It's my birthday coming up soon and I figure what better way to spend any Birthday dosh then on a new practice amp.
Currently i'm playing in a covers band, playing stuff like The Who, Stereophonics, Foo Fighters, etc and i'm getting fed up of lugging my 100watt Carlsbro Viper amp around (it's one old, havy beast).
So ideally i'm looking for a decent practice amp I can use for home but also for rehersals with the band as well. It's ideally got to be sub £200.
I've been thinking about either: a Orange Crush Pix 50BXT (£169) OR a HiWatt MaxWatt B60 (£158)
Though i've also flirted with the idea of a Marshall MB60 but at £280 it's quite pricey.
Any thoughts people? Any amps I really should consider other then above?