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Everything posted by Humph

  1. Humph

    Feedback for P-ZARN

    Bought a set of 6 Warwick tuners from Neil. They were shipped immediately after payment was made, and arrived very quickly. Well packaged and in great condition. A pleasure to deal with!
  2. I bough Mike's Aguilar Octamizer. He posted it first class the morning after payment and it arrived within a few days. Well packaged and in great condition. Great guy!
  3. That's a really good price. I own one of these and they are very versatile. I've moved to individual pedals now but this served me well. GWTS
  4. Bought a J-Retro Preamp from Dave. Shipped next day delivery and came in the original box, well packaged with foam. He was also kind enough to include the original documentation and invoice. Top notch all round. Cheers!
  5. Thanks for the advice guys. I checked with my luthier and also got a second opinion on the truss rod. It would definitely be too risky and costly to repair. I've got some aguilar pickups ordered for it, and am currently deciding between the Audere and a John East preamp. I've also got my eye on some necks on eBay, so I'll potentially put a maple/pearl combination on and make it a little more Marcus-esque
  6. I had thought about including an on board preamp, but I own a MM and a Warwick, both with active electronics (albeit the W has a passive pull switch) so I was going to keep this one passive. However, that system looks pretty great. I like that it still allows the bass to be played passively. The guy I used for a set up does a lot of luthier work to basses but he did say a new neck would be in order. I may ask him what the cost would be to replace the truss though. Wouldn't there be a risk in damaging the old wood of the neck though? Edit: He says the replacement of the truss rod would be risky and costly. And he wouldn't be prepared to do it haha. New neck it is!
  7. Hi guys, I picked up this bass in a trade a number of months ago, but unfortunately when I left it for a set up a few months later, I discovered the truss rod was damaged and was recommended to get a replacement neck. The bass is not all original anyway, so I'm less concerned with 'preserving the originality' and more concerned with having a wonderful Jazz bass. My thought is to buy a part for part replacement neck. Which seem to be rarer than hen's teeth at the moment, so I'm wondering if it would be better to convert to a 4 bolt neck? (I've heard the 3 bolt necks are not the best anyway). But then more questions follow... Rosewood neck? Maple? Fretted? Fretless? Truss adjuster at the headstock? I'm also considering upgrading the pups and pots, currently there isn't a massive amount of gain from them, and certainly not an even amount from the individual pups compared to both on. So, what would you guys recommend for upgrades to make this an all singing J? I'm partly on the fence about putting in a fretless neck as well, since I have 2 5 string basses that are fretted. That decision will wait until I've tried out a few fretlesses anyway as I may not get on with them
  8. Bought a Tech 21 VT Bass pedal from Dan. Great communication and quick postage. Top notch
  9. Thanks for the feedback folks! I ended up going for a GK MB Fusion 500. I very nearly talked myself into the Fusion 550 but thankfully slapped myself enough to think better of it. I also got a steal of a deal on a GK Neo 112-II cabinet, so looking forward to having a blast when it arrives next week.
  10. My current setup: GK 700RB-II GK 410RBX for loud gigs GK 210BLX for small gigs/practice Unfortunately over the past few weeks, I blew an op-amp in the 700RB. I think an overheat caused at least 1A of power to course through the part, splitting the casing and breaking a copper trace. This was for the tweeter circuit which I don't actually use, but thankfully I work in a software place that has an electronics lab, so I was able to get some help and fix her up. This has led me to seek out a new amp for either my main amp or backup purposes (most likely it'll become my new main amp). I'm torn between the GK MB Fusion 500 and the Markbass Little Mark Tube (500 also). I won't need much more power than these provide, and I'm kind of craving the hybrid tube/SS design. Is the GK too similar to the one I already have? Is the MB reliable enough? I do like the punchy sound from the GK, although maybe I'm just conditioned to them after 10+ years of using it! Genuinely can't decide between these two so any opinions are welcomed!
  11. Humph


