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Everything posted by thebrig

  1. [quote name='bigash' post='1048982' date='Dec 6 2010, 07:17 AM']One little thing that i do during the intro guitar goes through chord sequence twice. Then do 0-2-0-4-057 on the G string. then straight into the D. Pretty much all the other fills have been covered previously. Ash.[/quote] cheers
  2. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1054398' date='Dec 10 2010, 07:12 PM']Oh! I agree. I even emailed them about it, and it probably won't go back [/quote] I emailed them about a month ago, and they said that they were forced to change it by Fender. Mind you, I would have thought that they could have come up with something better than that old 'paddle shaped' thing!
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1054796' date='Dec 11 2010, 10:58 AM']Kubickis are rare, but not non-existent. Keep an eye on the For Sale section here, and monitor eBay, and you'll get one eventually. If you're really keen, make sure you know the differences between the (limited number of) models. The electronics vary a bit, and not all of them have the built-in Drop D thingy.[/quote] Thanks for the advice, I will research them first.
  4. [quote name='farmer61' post='1049039' date='Dec 6 2010, 09:28 AM']I added the 210T and the sound is awesome, really good blend between the 12in and 2 x 10in speakers. Plus your driving at the full 600w on the Shuttle 6, more than giggable for 90% of venues and requirements imo. Plus you have the combo for smaller venues, total flexability.[/quote] I think I will go and try both, thanks
  5. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1054384' date='Dec 10 2010, 06:50 PM']I have a two shortie SX basses, and they're absolutely fab Both of mine were bought from here, so it might be worthwhile putting up an items wanted thread. It's worth noting that there's a difference between the normal SX range and the Junior range which also comes in short scale. You want the normal range. The Junior range isn't necessarily bad, but the normal range is better. If you're buying from Rondomusic they may insist on a case purchase as well for posting it in, upping the price a bit. The cases are very good quality and don't really cost that much, so it might be well worth doing it as it will save you hunting for one here. Still, the prices are so stupidly cheap that it's still very good value.[/quote] Let me know if you ever consider selling one
  6. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1054177' date='Dec 10 2010, 03:51 PM']I think this picture of my first Kubicki Ex Factor really captures just how lightweight and chuckable they are... I like how if you look in the mirror you can see the back of the neck, and how wonderfully comfortable it is. To think I was without an Ex Factor for a couple of years, absolute madness. Never again...[/quote] I love it, looks great! Where would I get one in the UK? Not sure whether I could afford it though, but who knows, once us bass nuts try something, we always seem to come up with the dosh somehow!
  7. For sale is my not very used Ibanez SRX 505 5-string bass. It is excellent condition apart from a hairline crack in the paintwork on the base of the guitar, you really have to look hard to see it, and I don't think it will ever spread or get worse, in fact, I had the bass a few weeks before even I noticed it. It very easy to play for a 'fiver' and for the price, would make a good choice for someone considering a 5-string bass for the first time. Asking price £100 collected, £125 posted. I am based in Borehamwood, Herts
  8. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1054384' date='Dec 10 2010, 06:50 PM']I have a two shortie SX basses, and they're absolutely fab Both of mine were bought from here, so it might be worthwhile putting up an items wanted thread. It's worth noting that there's a difference between the normal SX range and the Junior range which also comes in short scale. You want the normal range. The Junior range isn't necessarily bad, but the normal range is better. If you're buying from Rondomusic they may insist on a case purchase as well for posting it in, upping the price a bit. The cases are very good quality and don't really cost that much, so it might be well worth doing it as it will save you hunting for one here. Still, the prices are so stupidly cheap that it's still very good value.[/quote] If they had the old style headstock, I would probably order one. I know looks aint everything, but have you seen the new ones? I don't think I could live with it. Unbelievably awful!!!!
  9. [quote name='paul h' post='1054324' date='Dec 10 2010, 05:41 PM']IIRC I had to pay somewhere around £30 on top. It might be worth searching for a short scale Jim Deacon in the UK. They may or may not be, made in the same factory as SX. Nobody seems to be able to confirm the fact. However I have owned two SX's and now have a JD and they are remarkably similar.[/quote] Which models did you have, and were they all short scale? What did you think of them, and are they quite light? cheers
  10. [quote name='casapete' post='1054154' date='Dec 10 2010, 03:28 PM']Having broken my arm/shoulder a couple of years back, I know what you're going through. +1 for the Rees - tried one at a show a while ago and it felt great. Agreed with comments on Hohner B2A - nice n light but the neck that much further to your left makes it a bit of a stretch. (Guess this could be remedied with the Steinberger device which attaches to the neck strap button but they are rare as hens teeth.) Great to hear of a bit of Dano love too! My Dano Longhorn is really light & quite well balanced. Great for long gigs - only one sound really, but its a good un. Would recommend some good massage to help things along too - worked well for me. Good luck.[/quote] Yes, I agree with the massage idea, but was wondering what they mean by "extras" in the ads that I look at.
