' post='3148424']
    I haven't used these guys myself... but they seem to have a consistently good reputation based on what 'research' I've gleaned from reading feedback on other forums:


    They've been around for 10+ years and have a solid client list
    [/quote]Thanks, I just took a look on their site and have already subscribed, I'm impressed by their site, and the prices seem to be ok as well, I think we will definitely check them out when the time comes.

    I know virtually nothing about about recording, but I have gained fair a bit of knowledge over the last few days because I have been watching quite a few Logic Pro tutorials, and I have the gear to get some reasonable recordings into Logic, but that's where it ends for me, but I'm retired now and have a fair bit of time on my hands, so this could be my new hobby in my "old git" years. :)

  5. It's early days in the production of a bass I am definitely interested in, so I will follow the progress with a view to buying one in the future.

    The only thing stopping me getting one now is the colour and the nut width, I love sunburst but I already have four, and now I really fancy going for something surfy, and as I said earlier, the nut looks about precision size to me, and as much as I have tried, I just can't get on with a wider nut. :unsure:

  6. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1475741540' post='3148302']
    with the best mastering in the world you can't polish a turd, with our last CD I actually preferred the non mastered version, had more heft
    edit, not saying yours is a bad recording btw, but we've fallen into that trap before
    [/quote]Don't worry, we'll be sending plenty of turds off to get mastered! ;) seriously though, no offence taken, I know what you are getting at. :)

    But in reality, what you are saying could apply to us, our songs will be mixed by a guy who is experienced in mixing although he has never done it professionally, but what should help is he is about the same age as us and he likes and is familiar with the music we play, so at least he will know what we are looking for in the final mix, and although we are all decent musicians, we are really just a gigging band, not a recording band, as I pointed out earlier, these recordings are for our own satisfaction, and to hand out to family, friends, and venues as demos.

  7. [quote name='progben' timestamp='1475668842' post='3147750']
    I'd recommend David Mitson. He's worked with a lot of big names including Michael Jackson, Santana, Alice in Chains etc. Charges us £60 for a 4 track EP
    [/quote]I see that you are just up the road from me in Stourbridge, is David local? because it would be nice to be able to have some [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]input during the process[/font][/color] if possible.

  8. [quote name='Jow Bass' timestamp='1475674899' post='3147835']
    Thanks for the shout out Karl.

    I'm waiting for the supplier to get back to me regarding the sea foam green.

    I would appreciate anymore ideas anyone as on different colour schemes for my next order.
    [/quote]Hi Jow, I love the look/shape of the bass, but I have far too many sunbursts, if you could do it in a surf colour with a 38mm nut, I would buy it now! :)

    What is the nut width? I might be wrong, but looking at the video, the nut looks like it could be about 42mm, which unfortunately would be a deal breaker for me, no matter how much I try, I just can't get on with a wider nut, I have eight precisions and I have put jazz necks on all of the ones I play and gig regularly.

  9. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1475666997' post='3147727']
    wow £28 a song from someone with a client list like that? I'd bite their arm off!
    [/quote]We probably will bite their arm off! <_<

    To be honest, it's a fun project for us, so to have someone with that CV master our efforts, for just £28 is a real bonus. :)

  10. Our band is thinking about recording a song or two sometime soon, nothing major, it's just something we want to do for our own benefits, and also to hand out to family and friends who are always asking if we have any records or CD's they can have, or even buy.

    It's still a little way off at the moment, but we are starting to look for somewhere to get them mastered, and quite honestly, we haven't got a clue where to go, or how much it might cost.

    Having just read Skol303's thread on having his song mastered at Abbey Road, I realise that I'm probably a bit naive, because I would have thought that £90 + VAT to have a song mastered at Abbey Road Studios is a reasonable price, but as BigRedX said, how much of that price is because of the name? and thinking about it, he is probably right to ask the question.

    I have found one place that charges £28 per song, and his list of clients include [color=#3A3A3A][font=Arial]U2, The Killers, Jack White, Noel Gallagher, The Rolling Stones and many more, so I [/font][/color]was wondering if anyone on here has used them, and if so, were you happy with the end results?

    Also, any recommendations for other places to get a song mastered would be welcome and appreciated.