    I bought Dave's Warwick Streamer Jazzman and don't have a single complaint. It was shipped to my door within 24 hours and played wonderfully. Top bloke
  12. I doubt it, unless you think he'll see the error of his ways? Haha
  13. I thought as much! I report it as well, but I doubt that Gumtree will care. It's a pity you can't comment on adverts there. Thanks for the extra detective work guys!
  14. I saw this ad yesterday on my local Gumtree, and decided to look into it. He sent through a picture of the neck date stamp (which he's now put up publicly). However, when I pushed him on the pot dates and pickups, he claimed it was sold. That would be fair enough, but I was a bit skeptical, so I emailed him through the website again. Since I would have seemed like a new buyer he replied and said it was available, although has mysteriously gone silent again once I asked about the pickups and pots. Seems like a scam right? http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/vintage-1970-s-fender-precision-bass-guitar/1108775968
  15. I can only echo the feedback above, bought an MXR EQ pedal from Bryan, he posted it first class before I had paid, great condition and well packaged. Deal with confidence!
  16. Fantastic, picked up a copy of the Slap Bass B Stock. Thanks!
  17. Music shops are woeful here in general. They don't even stock good bass strings half the time... hello Thomann! Matchett's in particular winds me up every time I'm in. They used to stock a Warwick Thumb and Jazzman, but now it's all Fenders/Squires/Ibanez. Mehhhh.
  18. Thanks guys! @Ticktock - I'm actually stationed just outside of Ballyclare, I'm up round Ballymena all the time haha. Pity there's no good music shops there though. I guess all we have is Baird's!
  19. Hi chaps and chapettes, I'm Adam, and I'm from Belfast. I've played bass for around 14 years now, and I suppose I could say I've played semi-professionally for the past 6 (insofar as gigging once a month or so and recording one album is semi-pro... I'll let you decide). I've lurked around here for a while but never got into posting. I used to frequent a forum for years back in my early teens, I'm a little out of practice but I'm sure it'll all come back to me. I work in software engineering, but honestly I'd much rather play bass for a living (a man can dream). This year I have a production of Evita coming up in April and a week-long Christian conference in August, both to pretty large audiences so I'm looking forward to that My (current) setup: Main workhorse bass - MM Stingray 5H 20th Anniversary Edition [url="http://imgur.com/y0L635h"]http://imgur.com/y0L635h[/url] Backup bass - MM Stingray 4H [url="http://imgur.com/oZOLiX9"]http://imgur.com/oZOLiX9[/url] Gallien Krueger 700RB-II + GK 4x10 RBX (also a GK 2x10 BLX for small gigs/practices) Boss TU-2 (a must) MXR Bass Compressor MXR Bass Envelope Filter And also a few guitars: Martin DM [url="http://imgur.com/atlyzdk"]http://imgur.com/atlyzdk[/url] Fender Jaguar '75 [url="http://imgur.com/Pw29wqT"]http://imgur.com/Pw29wqT[/url] At the moment I'm really struggling with my desire for a nice Fender Jazz Deluxe V, or even worse, an F Bass BN5. Temptations abound. Nice to meet you all!
  20. Hi guys, long time lurker here! I'm playing in a production of Evita in April, and was wondering how to best monitor myself as I'm sure the sound team will want to keep pit noise to a minimum. I've worked with some great sound guys but I'm not prepared to rely on the PA system + monitors (which are often in short supply) to hear myself So I was thinking of routing from my Boss TU-2's bypass output to my earphones. Will this work? Or would I need a mini mixer to balance the signal? Thanks guys, Adam
  21. Thanks for the feedback Ou7shined. I was a bit worried that people were being put off because I'm a new seller. To be honest I never part with guitars, this is the first I've had to sell. I'll try and get some more pictures in the next day or two. Thanks again
  22. I've noticed a lot of other Stingrays are getting replies yet this topic has been left untouched - is it a lack of pictures or because I have no posts? I can provide more pics or proof of genuineness if needs be. I'd really like to try and sell it this week.
  23. Still for sale and dropped to £800 after a deal falling through tonight.
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