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Everything posted by Wilco

  1. Great bass - lots of similarities to an SGC Nanyo. Wonder if they were made in the same place?
  2. I'm normally in the 'hating relic'd finishes with a vengeance camp', but the reds & the black on that one are pretty cool looking it has to be said. Nice bass.
  3. I used to have one of these. Only got rid of it as wasn't playing much fretless at the time, but it was a great bass. Very light, very playable & great fretless tones. This shouldn't be around for long.
  4. I just had to have a bloody go on the configurator tonight didn't I....... 6 numbers Camelot - that's all I need....... you can do it!! 😆
  5. Ah yes, I should have checked the sellers location. You're right - a bargain. Just up the road from me too - shame it's 17mm & not 19mm string spacing otherwise I'd on my way to Gloucester by now!
  6. It's back on eBay!! The BGM award winning bass. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132586830399 Another high quality well worded ad by the seller. At least they haven't called it an Elwood this time......
  7. Seen this on eBay which I guess is your ad? I think with Maruszczyk's you'll have a better time selling them on here than eBay. Still a niche (but awesome) brand.
  8. I've just looked at the Newtone website in more detail & can now see that the Platinum strings have a finer outer core than the Diamond ones I bought. That might explain the slight 'tackiness' I mentioned above. To be fair that is probably by design then, & I'll order Platinum next time to see the difference.
  9. Most excellent backup to my Maruszczyk 4 stringer. (click on arrow right corner of above box)
  10. Here's my SB321 recently acquired from HappyJack. Was by no means abused, but it did need some fettling to get it up to scratch.
  11. Ok - they're on! The bass I put them on is recently new to me & previously had flatwounds on, so I can't really do a comparison. Helpful video on the Newtone website with a tip of bending the round core strings at the right place before cutting. They feel slightly 'tackier' compared to other nickelwounds I've played, but that could just be their newness. They feel good though & more importantly sound good too! Obviously can't speak for their longevity yet, but if they last half the time as the DR's then no worries as they are half the price! So far so good. A pic of the bass they are on;-
  12. Strings arrived this morning, so that's within the 14 day window promised when ordered (even taking into consideration the Easter bank hol) Fingers crossed should get the SB321 restrung over this weekend.
  13. Amend 'take a punt' to 'make a wise decision'!! 👍🏻🙂
  14. Can't be Andrew - surely that's the Maruszczyk Elwood 5 I bought from you!!! Stunning bass. Pleased for you though - that Sei looks lovely & glad you've been reunited with it. 👍🏻
  15. Used my 315 at a rehearsal yesterday. Sounded & played great. Bonus that it's lightweight meant that even after two and a half hours, no shoulder ache!
  16. Wow - that's a corker. If i didn't have another bass incoming in the next couple of days.....
  17. A good point, but the secondary reason to cost was that I still expect my Maruszczyk's to be my main gigging basses & the SGC's to be more rehearsal/ backup instruments. Seemed a bit extravagant to put £50 strings say on my 5 string SGC when it won't gig much. I'm liking the look of the Newtone's though. Apparently also the strings on new ACG instruments. Hoping they do the biz & if so, will put them on the Maruszczyk's too!
  18. I've ordered two sets of Diamonds - one 4 & one 5. Delivery time is up to 14 days, so might be a while before I can post what I think.
  19. Thanks for all the suggestions, but I'm liking this option. A UK company too. I can see a couple of Diamond sets being ordered shortly.
  20. So my Maruszczyk's have got DR Sunbeams on & I think they are superb strings. They are expensive though - probably too much for my current SGC Nanyo BC (& another one which I have incoming shortly). Putting £40 - £50 strings on a £1k bass seems acceptable, but spending that on a £250 bass seems a bit OTT! I think the round core of the Sunbeams is a factor of the feel I like, but literally every other nickel round wound string I look at has a hex core. Anyone know of a cheaper alternative to Sunbeams?
  21. Hopefully not a sign of standards dropping due to the fact they are a lot busier. On the plus side, Adrian seems to have reacted in completely the right way to resolve your main issue.
  22. The more recent MiM's seem to have a decent rep. I used to own a 1999 5 string MiM Jazz - worst bass I have ever owned. Tonally was a dud. Put a couple of Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders in it & it was louder, but somehow still tonally lifeless. Every note sounded like a dull thud. Couldn't get a decent action on it either. The Pau Ferro fretboard looked nice though, which was that particular instruments only redeeming feature!
  23. That's worth £25 of anyone's money......
  24. That's a shame because it's a lovely looking bass. Know what you mean though - I've got to have 19mm spacing on my basses.
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