  11. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1475584821' post='3147085']
    I popped into PMT Birmingham yesterday for a bit of a nose around and ended up leaving with a new acoustic guitar. I was greeted with a friendly hello, and the guy in the acoustic area let me try whatever I wanted for as long as a wanted without any hassle or pressure, and although he was doing other stuff he was available for any questions I wanted to ask. Granted, Monday afternoons are probably quiet times but I was really pleased with the whole experience, and have been whenever I've been to a PMT branch, be it Birmingham, Northampton or Oxford. My receipt tells me that the chap who looked after me was called Sean Cunningham. Good stuff.
    [/quote]I quite often make a trip to PMT a half-day out, and even though I only really play bass and a little bit of guitar, I also enjoy looking around all the other departments as well, I can quite easily spend three or four hours in there.

  12. [color=#ff0000][b]SOLD! SOLD! SOLD![/b][/color]

    [b]EXAR Bass Compressor £33 posted[/b]

    As new, it’s only been used a few times at home.

    The [b]Compressor[/b] is a unique effect that reacts to your playing dynamics, and turns down the volume when it "hears" a spikey peak. The compressed signal is then given a clean boost to bring your overall average level back up. This can result in longer sustain, fatter tone, and more audible harmonics. It also helps protect your speakers against damage from volume spikes. This compressor was designed specifically for bass, and it allows a huge amount of squash if you want, without losing any low frequencies. It can also be used more subtly. All new EXAR pedals use silent true-bypass switching, and they have 1 Meg input impedance, to bring out all the high-end detail even from passive instruments and long cables. The housing is rugged cast metal, in the same small size as MXR, Keeley, and other compact pedals, plus it has a convenient easy-access battery door.

  13. [color=#ff0000][b]SOLD! SOLD! SOLD![/b][/color]

    [b]DOD Stereo Flanger FX75C[/b]

    [b]£25 posted![/b]

    As new, it’s only been used a few times at home.

    The FX75C delays the input sound and then mixes the delayed and original sound together. The DELAY time control adjusts the amount of delay time in conjunction with: the WIDTH control which sets the range through which the delay time may vary, and the SPEED control which adjusts the rate at which delay time changes. The REGENeration control adjust the height of the comb filter peaks by controlling feedback through the delay circuitry. The REGENeration control allows the adjustment of the effect from very subtle to very pronounced.

    The FX75C splits your guitar signal, adds a short delay to one of the signals, and then changes the delay time at an even rate.This results in a slight fluctuation in pitch of the delayed signal The FX75C then adds a “whooshing up, and down” sound to your guitar by incorporating regeneration into the delayed signal.

  14. [b][color=#ff0000]SOLD! SOLD! SOLD![/color][/b]

    [b]DIGITECH Bass Multi Chorus £23 posted[/b]

    As new, its only been used a few times at home.

    The Bass Multi Chorus™ is -designed specifically for bass. What makes the Bass Multi Chorus™ different is that it keeps you low notes clean while giving you up to 16 bass chorus voices at the same time to create the lushest bass chorusing ever heard from a stompbox. There is also built-in voice randomization that increases as you add voices to thicken the sound even further.
    Features: Speed-varies the rate that the chorus sweeps up and down, Depth - controls the range or how wide the chorus sweeps up and down, Voice - lets you morph from one up to sixteen chorus voices. Voice randomization is built-in and automatically increases as you add voices, Dual Outputs: The Mono/Stereo outputs can be switched between Normal and Mixer output modes. Normal output mode is for connecting directly to the input of your bass amplifier. Mixer output mode, with CIT™ bass cabinet emulation technology, is for connecting directly to a mixing board or headphone preamp.

    Bass-tailored chorus
    Fine-tune controls
    16 voices
    Built-in randomisation provides a lush, thick sound
    Ideal for live, recording of rehearsal

  15. [color=#ff0000][b]SOLD SOLD SOLD[/b][/color]

    [b]BOSS OC-3 Super Octave £45 posted[/b]

    As new condition, its only been used a few times at home.

    The BOSS OC-3 Super Octave gives guitarists high-quality octave effects with a single stomp. Three modes are provided, including a new Polyphonic Octave mode, a Drive mode with distortion, and the original OC-2 mode. The versatile OC-3 also has separate inputs for both guitar and bass.