  11. This is a follow up to my other post, where I am looking for lightweight bass. [b]SX SHORT SCALE BASS[/b] I have heard that they play and sound good, and are also very light. Any idea where I might be able to pick one up? the only ones I have seen advertised in the UK are normally long-scale. I have considered buying direct from the States, but all the new ones have that hideous headstock on them because Fender bullied them into changing the original shape. If I did import one, does anyone know how much import tax would be added? They cost around $140.
  12. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1054030' date='Dec 10 2010, 01:57 PM']I made the move to short scale basses for the same reason as the OP, and I've never regretted it, ever. After 20 years of playing it was the right move to do. I did hover over it for ages though, but now know it's the right choice for me. I use two SX basses, a P and a J which I've modded slightly because they were so cheap. I can get all the tone I need from them just as I could out of the bigger brothers. No contest.[/quote] I've definately considered the SX short scale models, as I have heard that they play and sound really good, and are very light. Any idea where I might be able to pick one up? the only ones I have seen advertised in the UK are normally long-scale. I have considered buying direct from the States, but all the new ones have that hideous headstock on them because Fender bullied them into changing the original shape. If I did import one, does anyone know how much import tax would be added? They cost around $140.
  13. [quote name='urb' post='1053911' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:48 AM']I may be biased but my two Sei basses are very lightweight - mainly because they are made of ash and maple - so I think body woods are definitely a factor here - my trusty old 1990 Thumb bass was made of Bubinga and wenge and weighed a ton and the longer I played it, the more I noticed the weight and its affect on my left shoulder and how it was beginning to hurt after long rehearsals and gigs. Loads of great suggestions here but going down the custom route and getting a bass made with lightweight woods could be the best possible way to sort this situation out in the long term. Just my thoughts. M[/quote] I might look into a custom made bass, thanks for the idea. Did a four hour rehearsal last night with my bubinga corvette, suffering big time now! It's the heaviest guitar I've ever picked up! But it plays and sounds wonderful!
  14. [quote name='dave.c' post='1053751' date='Dec 10 2010, 09:40 AM']Due to back and shoulder problems following a bike accident, I like to have my basses weighing in close to the 8lb mark, give or take a couple of oz's, as measured on my cheap luggage scales: Gibson SGZ Spector Rebop4 DLX EX Zebrano 1988 Alembic Persuader 1985 Vigier Passion II Vigier Passion IV Hoyer ‘EB3’ Cort GB64 Dean ‘BrianBromberg’ B2 I find all of them versatile enough to cover all my needs except perhaps for the Hoyer which is strung with flats and has it's own niche really, within which it does have some great tones. If I had to go for one on sound, playability and all round loveliness, it would be the Vigier Passion IV, if sentimentality was bought into the equasion then the Alembic, but I could live and gig with any one of them as my only bass (Luckily I don't need to, and can have then all!) Also have a Hohner B2A which at 7 lbs.. ish is the lightest but due to the way it hangs further to the left, isn't the best for a bad shoulder as the reach to the lower frets is greater. Surprisingly my Warwick Thumb BO Fretless weighs only 9 lbs which isn't so bad considering the rumours of Warwicks huge weight! less than a lot of Fenders and their derivatives. Hope this helps, if you are around my neck of the woods then do come round for a cuppa and try them out. Dave[/quote] A little too far I'm afraid, but thanks for the offer, and I will certainly consider your recommendations.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='1053685' date='Dec 10 2010, 08:22 AM']Asking the obvious here...have you investigated whatever is causing you the pain in the first place..?[/quote] Yes, I injured it at work about a year ago, and am still having physio. I've been told it could be permanent. I know playing guitar is not helping it, but there's no way I'm giving that up, so I have no option other than finding a lighter bass, in the hope that it makes things a little easier
  16. [quote name='scoobystig' post='1053250' date='Dec 9 2010, 07:38 PM']agree, i have a Fender Precision Lyte, really light, not much heavier than a strat, i can easily do a 2hr plus gig with and not notice[/quote] What do they sound like, are they up there with standard Precisions?