    Nominal Input Level
    -20 dBu
    Input Impedance
    1 M ohms
    Nominal Output Level
    -20 dBu
    Output Impedance
    1 k ohms
    Recommended Load Impedance
    10 k ohms or greater
    Residual Noise
    -96 dBu (IHF-A, Typ.)
    * All knobs at center position
    Pedal switch, DIRECT LEVEL knob, OCT1 LEVEL knob, CONTROL knob, MODE knob
    GUITAR IN jack, BASS IN jack, OUTPUT (MONO) jack, DIRECT OUT jack, AC adaptor jack (DC 9 V)
    Power Supply
    DC 9 V: Dry battery (9 V type), AC Adaptor (PSA-series: optional)
    Current Draw
    50 mA (DC 9 V)
    Owner's Manual
    Dry battery (9 V type) S-006P/9 V (6F22/9 V)
    AC Adaptor (PSA-Series)

  16. [color=#ff0000][b]SOLD! SOLD! SOLD![/b][/color]

    [b]BOSS CS-3 Compression Sustainer[/b]

    [b]£30 posted![/b]

    As new condition, only been used a few of times at home.

    With the BOSS CS-3 Compression Sustainer you can compress high-input signals and boost low-input signals. By compressing and boosting the signal the CS-3 gives you consistent sustain for total clarity and control of your sound.

    As a sustainer it works perfectly for gentle, nuanced playing that you want to remain tasteful but cut through the mix. If you're strumming chords then the compression works great for a full-sounding accompaniment.

    [b]CS3 FEATURES:[/b]
    Nominal Input Level: -20 dBu
    Input Impedance: 1 M ohms
    Nominal Output Level: -20 dBu
    Output Impedance: 1 k ohms
    Equivalent Input Noise Level: -110 dBu (IHF-A Weighted, Typ.)

  17. [b][color=#ff0000]SOLD! SOLD! SOLD![/color][/b]

    [b]BEHRINGER DI BDI21 V-Tone Bass Driver £20 posted[/b]

    A Bass DI with Vintage Tube Amp Emulations
    Combining DI functionality with tube emulation circuitry, the Behringer V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 puts a massive array of vintage tube amps right at your feet. Use the Blend control to mix the amount of tube emulation you want with your bass guitar's direct signal, or stomp on the BDI21 for some straight-DI tone. Your sound can then be shaped to perfection with dedicated Drive, Treble, Level, and Presence controls. Whether you want to pop and slap, play some smooth funk, or create some overdriven mayhem, the Behringer V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 will take you there. There are decades of bass-playing experience here at Sweetwater. Give us a call, we'll be glad to help you out!
    Behringer V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 at a Glance:
    Dual DI mode provides versatile functionality
    Class-D technology puts massive sound in a small package
    Behringer - a brief history
    Dual DI mode provides versatile functionality
    You can use the multifunction V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 as a recording output DI with tube emulation or as a standard active DI box, with a single stomp of your foot. Your output can be sent to either a 1/4" TS or a balanced, gold-plated XLR connector. A fully featured active DI, the BDI21 also has a ground lift switch to help you eliminate those frustrating ground loop hum issues.
    Class-D technology puts massive sound in a small package
    Because of Behringer's revolutionary Class-D amplifier technology, the V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 can put the authentic sound of a vintage tube amp in an ultra-compact package that fits on your pedalboard. By eliminating the need for heavy power supplies and massive heat sinks, Class-D amplification provides you with enormous power and incredible sonic performance, without busting your back. Class-D amplification is also highly energy efficient, so the BDI21 can keep rocking all night without breaking a sweat.
    Behringer V-Tone Bass Driver DI BDI21 Features:
    V-Tone modeling technology puts a massive array of vintage tube amps right at your feet
    Authentic tube emulation circuitry can be mixed with the direct bass signal via blend control
    Presence control for definition and upper harmonics
    2-band EQ for ultra-musical sound-shaping
    Dual DI mode provides versatile functionality
    Class-D technology puts massive sound in a small package
    Ground lift switch eliminates typical ground loop problems

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