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1053213' date='Dec 9 2010, 07:00 PM']I have the self same trouble. There are light basses out there but to save yourself grief I'd define what you mean by light! IMHO it needs to be lighter than 9lb to qualify as light, whereas I've bought basses off Basschat whereby owners have made claims of 'featherweight' and 'the lightest bass I've ever owned'... one can only assume that the latter comment was from someone economical with the truth, who has only ever owned one bass as the bass in question was closer to 11lb! The Fender Precision Lyte basses are pretty light and many of the new CV Jazz and Precision basses are around about 9lb (the two I've owned were just over). Though many claim that the Lakland Skylines 'can' be light I've yet to find one that is genuinely under 9lb (x2 DJ's were both way over 9lb and the JO was the 11lb offender). As has been mentioned there is the 'cricket bat' option and SOME hollowbodies (though beware some of them have solid cores and the extra large body size on some, really bumps the weight), such as the violin basses. If your budget stretches you can find some very lightweight Warwick Streamer basses but they need to be the early to mid 80's ones; I have two, one of them is 7lb 7oz the other about 8lb. I also have a Zon Sonus which is 8.5lb. The obvious which I'm sure you already do is to wear a nice wide strap. Best of luck from a fellow sufferer. [/quote] Yes I do have a wide strap, and it is very comfortable, but the annoying thing for me is that my first decent bass, was a Warwick Corvette Natural which I got for a mere £300 on ebay (in the days when Warwicks were going for silly money). It was fantastic sounding but showed signs of wear, but it was the [b]lightest[/b] bass that I have ever played! Stupidly, I thought that I like Warwicks so much, I would sell it on and get myself a brand new one, so that I could call it my own, so I decided to go for the Bubinga version, and believe me, it is one of the best looking and sounding Corvettes I've ever heard or played, BUT! it weighs well over [b]11 pounds![/b] Recently I got myself the natural ash version, and although it is a bit lighter, it is still causing problems. If I could buy my original Corvette back (warts & all), I would happily pay double what I got for it. Sigh!
  18. [quote name='Balcro' post='1053163' date='Dec 9 2010, 06:21 PM']The lightest bass I've come across (which isn't extra cheap) is the Ibanez SR500. Must be under 8lbs. Modern sound but doesn't do "a jazz". It's even lighter than my Cort.[/quote] Yes, I've picked one up once and it was very light, but never actually played it, but will definately consider one.
  19. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1053146' date='Dec 9 2010, 06:06 PM']The lightest one I recall playing was a Fender Aerodyne. It was [i]very[/i] light. Whilst it looked great. it also sounded pretty poor, but perhaps a pup/pre-amp change could work wonders for it. FWIW, I'm now on the hunt for an Italia Rimini deluxe which I just tried as I also need a light bass - it was perfect and sounded great![/quote] Tried out the 12-string guitar version a couple of years ago, and was very impressed with the quality. I will definately seek one out and give it a try.
  20. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1053120' date='Dec 9 2010, 05:48 PM']The Vintage Modified range of Squiers are popular here and they use light woods. If you are on about selling two to fund one I wonder if these are a bit below what you are looking for (?) but all the owners on here seem to rave about them.[/quote] I would consider anything that plays and feels right. I will go have a look and try. Thanks
  21. Due to increasing pain in my neck and shoulders, I am on the lookout for a decent 4-string bass that is also very lightweight. Not to bothered about cost, because I could sell a bass or two to cover it. I play mainly covers, so a bit of versatility would be useful. I've already gone down the lightweight amp route, with my Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 12 combo. Any suggestions on a decent bass? Thanks in advance!
  22. joinmyband.co.uk Virtually formed a complete band with this site, we also auditioned 3 drummers in one night, after an ad was on there just two days! Many many responses to all our ads.
  23. I have a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0-12T Combo which I am very happy with. I now want to add an extra cabinet, and the obvious choice is the Genz Benz STL 12T 300w cab, but I would like to know whether the Genz Benz STL 210T 400w cab would be a better choice. Which set-up would sound better, and which would be the loudest?
  24. I use a Roland Micro Cube Bass RX, costs around £165 new. Apart from sounding really good, with various amp settings and effects available, it also has an aux-in for CD/computer/iPod etc. It's great for playing along with songs and learning new stuff. It's tiny but packs a punch, can run on batteries too if required, and sits next to my chair in the living room, without my other half moaning.
  25. I have a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0-12T Combo which I am very happy with. I now want to add an extra cabinet, and the obvious choice is the Genz Benz STL 12T 300w cab, but I would like to know whether the Genz Benz STL 210T 400w cab would be a better choice. Which set-up would sound better, and which would be the loudest?
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